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Old 03-10-2016, 06:36 PM   #1
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Default After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

As I mentioned here, the world described in Ogre would be a barren wasteland. That seems like a perfect background for an After the End campaign and has the handy effect of providing an already established alternate history for how things got to be so bad. GURPS Ogre would be an obvious item to read, and the SJG web site has plenty of non-GURPS-specific detail about the Ogreverse.

Just a thought, from a fellow who likes both GURPS and Ogre (and who bought and read After the End last night). :)
Play Ogre? Want an interactive record sheet?

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Old 03-10-2016, 08:21 PM   #2
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Yeah, Ogre is a pretty good fit for an after the end campaign and is definitely one I wouldn't mind playing in (that or a good Fallout campaign for that matter heh).

Sadly we're probably not going to be getting a 4th edition GURPS: Ogre book but as it stands most things from the 3rd ed book can be updated with a little work if you got the time to spare.

Oh, here's a couple of things to get you started if you'd like:

Most ultra tech armors have been dropped down a peg in 4th edition. Diamondoid armor went from having DR 370 a inch to having just ~DR250 (This is on one hand due to energy weapons not being as powerful and high end armor divisors not being as common in 4th ed and on the other hand due to better material available to general public on how strong some of these materials are going to be in the future in real life). This means that any vehicles that you end up converting that have BPC should have their armors DR multiplied by 2/3rds.

To save yourself some un-needed work converting the battlesuits, the heavy TL 10 battlesuit from Ultratech is a good stand in for the power armors used in Ogre, just multiple it's armor by 1.5 to have it line up better with how strong BCP is.

And if you're interested with having a few SATNUCs laying about I came up with a way to update them to 4th ed (just be mindful it's a little math heavy). Also keep in mind that explosives in 4th are now are based on the square root of the explosives weight rather then being liner as it was in 3rd.
GURB: Ultra-Tech Reloaded

Normies: Man! The government is filled with liars and thieves! Me: Well yeah, here's what they're lying about, what they're stealing from you, and who's doing it. Normies: Rolls eyes Shut up conspiracy theorist Me: >.>
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Old 03-11-2016, 02:54 AM   #3
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Pretty much.
Another UT AtE setting could be Berserker.
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Old 03-11-2016, 09:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Originally Posted by Hellboy View Post
Isn't Ogre like sentient tanks or something?
Yes. And very large and powerful ones -- one Ogre versus an entire army. So when the PCs meet one, a better name for the campaign is "Before the End".
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Old 03-11-2016, 09:33 AM   #5
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Ogre would fit pretty well in a Reign of Steel style ATE.
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Old 03-11-2016, 05:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

In the Ogre setting, the Ogres lose their supporting infrastructure and eventually grind to a halt. Any Ogre the survivors would find generations later are smoking hulks or have failed in some fashion. A surviving Ogre would be the center of a whole campaign. Similarly, a surviving automated factory would be the center of a campaign.

As for GURPS Ogre, I was thinking more along the lines of having a nicely detailed background rather than trying to convert gear to 4e stats.
Originally Posted by evileeyore View Post
Ogre would fit pretty well in a Reign of Steel style ATE.
Yes, it would. :)
Play Ogre? Want an interactive record sheet?

Want a random dungeon? How about some tables for that? How about a random encounter?
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Old 03-11-2016, 05:39 PM   #7
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
Pretty much.
Another UT AtE setting could be Berserker.
Yet another would be post-Robotech. (I know, I know. Macross, and all that.)
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Old 03-17-2016, 10:20 AM   #8
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Is there empty space inside an Ogre in which the supers can materialize? Why? They don't need a crew, nor are intended to carry cargo. If there were empty interior space, the designers would just take it out to reduce the profile of the vehicle, and trade the weight of armor on a bigger box for thicker armor on a smaller box, or put on some more secondary weapons. (It's an Ogre; nobody wants to just save the weight :)

You could assume some maintenance access exists, if you want the supers to be able to crawl up the Jeffries Tube and attack from the inside. But then, the Ogre designers might have thought of that, and have defensive measures. Which for an Ogre might even include a sacrificial explosion that seals the tube closed along with anything inside it, even if that means taking some damage. Ogres are expected to fight with partial damage.

Might be a good question for the Ogre/GEV forum. Perhaps there's some canon or fiction on the topic.
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Old 03-17-2016, 03:57 PM   #9
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Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
You could assume some maintenance access exists, if you want the supers to be able to crawl up the Jeffries Tube and attack from the inside. But then, the Ogre designers might have thought of that, and have defensive measures.
The tube suddenly turns with a clunk. What used to be two convenient depressions in the wall are now holes, one of which is jetting hydraulic fluid really fast...

Logfile entry: Hydraulic bypass system #7 engaged, pressure steady at 3000psi.
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Old 03-17-2016, 10:34 PM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2007
Default Re: After the End meets Ogre: A Cross-over

Originally Posted by Hellboy View Post
Isn't Ogre like sentient tanks or something? So ATE would be humans trying to survive in a world ruled by them?
Not necessarily ruled by them, but interacting with them, yes. Ogres (especially the Mark IV and Mark V) are powerful enough to take on entire divisions, but at the same time, they (usually) lack anything like hands, they need maintenance and spare parts, they can be destroyed.

So it's possible for humans to interact with them in different ways, as prey, as commanders, as equal partners, as trade partners. It's perfectly possible for a given human and a given Ogre to simply happen to be friends.

But regions in which Ogres are fighting tend to get leveled fast, and often are radioactive afterward to boot.
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after the end, ogre

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