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Old 06-15-2023, 11:17 AM   #1481
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Does he get a good look at the guy at any point? (Just making sure if this is Slick or someone he's met before or not.)
A mediocre look at the guy. Its one of the thugs the karana dinosaurs attacked.

Most stores these days have displays for such things near the registers, so he looks there and he will do a search for "gift cards" on the web.
Yes, they have gift cards.

Peter considers the facility he was in, thinks of how it was positioned to the gate he opened and abandoned and the presence of the garage, and sees if he can identify which quick grow facility he was in.
He's pretty sure its not the one open to the public. He's not sure otherwise.

Does Peter learn this before the man comes looking for him and the loaner phone he had stashed?
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Old 06-16-2023, 06:37 AM   #1482
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

If Peter can see the man looking for him from the store, he snaps a picture with the demo phone.

This could get sticky...

Peter is going to call the police.

He will "take the fifth" on how he got into the facility in the first place, but give them a detailed account of everything else (But he leaves out the bit about the Karana Compy attack).
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Old 06-16-2023, 10:06 AM   #1483
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The picture has been snapped.

"Hello. Yes. What Crime are you reporting? Do you have any evidence? Other than eye-witness? Who am I talking to?"
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Old 06-16-2023, 11:17 AM   #1484
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter reports that
"There was a sentient cat-girl manufactured. I witnessed a man beaten for trying to free her by a group of men. The men were talking about killing him painfully for trying to expose their operation. I tired to help the girl get away, but she was re-caught."

One appeared at the time to be a law officer... has he seen any other around? has this turned out to be more of a security uniform? If he's pretty sure it was law enforcement, he'll add "I'm pretty sure it was a cop."

He has only his own eye-witness account, but he is sure there must be paper trials, video and witnesses based on the sheer number of people who had to be aware for her creation and sale, and then those who have seen the cat girl when they set the gate alarm off and the assumption that most of this place would be likely under video surveillance. Add to that a faction with other goals aware of the shenanigans and sending sandwich messages... if the cops shake the tree, something is bound to fall out.

Peter will also refer the police to Nancy to get her statement about who they claimed Peter was and how what they said about him being an auditor when he was caught poking around was a demonstrable fabrication, and identify the man who came looking for the loaner phone he was given as one of the assailants. (Was it the one he thought might be a cop?)

"My name is Peter Nichols. I can tell you my story, but you're not going to believe it, and you're gonna conclude that I'm a decanted creation with a weird old-world back story and we'll waste a lot of valuable time...

Can we thwart the bad guy and save the girl first?"

((Peter would normally try and Scooby-do this on his own, but with the cat-girl in a crate, presumably ready to be shipped to her buyer, time is short.))
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Old 06-19-2023, 10:15 AM   #1485
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter reports that
"There was a sentient cat-girl manufactured. I witnessed a man beaten for trying to free her by a group of men. The men were talking about killing him painfully for trying to expose their operation. I tired to help the girl get away, but she was re-caught."
"Give me a description of the man? When was this? Do you know where the girl is now?"

One appeared at the time to be a law officer... has he seen any other around? has this turned out to be more of a security uniform? If he's pretty sure it was law enforcement, he'll add "I'm pretty sure it was a cop."
More of a security uniform, I'm afraid.

He has only his own eye-witness account, but he is sure there must be paper trials, video and witnesses based on the sheer number of people who had to be aware for her creation and sale, and then those who have seen the cat girl when they set the gate alarm off and the assumption that most of this place would be likely under video surveillance. Add to that a faction with other goals aware of the shenanigans and sending sandwich messages... if the cops shake the tree, something is bound to fall out.
Is he going to bring that logic chain up?

Peter will also refer the police to Nancy to get her statement about who they claimed Peter was and how what they said about him being an auditor when he was caught poking around was a demonstrable fabrication, and identify the man who came looking for the loaner phone he was given as one of the assailants. (Was it the one he thought might be a cop?)
The details of Nancy are written down, and it is asked "Are you in any immediate danger?"

"My name is Peter Nichols. I can tell you my story, but you're not going to believe it, and you're gonna conclude that I'm a decanted creation with a weird old-world back story and we'll waste a lot of valuable time...
"the source of this information is important. We've received a lot of anonymous tips about these facilities and have turned up nothing in multiple searches. So this just another anonymous tip in a long series of what they consider harassment, or do we have an identity to attach to this."

Can we thwart the bad guy and save the girl first?"
"Do you know where the cat-girl is?"
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Old 06-19-2023, 06:32 PM   #1486
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Give me a description of the man? When was this? Do you know where the girl is now?"
Peter describes the man in as much detail as he can muster. He explains that he knows the girl was in the facility, boxed, and moved to an iron shipping container and the approximate time he thinks she was loaded (based on when he dreamed it). Hopefully they have not shipped her off-station already...
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Is he going to bring that logic chain up?
He will!

There were the original attackers, a few guards at the gate, whoever was in the truck, I presume other guards escorted him... there was talk of charges of course which may be a place to look for paperwork. Peter gives a description of "Slick" as well.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The details of Nancy are written down, and it is asked "Are you in any immediate danger?"

"the source of this information is important. We've received a lot of anonymous tips about these facilities and have turned up nothing in multiple searches. So this just another anonymous tip in a long series of what they consider harassment, or do we have an identity to attach to this."
Peter allows himself to succumb to authority. If they are the police, they must be good and protect us from the bad corporations. ((oh, sweet summer-child...))

"I'll walk in there with you right now. In fact I want to, preferably while Nancy is still on shift and can confirm my story. My name is Peter Nichols, and I'm not from this habitatchamacallit, I'm kind of a stow-away, but I'll make an official statement or affidavit or whatever."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Do you know where the cat-girl is?"
"No, Only where she was... But if we're lucky, she's still there... "

Peter describes what he's wearing and that he'll be the one with a giant dog.
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Old 06-20-2023, 09:31 AM   #1487
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter describes the man in as much detail as he can muster. He explains that he knows the girl was in the facility, boxed, and moved to an iron shipping container and the approximate time he thinks she was loaded (based on when he dreamed it). Hopefully they have not shipped her off-station already...
"which entrance was she shipped out of?"

He will!
if the cops shake the tree, something is bound to fall out
"In all honesty, we've shaken this tree before. We're tired of shaking this tree, because nothing ever falls out."

There were the original attackers, a few guards at the gate, whoever was in the truck, I presume other guards escorted him... there was talk of charges of course which may be a place to look for paperwork. Peter gives a description of "Slick" as well.
The person dutifully takes everything down. The emphasis appears to be on Nancy though.

Peter allows himself to succumb to authority. If they are the police, they must be good and protect us from the bad corporations. ((oh, sweet summer-child...))
That's... pretty characteristic of Peter. This will be interesting to watch go down.


"I'll walk in there with you right now. In fact I want to, preferably while Nancy is still on shift and can confirm my story. My name is Peter Nichols, and I'm not from this habitatchamacallit, I'm kind of a stow-away, but I'll make an official statement or affidavit or whatever."
"We can't come in without credible evidence of an active crime, but we will certainly come pick you up. They are on route right now."

"No, Only where she was... But if we're lucky, she's still there... "
"Which is which dock?"
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Old 06-20-2023, 03:23 PM   #1488
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"which entrance was she shipped out of?"
There are three building possibilities and from the vantage point he could see the city, the enclosure, swimming pools etc. He will have another look again at the map and try again to narrow it down.

"I'm not sure which building, but maybe Goliath can help sniff her out!"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"In all honesty, we've shaken this tree before. We're tired of shaking this tree, because nothing ever falls out."
"Fresh branches, coming right up!!"
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
That's... pretty characteristic of Peter. This will be interesting to watch go down.
Indeed. In general Peter is respectful of authority, as a good scout should be! Alas, not all authority is respectable...
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"We can't come in without credible evidence of an active crime, but we will certainly come pick you up. They are on route right now."
"Come find me at the center cloning building outside the gates!"
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Which is which dock?"
"I'm not certain... I'll go see if I can find the cat girl. You track down Nancy and get her statement on the 'too-young-security-auditor' from today, and find out exactly what they said when they lied about who I am."

Peter hangs up and heads over to the cloning complexes. If he is uninterrupted, his plan is to see if he can find the cat-girl or at least the right bay by scouting with karana bugs.

If that doesn't work he will grab something to stick between his legs as a makeshift tail that he wags while putting his fingers up like cat ears on his head and makes meowing noises and says to Goliath " 'Member the cat-girl? find the cat-girl Goliath!"

(( Meow! LOL ))
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Old 06-21-2023, 10:32 AM   #1489
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Indeed. In general Peter is respectful of authority, as a good scout should be! Alas, not all authority is respectable...
I love that he's consistently gotten better results with things like Slick or the Tyrants of Thuroma than with respectable civilian governments like the US Military or the Creteceous-7 Police.

"Come find me at the center cloning building outside the gates!" "I'm not certain... I'll go see if I can find the cat girl. You track down Nancy and get her statement on the 'too-young-security-auditor' from today, and find out exactly what they said when they lied about who I am."
"Wait, are you staying there or are you leaving? We can't protect you if we can't find you!"

"Nancy is a solid lead. We'll talk to her."

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
There are three building possibilities and from the vantage point he could see the city, the enclosure, swimming pools etc. He will have another look again at the map and try again to narrow it down.

"I'm not sure which building, but maybe Goliath can help sniff her out!"....

Peter hangs up and heads over to the cloning complexes. If he is uninterrupted, his plan is to see if he can find the cat-girl or at least the right bay by scouting with karana bugs.

If that doesn't work he will grab something to stick between his legs as a makeshift tail that he wags while putting his fingers up like cat ears on his head and makes meowing noises and says to Goliath " 'Member the cat-girl? find the cat-girl Goliath!"

(( Meow! LOL ))
Goliath barks. Of course he can find the cat girl's scent!

Landmarks, Landmarks. What places were next to where she went? What was that weird stutter step in the walls? Yeah. So probably the closest of the three complexes, half a mile east.

OCC: rolled a 5 vs. Dreaming to remember dream.

The Area he really wants to get into is walled off by 20 foot high cement walls.
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Old 06-21-2023, 12:04 PM   #1490
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I love that he's consistently gotten better results with things like Slick or the Tyrants of Thuroma than with respectable civilian governments like the US Military or the Creteceous-7 Police.

It makes perfect sense to me. for at least two reasons that come to mind:

If he recognizes them as an authority, he takes the treatment he's given for the most part. When he does not recognize their authority, he self advocates much harder, and he's pretty good at it.

And the shadier contacts are more willing to deal, as Peter can represent a personal opportunity and there is less red tape in general.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

"Wait, are you staying there or are you leaving? We can't protect you if we can't find you!"

"Nancy is a solid lead. We'll talk to her."
((Aaaah crap. Her name was "Lisa Mendenhall". Peter would have gotten that right, can we pretend that he did please... He has photographic memory and it was within the hour, I do not and for me it was longer...))

"Yeah, Imma go see if I can find the cat-girl. Have your guys go find out whatever they can about today's 'incident', and then come find me. The lady's name was Lisa Mendenhall, and there was a guy named Leo in the tower when I came in."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Area he really wants to get into is walled off by 20 foot high cement walls.
Peter will head over to the spot on the other side of the wall and send his Karana bugs over the wall and see if he can find her!
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