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Old 08-05-2017, 06:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Default Thoughts on IN/7th Sea cross overs

While re-reading the 7th Sea rules, I was struck by how much of the setting works well with In Nomine.
One difference is that 7th Sea has multiple physical worlds, including the Sea it is named after, but that makes a cross over easier - the setting (the world of Theah) is simply an alternate Corporeal Plane.

Just as demons in IN were bound into Hell after the rebellion, they cannot normally enter Theah because of 'The Barrier'. For the Thean world, Tethers would not be formed by normal actions; instead, Infernal Tethers are formed by Sorcery, and Ethereal Tethers by powers granted the Sidhe. Angels would not need Tethers, and only avoid Theah due to God's 'hands off' rule.

The 'Vikings' of Theah (the Vesten) know that their Valhalla is purely Ethereal, and dependent on their memories and dreams to survive.

Humans in the setting don't know whether a 'Syrneth' they run into is a Gorgon, a Demon, an Ethereal, or even a naturally occurring species!

Soldiers of God *might* exist as the mysterious Kreuzritter, Soldiers of Hell as the equally mysterious Legion worshippers. Most PCs though are either sorcerers or naturally occurring 6 Force Humans (known as Heroes...or Villains). 'Henchmen' would be 5 Force Humans with some extra training, Brutes might not even have 5 forces!
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