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Old 11-11-2020, 03:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default is Reduced Time on attacks (resulting in free-action attacks) legal now?

you cannot add Reduced Time to attack powers
All other zero-time transient abilities (notably Rapier Wit and attacks with enough Reduced Time to work instantaneously) work only on the user’s turn.
Maybe this is a typo ("abilities with enough Reduced Time" intended?) but if we think about it, Rapier Wit is basically an attack (you're stunning an enemy!) which is free-action already.

Switching on auras is also a free action, which is basically a "free action attack" if someone is already grappling you. Like how Quills w/ switchable+reduced time would be.
not sure on Damage Resistance enhanced with Reflection: is that a free attack or do you take an attack maneuver to bounce it back?
Although this may end up ridiculously cheaper than buying "Extra Attack (One Skill)" if we limited the amount of free actions someone could do per turn it might not get too crazy.

'One free action per turn' sort of seems like an established policy at least when it comes to switchable abilities based on there being a maximum 1 power dodge per turn, for example.

An "unlimited free actions per turn" policy only seems to apply to other stuff not pertaining to switching abilities (or attacking) like "drop as many held objects as I want" or "release as many grapples as I want".

If multiple 'free action' attacks were allowed per turn, maybe it could be soft-capped by treating it like 1 extra attack and applying Rapid Strike penalties (- 6 per) or if that's too much, the "-2 per" for Multiple Fast Draw?
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extra attack, free action, multiple fast draw, rapier wit, reduced time

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