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Old 05-31-2013, 10:22 PM   #1
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Default Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Like I said in my first post today, I'm not good at statting powers.

My question is how does one make an always-on large area Affliction that is also a Malediction and emanates from the user?

Only seeking canonical rules as written and page references for them. Thanks!

Is this at all a valid combination: Affliction (Disadvantage; Area Effect; Malediction; Always On; Emanation)?

Basically, how I imagine this power working is that anyone within a certain radius (Area Effect and Emanation) must make a quick contest (Malediction) or be inflicted with a disadvantage.

I'd think this would be an Aura, but you must take Aura in conjunction with Melee Attack at Range C.

Part of my problem might be the fact that for the life of me, I can't find the description of what the little gun symbol beside the modifier's names indicates! XD Can I get a page reference for that (not asking a description, asking a page reference)?

Thanks for all the help! :)
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Old 05-31-2013, 10:58 PM   #2
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

I found what the gun symbol represents. Attack Enhancements and Limitations on page 102. XD

If it wasn't clear, I know that obviously, it's not a valid combination of modifiers. Malediction's price is based on its range, so it can't be combined with Emanation. I seriously doubt it can be combined with Area Effect or Always On, either.

It's just that I like the quick contest aspect of the power, and how it ignores DR because it's a spell-like effect, not a physical attack.

I can just go with Affliction (Disadvantage; Cosmic, Irresistible attack; Area Effect; Always On; Emanation). The Cosmic enhancement would mean the victim's DR wouldn't count, just like with a Malediction, but they still get a resistance roll, I think. Well, I'm not sure . . .

None of the other modifiers that make it ignore DR seem to fit, either: Blood Agent,
Contact Agent, Follow-Up, Respiratory Agent or Sense-Based.
"How the heck am I supposed to justify that whatever I
feel like doing at any particular moment is 'in character'
if I can't say 'I'm chaotic evil!'"? —Jeff Freeman

Last edited by Stripe; 05-31-2013 at 11:45 PM.
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Old 06-01-2013, 02:43 AM   #3
Blind Mapmaker
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

I stumbled upon that problem some time ago and this is the best solution - even supported by Kromm - that I found:

Basically, you combine Aura (+80%) with Always On (-40%), Melee Attack (-30%) and then slap on your desired Area Effect (+50%/level). Note that this makes for a pretty cheap power by itself if you use multiplicative modifiers. I would decrease the value of Always On for anything that is less dangerous to you than the classical fire aura.

I see no problem with just slapping your desired Malediction level onto that build. You save yourself the trouble of taking a Concentrate manoeuvre instead of Attack, but that's a wash for me.

You can find the same rule stated a bit less clearly under Affliction in Powers p. 39.
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:06 AM   #4
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

I make two powers in probably as many years and both of them are difficult to resolve with canon? :/

So, pure canon, you can't have an always-on diameter of of damage or other effects?
"How the heck am I supposed to justify that whatever I
feel like doing at any particular moment is 'in character'
if I can't say 'I'm chaotic evil!'"? —Jeff Freeman
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:45 AM   #5
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Originally Posted by Stripe View Post
I make two powers in probably as many years and both of them are difficult to resolve with canon? :/
Strictly rules-as-written is a rather limited place.

Originally Posted by Stripe View Post
So, pure canon, you can't have an always-on diameter of of damage or other effects?
You can. You don't use Emanation though. You use Aura.

Aura of Power (GURPS Power-Ups 4, pg 4) (Pyramid 3/19, pg 4) works as an published example. It includes Area Effect, Aura, Malediction, Melee Attack: Reach C and a few other modifiers. It may not be acceptable for your uses as you'd want to drop the unwanted modifiers from the meta-enhancement to properly model your desired effect.
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Originally Posted by Sunrunners_Fire View Post
Strictly rules-as-written is a rather limited place.
For an encircling diameter of effect, if the Basic Set and Powers is a limited area, it's quite a voluminous one.

Originally Posted by Sunrunners_Fire View Post
You can. You don't use Emanation though. You use Aura.

Aura of Power (GURPS Power-Ups 4, pg 4) (Pyramid 3/19, pg 4) works as an published example. It includes Area Effect, Aura, Malediction, Melee Attack: Reach C and a few other modifiers. It may not be acceptable for your uses as you'd want to drop the unwanted modifiers from the meta-enhancement to properly model your desired effect.
Ordered and reading!

Thanks, everyone! :)
"How the heck am I supposed to justify that whatever I
feel like doing at any particular moment is 'in character'
if I can't say 'I'm chaotic evil!'"? —Jeff Freeman
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Old 06-01-2013, 01:03 PM   #7
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Aura of Power isn't always on.

Oh well. Like Blind Mapmaker posted, Transmetahuman's PM discourse with Kromm states that he considers Aura, Always On, Melee Attack and Area Effect as a logical combination. That's what I'll do.
"How the heck am I supposed to justify that whatever I
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if I can't say 'I'm chaotic evil!'"? —Jeff Freeman
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Old 06-01-2013, 01:11 PM   #8
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Originally Posted by Stripe View Post
Aura of Power isn't always on.

Oh well. Like Blind Mapmaker posted, Transmetahuman's PM discourse with Kromm states that he considers Aura, Always On, Melee Attack and Area Effect as a logical combination. That's what I'll do.
... and now I feel bad, as I quite literally didn't parse the idea that you wanted an example with Always On. Gah. My apologies.
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Old 06-01-2013, 01:18 PM   #9
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Default Re: Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Man, it's totally cool. No need for any apology! You were trying to help me and for that, I appreciate your effort! :D Also, it is a canonical example of Melee and Area Effect being used together, so it was a valid suggestion. :)
"How the heck am I supposed to justify that whatever I
feel like doing at any particular moment is 'in character'
if I can't say 'I'm chaotic evil!'"? —Jeff Freeman
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area effect, aura, aura with area effect, emanation, modifiers, powers

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