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Old 01-28-2013, 01:32 PM   #111
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so would I assume from your comments that the event sof ep 1,2,3 did not happen?
You can get more with a 2X4 and a kind word then with just a kind word!

Randal Kane - Trent Bauer
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:35 PM   #112
Join Date: Jan 2016

Originally Posted by Skullcrusher View Post
so would I assume from your comments that the event sof ep 1,2,3 did not happen?
Well I would say they happened if people want them to, but I do not like how George messed with a bunch of stuff.

I am also considering running the game on RPOL.NET it is more conducive to PBP with built in die rollers and group set ups.

Last edited by DarkForce; 01-28-2013 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 02-21-2013, 11:26 AM   #113
Hero of Democracy
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Lost in Dreams is starting up.

This is a one person world jumping game centered around a character who can't control their world hopping abilities, and routinely ends up naked on new worlds.

The emphasis is on roleplaying, with survival and exploration elements. Its about convincing the folk of Salem you know nothing about witch craft, Intimidating the barbaric orcs of Oggolug, dodging laser-wielding Nazis in Berlin, and wooing the lovely daughter of the clans-chief.

Post in the OCC if you're interested. Only one person can play in a game, but I may be able to run a couple versions.
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Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 03-04-2013, 08:10 AM   #114
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I peeked the lost in dreams games going on. Really good work I must say. Are they the result of your question thread "what makes a good PBP-game?"?
Color me interested in your future games.
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Old 03-06-2013, 11:15 AM   #115
Join Date: Jan 2016

So I have been running a star wars game on and it has been taking off with out a hitch. I would like to run the same game and story here with some difference.

Here is the Teaser Tag:

"The Galaxy has gone through a war between the Empire and the Rebellion. There is still a lot of Imperial fleets and high ranking officers. There are 7 that are in favor of rebuilding the Republic.

There 7 Moffs(this is like the Highest ranked general) are all in peace talks with the Rebel Alliance. Things are going well. Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebel Alliance, is making great headway with the Moffs to re-create the Senate and rebuild the Republic.

However 1 Moff, Moff Garren does not agree with these peace talks. He has set about to destroy and assassinate the newly formed senate as well as the rebel leader and steal one of the greatest kept secrets in the Empire."

Here are some notes about the game...

1. It bends Cannon to damn well breaking it. If you are a hardcore fan boi you will not like it.

2. It will be low on the Jedi/Sith side. As in Players will be very limited as Jedi's. This is because at this point in the star wars universe there are only 4 known Jedi/sith, and 3 of them are dead.

3. The Beginning part will be a little bit railed with the decisions of the party changing the objectives that come right after the intro. So if you feel railed and do not like it, just hold out for a little bit. If you do not like that at all and you can't be a little patient, this might not be for you.

Here are some Character creation guidlines:

You are some of the best people at what you do. You are skilled and trained.

Players start at 400 CP. Try to make your characters with good advantages that would define your type of player. A Slicer would have lots of advantages that define a hacker as well as the skills back it up. There are no templates so really try to define and chisel out your character.

There is a -50 cp disadvantage limit.

At least 100 Points must be spent in skills. You will be using these skills and will be required to face the out comes of them. While I won't make you use skills to walk and breath, you will need skills to do things like shoot, pilot, slice(star wars hacking), be a doctor, ETC. If fail rolls you fail rolls. The consequences will come and the group need to deal with them.

Everyone will need to identify with either the Rebels or the Imperials. No ifs, ands, or Buts about it. Also you must roll play it out. Imps and Rebels just got done with the war and Rebels just embarrassingly defeated the imps for the second time...

Turns in combat.
At the beginning of combat we will take everyone's speed and average it out. This will be done to the opposition as well, what ever side has the higher average speed will go first. Then all players that are on that side will take their turn. Once everyone has done so, the other side will go.

forbidden Advantages.
Static- This in a star wars game applies to force users. This can only be taken as a racial. No one is natural force static unless it is a racial thing. For example, Yuzon Vong are Force Static as well as Cheron, and Ysmalri.


Hard to kill/subdue past level 2.

Tech Level is 11.
exclude all Nano tech of any kind.
All guns are blasters or modified forms of them use the Blasers on page 123 of ultra tech as you guide. Plasma weapons are acceptable. Anti-partical weapons are allowed, but are Illegal and require license to own and operate out side of the military.

Trandoshans have a gun called Stooker Concussion Rifle. Treat as a Force Rifle on page 129 of Ultra tech. This gun can not be parried by a lightsaber.

Conventional weapons are allowed. Gas powered air guns are allowed. Electro magnetic Guns are allowed, but they are rare, because they are old. Also most armor at this time can stop electromagnetic weapons. Gyrocs and Missile launchers are allowed.

Any other weapons and gear must come from the Ultra tech book and be TL11 or lower. The Galaxy has just been through a war. It is very unlikely that there are higher tech levels.

Cloaking of any kind is not allowed. Cloaking Technology has not yet been miniaturized. Active Camo falls under this as well.

All Gear must be cleared with the GM before it can be used. All gear is subject to approval and might be denied and blocked for any reason.


Lightsabers are almost exclusively Jedi/Sith only. Most other force wielding groups or cults did not have them. If you have one you will need to explain where you go it from and your training.

If you are untrained on a lightsaber you can not use one. If you attempt to use one, you will be maimed or killed.

Posting rate will be at least every other day. This is going to be strict we need to keep the game moving. If you fail to post in 48 hours i will post for you and give out a warning. If you hit 3 warnings your out.

Also Light sabers are like Force swords but instead of the Armor Divisor of (5) it will be (10).

also no barbarian characters this is starwars people are smart and have technology. I.E. Sand people are not stupid...

Be creative. I have never seen anyone play a hutt before...

Things that will not tolerated...

If/and statments. Choose what your going to do and stick with it. If you post a "if This happens I do this, or If it dosen't I do this," I will ask you to edit it and make up your mind.

Meta Gaming: Things said in OCC do not carry over to IC. If No one tells you something that is said in OCC in IC, your character does not know it. If you act on something you do not know you will be warned. Also if I tell something to someone and not to the others, you can not act on it in any fashion. I will try to help you out by keeping things private that need to be, but it is also up to you to behave yourself. 3 warnings and your out.

God Modding: You do not control other people. IF you try to influence others you will need rolls and the skills to do so. You control your self and no one else. Not even the NPCs or the Gm characters.

Purposeful drama: We are all here to have fun and enjoy each other. Lets try to cooperate and work together. Lets try to resolve conflict with each other civilly and with respect.

Tell me what you think?
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Old 03-06-2013, 12:33 PM   #116
Join Date: Mar 2011

If/and statments. Choose what your going to do and stick with it. If you post a "if This happens I do this, or If it dosen't I do this," I will ask you to edit it and make up your mind.
This is silly. Suppose I'm an asteroid field for enemy fighters. I might want to say "If I detect enemy fighters, I'll warn the captain, if detect nothing other than asteroids I'll rescan." I've made up my mind. I you ask me to edit it, I'll just delete the if statements. Then if I detect nothing/enemy fighters post " I'll warn the captain" or "I'll rescan". Nothing changes except now we make an extra post each.

Players start at 400 CP. Try to make your characters with good advantages that would define your type of player. A Slicer would have lots of advantages that define a hacker as well as the skills back it up. There are no templates so really try to define and chisel out your character.

There is a -50 cp disadvantage limit.

At least 100 Points must be spent in skills. You will be using these skills and will be required to face the out comes of them. While I won't make you use skills to walk and breath, you will need skills to do things like shoot, pilot, slice(star wars hacking), be a doctor, ETC. If fail rolls you fail rolls. The consequences will come and the group need to deal with them.
These restrictions seem... odd. If I spend 200 points in IQ, requiring 100 points spent among skills will just make a Omni-competent hacker, engineer, doctor, mechanic, leader, poet, musician, etc. I could have one area that is extremely good, but at that point we are looking at a skill of 30ish. Which is... weird.
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Old 03-06-2013, 02:03 PM   #117
Join Date: Jan 2016

Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
This is silly. Suppose I'm an asteroid field for enemy fighters. I might want to say "If I detect enemy fighters, I'll warn the captain, if detect nothing other than asteroids I'll rescan." I've made up my mind. I you ask me to edit it, I'll just delete the if statements. Then if I detect nothing/enemy fighters post " I'll warn the captain" or "I'll rescan". Nothing changes except now we make an extra post each. These restrictions seem... odd. If I spend 200 points in IQ, requiring 100 points spent among skills will just make a Omni-competent hacker, engineer, doctor, mechanic, leader, poet, musician, etc. I could have one area that is extremely good, but at that point we are looking at a skill of 30ish. Which is... weird.
I put this post int he OOC!
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Old 03-10-2013, 09:36 PM   #118
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Mirror Universe Trek starting. Post to the OOC questions and interest.
Villain's Round Table
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Old 03-15-2013, 04:21 PM   #119
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Mythic Arena is opening.

This game isn't so much about roleplaying as it is about creating and fighting cool character concepts. Its meant to expand the concept of magic as powers, and to watch larger than life champions duke it out.

Its very much pvp with a moderator, though I may end up playing a few duels myself.

The theme is mythic, it has the point budget of supers, but at TL 3. People wanting to play will submit champions and then champions will be selected to duel.
Be helpful, not pedantic

Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 03-20-2013, 06:27 PM   #120
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I am thinking of starting a Pbp game here using the setting I made for another game on a different website (check game finder).

its a Dark Fantasy setting, with some horror in the mix, set in a mostly TL 3 world. the players are new recruits in a secret organization called "The Shadow Watch" that fight the creatures of the night and from beyond.

game play is more about solving the mysteries presented than beating up baddies, If you ever watched an episode of the T.V. show Supernatural you would then know how the game will be. something weird is going on in a town, you go there and find clues as to what it is, and you "fix it".

players would only be human, would be using divine favor and RPM.

If I get enough PM for interest I will open a OC thread.
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