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Old 05-13-2014, 05:09 AM   #1
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Default [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

A race of small but genius non-humans who've figured out genetic manipulation.
In GURPS terms, it's Magic assisted manipulation.
They find a way to enhance their more combative folk via magical chimerisation.
The Alt.Form needs mana to maintain, uses mana to power it's enhanced healing effects. Turned on, burning Fatigue, it's a living tank; off, you've got skin like ballistic cloth but can still burn fatigue to use the super healingy thingies.
My problems:
Am I right in thinking they have three forms: baseline Zero Mana Zone only, Alt.Form off and Alt.Form on? So cost is [Alt.Form On]-[Baseline] *0.9 + [15]?

Do they need to pay for the in-between form too?

If it's mana dependant, that's a power modifier (-10%?) - does it mean the Alt.Form gets an extra 10% off? ie ([Alt.Form On]-[Baseline] *0.9 + [15]) *0.9?
"Sanity is a bourgeois meme." Exegeek
PS sorry I'm a Parthian shootist: shiftwork + out of country = not here when you are:/
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Old 05-13-2014, 05:20 AM   #2
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Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

I don't see the reason to actually make it Alternate Form unless there're other undocumented changes (size, mass, attributes, features, etc.)

Otherwise it's just several Alternative Abilities (just as with Alternative Attacks from Basic, p.61, but for any ability) or even set of Alternative Limitations for one ability if only traits that change are Regeneration and DR.
MH Setting. Welcome to help.
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Old 05-13-2014, 06:16 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2014
Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

No-mana shouldn't need a third alt-form; that's taken care of by the power modifier on all the extra traits (without mana your abilities don't function).
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Old 05-13-2014, 08:55 AM   #4
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Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

Originally Posted by jacobmuller View Post
My problems:
Am I right in thinking they have three forms: baseline Zero Mana Zone only, Alt.Form off and Alt.Form on? So cost is [Alt.Form On]-[Baseline] *0.9 + [15]?

Do they need to pay for the in-between form too?

If it's mana dependant, that's a power modifier (-10%?) - does it mean the Alt.Form gets an extra 10% off? ie ([Alt.Form On]-[Baseline] *0.9 + [15]) *0.9?
The power modifer does not include the pool or racial template (though some of the racial abilities may have it).
All modifiers are only applied to the base 15 points.
I also agree it does not sound like you need a zero mana form.
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Old 05-13-2014, 10:27 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

Build the race's "No mana" template and simply add any of the mana-dependent abilities of the "off" form with the Magic (-10%) Limitation, then have the "on" form as an Alternate Form. So, they have something like DR 16 (Tough Skin -40%, Magical -10%) [40], Very Fast Regeneration (Costs 2 FP -10%, Magical -10%) [80] on their template, and a variety of awesome abilities on their Alternate Form.

EDIT: As for getting a discount on the template for its reliance on mana, you'd put that reliance on the initial [15] only, as indicated by Refplace. That said, I don't think it would be unbalanced to put Dependency (Mana, Constantly) on the Alternate Form's template... although I'm not clear on what happens if you are already "shifted" and you enter an area where the Magical Limitation applies (do you automatically revert to your true form, or are you stuck in your alternate form? I could see it going either way).

Last edited by Varyon; 05-13-2014 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 05-13-2014, 10:39 AM   #6
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Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

First, I'm a little confused by your description. Could you convert some of it into GURPS terms? What sort of advantages/abilities will these various forms have?

Second, Alternate Form (AF) with time spent in this form limited by FP (or ER) is a little tricky. Give them a Weakness that burns ER instead of HP and an automatic transformation triggered by an empty ER.

Third, Magical, -10% on an AF is a little tricky, too. AF is a transitional ability. It activates, does its thing, then when the transformation is complete, AF is no longer working. Like an Innate Attack: it's not "on" when it's not firing. So AF (Magical, -10%) would prevent transformation in *either direction* in No Mana Zones (NMZ), but if the character were already in the AF, then it wouldn't switch them back to "normal."
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Old 05-13-2014, 02:05 PM   #7
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Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

I've just sketched some ideas

ST 6 [-40] DX 8 [-40] IQ 14 [80] HT 10 [0]
SM-2; Basic Speed 4.5 [0]; Basic Move 6 [10]
Perk: Speed of Thought (mental actions use Speed 6); High Manual Dex +4 [20] Night Vision 4 [4]; Feature: Nictitating Membrane DR0.

Enhanced but Alt Form off, ie looks normal
If the enhancements are Mana dependant does a Magic Power discount apply?
ST +4 [40] DX +4 [80] HT +4 [40]
Rapid Healing [5]; Regeneration (Fast) {cost fatigue, magic} [50-%]; Regrowth {cost fatigue, magic} [40-%]; Recovery [10]; DR 20 (Tough Skin, -40%) [60]
Overconfidence [-3]
Secret: you're a monster (result of exposure, possibly: Social Stigma 2nd Class citizen/ valuable property; Bad Reputation; Enemy)

Alt Form On, looks like anthropomorhic cockroach
ST +20 [200] DX +4 [80], HT +4 [40]
Speed +5 [100]
Rapid Healing [5]; Regeneration (Fast) {cost fatigue, magic} [50-%]; Regrowth {cost fatigue, magic} [40-%]; Recovery [10]; Unkillable [50]; DR 100 Hardened [600]; Claws [?] & Jaws [?]; Very Fit [?]
Overconfidence [-10] Appearance Monstrous [-20] maybe Enemy (small org -20, Hunter, rare 1/2) [-10] and Bad Rep.

My intent would be they revert to baseline in a no mana zone, operate for free in VH Mana - both rare. I want to add a transformation sequence that involves pain but can be bought off, ie experienced users can do it faster and painlessly. Want to do something with Corruption - how they earn that bad rep.
"Sanity is a bourgeois meme." Exegeek
PS sorry I'm a Parthian shootist: shiftwork + out of country = not here when you are:/
It's all in the reflexes
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Old 05-13-2014, 08:13 PM   #8
Join Date: May 2013
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Default Re: [Basic Set] Alternate Form {and a little extra}

1. Smart little buggers, aren't they?

2. Yes. Applying the Magic PM includes making those enhancements mana-dependent.

3. Include an Energy Reserve (Magic), and add Can Only Be Powered By Energy Reserve to the abilities that need to be turned on.

4. Anthro form is definitely Alternate Form, with an Uncontrollable Trigger limitation. No PM on your AF, but, the Uncontrollable Trigger causes you to revert in a No Mana Zone. Sure, the rules for it say you can roll, but, you can combine it with Uncontrolled Change to say "this is the condition where transformation occurs within seconds."

5. By RAW, AF takes 10 seconds. This can be bought down with Reduced Time. If you want it to be painful, there are limitations for various levels of pain.
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