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Old 03-11-2020, 01:20 PM   #421
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
Hero: Supergirl
Alias: Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang
Looks nice, when will she appear in the pdf? :)
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Old 03-11-2020, 02:50 PM   #422
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
The animated film version of Superman: Brainiac (I forget what they called the film)
I believe that's Superman Unbound
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Old 03-11-2020, 06:09 PM   #423
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by OldSam View Post
Looks nice, when will she appear in the pdf? :)
I've been thinking about that. And if I ever actually put together a PDF, I'll probably start with Volume 1: Gotham City...but eventually, yes.

Originally Posted by CeeDub View Post
I believe that's Superman Unbound
Yes, that's it, thanks.

I'm actually a little stuck on how to manage Brainiac's weakness. In the comics (Superman:Brainiac), I believe it was represented more as germophobia, and in Superman Unbound is was represented as a sort of sensory overload to the sights and sounds of life on a planet outside his ship. Of course, I could justifiably ignore this, since it wasn't a part of his character for the first 60 or so years of his comics history, but he is ridiculously powerful...
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Old 03-11-2020, 06:31 PM   #424
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

One question with Brainiac: Are you going the Coluan humanoid (Vril Dox) or the Coluan-built humanoid-robot computer (that thought it was/assumed the identity of Vril Dox when interacting with others)? (I'm not quite sure which one is canon anymore; the one from SuperFriends was the green-skinned Coluan.)
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

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Old 03-12-2020, 05:37 AM   #425
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
One question with Brainiac: Are you going the Coluan humanoid (Vril Dox) or the Coluan-built humanoid-robot computer (that thought it was/assumed the identity of Vril Dox when interacting with others)? (I'm not quite sure which one is canon anymore; the one from SuperFriends was the green-skinned Coluan.)
I'm going with a bit of a hybrid: A Coluan who essentially upgraded himself into an AI.
He's definitely able to do the trick of making new bodies for himself and rebuilding himself from a single line of code, etc...
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Old 03-12-2020, 10:58 PM   #426
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Villain: Brainiac
Alias: Vril Dox
Allies and Affiliations: None

Vril Dox was once simply the smartest scientist on the technologically advanced planet Colu. But he became obsessed with increasing his own intellect and ultimately with understanding everything in the universe. He is a machine now, his consciousness has been merged with an artificial intelligence and his limits completely removed. He is now a 12th-level intellect and perhaps the most intelligent being in the cosmos.

The problem, he soon realized, was that something can only be fully understood for a moment. Once it is allowed to evolve or change, you have to start over. The solution, for Brainiac, is to destroy something once it is understood. Nevertheless, he maintains a digital copy, a sample city from every world he destroys, in order to preserve that knowledge (albeit in a form he can control).

Notably, one of the planets he has targeted was Krypton. He made a digital copy of the city of Kandor, and all of its citizens. After destroying the city, he decided it was unnecessary to destroy the rest of the planet--he knew it would soon destroy itself.

The beings Brainiac uploads are still, in some sense, alive. In the cyberspace cities on Brainiac's ship, the people of countless destroyed cities continue to live, love, hate, and yearn for freedom.

Brainiac is probably Superman's most powerful foe. When he is onboard his ship, he has mental control over everything around him and near god-like power. Off his ship, his cybernetic body is as powerful as most superheros, and he can duplicate his own mind to take over computers and a electronic machinery around him. If he is destroyed but even one line of his code remains, he will eventually rebuild himself and create a new body for himself.
Name: Brainiac
Race: Coluan

Attributes [120]
ST 24 (ST includes +14 from 'Super ST')
DX 14 [80]
IQ 30 (IQ includes +20 from 'Extra IQ')
HT 14 [40]

HP 24
Will 30
Per 30
FP 14

Basic Lift 115
Damage 2d+1/4d+2

Basic Speed 7
Basic Move 7

Air Move 14
Ground Move 7
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 12 [20]
Cultural Familiarities:
Languages: Coluan (Native) [0].

Advantages [11409]
Ally (Robot Drones) (25% of starting points) (15 or less; Group Size (11-20); Minion (w/IQ 0 or Slave mentality); Summonable) [48]
Wealth (Multimillionaire 4) [150]

Robotic Body
Altered Time Rate (2) (Super-Speed; Superscience) [220]
Burning Attack (Energy Blasts) (20) (Armor Divisor (5); Superscience) [240]
Damage Resistance (Force Feild) (200) (Can't Wear Armor; Force Field; Hardened (+2)) [1200]
Damage Resistance (Robotic Body) (150) (Flexible; Hardened (+1); Superscience) [675]
Doesn't Breathe (Superscience) [18]
Doesn't Eat or Drink (Superscience) [9]
Doesn't Sleep (Superscience) [18]
Flight (Superscience) [36]
Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/20); Unliving) [220]
Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec) (Fatigue Recovery; Superscience) [190]
Resistant (Metabolic Hazards) (Very Common) (Immunity; Superscience) [27]
Super ST (+14/+500) (Affects displayed ST score; Size; Super ST; Superscience) [546]

Super-Intelligent AI
Compartmentalized Mind (2) (Massively Parallel; Superscience) [110]
Digital Mind (Superscience) [5]
Duplication (4) (Digital; No Sympathetic Injury; Superscience) [70]
Enhanced Time Sense (Superscience) [41]
Extra IQ (20) (Affects IQ; Super Attribute; Superscience) [460]
Gadgeteer (Quick) [50]
Intuitive Mathematician [5]
Language Talent [10]
Mind Control (Accessibility (Machines and AIs Only) (+6); Conditioning; Independent; Superscience) [75]
Modular Abilities (Cosmic Power) (Gadgets 1 hour to reconfigure; Per point of abilities (+500); Superscience) [2250]
Modular Abilities (Slotted Cosmic Power) (Slot 2 (+4); Superscience; Trait Limited: One specific trait (Language) [11]
Modular Abilities (Slotted Cosmic Power 1) (Slot 1 (+4); Superscience; Trait Limited: One specific trait (Languages)) [11]
Modular Abilities (Skills) (Cosmic Power) (Per point of abilities (+40); Superscience; Skills Only) [320]
Photographic Memory [10]
Possession (Digital; Full Memory Access; Superscience) [60]
Unkillable (3) (Reincarnation; Superscience) [105]

Skull Ship
Modular Abilities (On Ship) (Cosmic Power) (Accessibility (Only on board his ship) (+5); Focus Limited: Any ordinary variety of matter (Machinery); Per point of abilities (+400); Physical Only; Superscience) [3200]
Signature Gear (TL 12 Starship) (999) [999]

Disadvantages [-135]
Appearance (Monstrous) [-20]
Callous [-5]
Curious (6 or less) [-10]
Disturbing Voice [-10]
Enemy (Superman) (Less powerful than the PC) (9 or less) [-5]
Low Empathy [-20]
Megalomania [-10]
Obsession (Gain all the knowledge in the universe (and keep it from changing)) (Long-Term Goal) (6 or less) [-20]
Reputation ("The Collector of Worlds") (-4) (All the time; Almost everyone) [-20]
Trademark (Keeps digital copies of cities.) (Elaborate) [-15]

Skills [80]
Astronomy/TL12 IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Biology/TL12 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ+0 30 [8]
Biology/TL12 (Gas Giants) IQ/VH - IQ-1 29 [4]
Biology/TL12 (Hostile Terrestrial) IQ/VH - IQ-1 29 [4]
Biology/TL12 (Ice Dwarfs) IQ/VH - IQ-1 29 [4]
Biology/TL12 (Ice Worlds) IQ/VH - IQ-1 29 [4]
Biology/TL12 (Rock Worlds) IQ/VH - IQ-1 29 [4]
Chemistry/TL12 IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Earthlike) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Gas Giants) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Hostile Terrestrial) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Ice Dwarfs) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Ice Worlds) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Geology/TL12 (Rock Worlds) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Mathematics/TL12 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Mathematics/TL12 (Computer Science) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Mathematics/TL12 (Pure) IQ/H - IQ+0 30 [4]
Physics/TL12 IQ/VH - IQ+0 30 [8]

Stats [120] Ads [11409] Disads [-135] Quirks [0] Skills [80] = Total [11474]
Notes: Take a look at his Modular abilities: At any given time he speaks two additional languages, has 40 points in whatever additional skills he needs, and has 500 points in abilities with the gadget limitations (it takes 1 hour to reconfigure his points). On board his ship he has an additional 400 points in any abilities that can be represented by controling the machinery of the ship itself.
Note also his Digital Duplication, Mind Control, Possession, and Compartmentalized mind. None of these are alternate abilities, he can possess and control multiple robotic bodies or computer systems at once.
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Old 03-12-2020, 11:00 PM   #427
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Okay, this version of Brainiac is a little bit of a rough draft. I didn't include the weakness to sensory overload from chaotic ecosystems. But I might. I'm thinking of building it as Dread (Very Common) -30.
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Old 03-12-2020, 11:44 PM   #428
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
Hero: Supergirl
Alias: Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang
Affiliations: Superman Family
Area of Operation: Metropolis

When Krypton was destroyed, Kal-El wasn't the only child who was saved. Jor-El's brother sent his teenage daughter as well.

The plan was that Kara Zor-El would be there to help raise her nephew and teach him about his Kryptonian heritage. Things didn't go according to plan. Due to the vagaries of faster than light travel, what was a 30 day trip for Kara (just enough time for her to learn one Earth language), ended up taking almost 30 years longer than Kal-El's journey.

Minor point, Kara isn't Jor-El's sister, or Lara's, either, as far as we know; so she's superman's cousin, not his aunt. Therefore, it's help raise her cousin, not "help raise her nephew."
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Old 03-13-2020, 01:19 AM   #429
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post
Minor point, Kara isn't Jor-El's sister, or Lara's, either, as far as we know; so she's superman's cousin, not his aunt. Therefore, it's help raise her cousin, not "help raise her nephew."
Yep, good catch. I'll fix that.
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Old 03-13-2020, 03:49 PM   #430
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post
Minor point, Kara isn't Jor-El's sister, or Lara's, either, as far as we know; so she's superman's cousin, not his aunt. Therefore, it's help raise her cousin, not "help raise her nephew."
Kara's father is Zor-El, Jor-El's brother; her mother's name is Alura.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

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