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Old 01-02-2013, 09:51 PM   #1
Philldevil's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Default Racial issues.

Hello, fellow gamers. I haven't posted in a while, and yet again I come with another question.

I am working on some racial tampletes for a game world I've been working on, and I found two issues.

There is a race of orcs called Orko. When a pure-blood Orko walks into sunshine, it will become stone. I know there is a disnadvantage for this (idk the name for it in english) that costs -20 points. However. This disadvantage implies that when the sun is gone, the character comes back to normal, but an Orko can only go back to normal if the statue is intact by the time when other orkos from the same tribe as him perform a ritual to make him normal again.

So, I got this disadvantage and put the limitation that indicates that it cannot be turned off, totalizing -28.

Do you guys know of a better way to do it?

On the other hand I got elves. Depending on the elf's ethnicity it can live from hundreds to thousands of years, however. Light elves only age a month before it's natural death, and dark elves only a year before it's natural death. How am I supposed to do that in the matter of rules?
I Smoke Pencils (Blog mostly in portuguese).
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Old 01-02-2013, 10:50 PM   #2
simply Nathan
formerly known as 'Kenneth Latrans'
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Default Re: Racial issues.

I could have sworn "Nocturnal" was more than -20 even without the limitation.

And as for the elves, make a single template that applies to all flavors. Do not include aging-related traits on this if they vary.

Make a separate lens for each sub-race. The first one you described is probably Unaging for 15 points. Take a single level of Extended Lifespan for 2 points for each doubling of human lifespan, but beyond seven doublings just declare them Unaging because the effects are too little to be worth it.

For the short-lived races, take one level of Short Lifespan for each halving of human lifespan and Self-Destruct to shorten it further.

Though it should be noted that in the vast, extreme majority of cases paying or receiving -any- amount of CP for aging-related traits is just plain wrong. If the players are going to be fantasy adventurers rather than Pencils & Papers workers IN A FANTASY WORLD or something else with years-long stretches of time between the heroes actually doing anything, just ignore Short Lifespan/Extended Lifespan/Unaging, or make Unaging a 5-point immunity to age-inducing attacks at the very most.
Ba-weep granah wheep minibon. Wubba lubba dub dub.
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Old 01-03-2013, 04:13 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Forest Grove, Beaverton, Oregon
Default Re: Racial issues.

Nocturnal is about dayTIME not exposure to dayLIGHT. Daylight isn't that hard to avoid if you live in caves or structures without windows.
Beware, poor communication skills. No offense intended. If offended, it just means that I failed my writing skill check.
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Old 01-03-2013, 04:49 AM   #4
Gold & Appel Inc
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Default Re: Racial issues.

Originally Posted by Philldevil View Post
Hello, fellow gamers.
Hey, Philldevil.

Originally Posted by Philldevil View Post
There is a race of orcs called Orko. When a pure-blood Orko walks into sunshine, it will become stone. I know there is a disnadvantage for this (idk the name for it in english) that costs -20 points. However. This disadvantage implies that when the sun is gone, the character comes back to normal, but an Orko can only go back to normal if the statue is intact by the time when other orkos from the same tribe as him perform a ritual to make him normal again.

So, I got this disadvantage and put the limitation that indicates that it cannot be turned off, totalizing -28.

Do you guys know of a better way to do it?
This is textbook Nocturnal with the Permanent Paralysis Enhancement for [-40] points, from 4e Basic p 146:

"Permanent Paralysis: You turn to stone or suffer some other permanent incapacitation if struck by the sun's rays. Only one specific power or item - most often a powerful magic spell - can reverse this effect. Details are up to the GM. +100%."

Originally Posted by Philldevil View Post
On the other hand I got elves. Depending on the elf's ethnicity it can live from hundreds to thousands of years, however. Light elves only age a month before it's natural death, and dark elves only a year before it's natural death. How am I supposed to do that in the matter of rules?
A slight period of rapid decline after hundreds or thousands of years of robust activity is a Feature worth nothing on multiple levels of Enhanced Lifespan. Unless you want them to experience no decline at all and then crash and burn abruptly when they hit their aging threshold, in which case just give them more levels of Enhanced Lifespan plus Self Destruct [-10] (4e Basic p 153).

Last edited by Gold & Appel Inc; 01-03-2013 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 01-03-2013, 12:00 PM   #5
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Default Re: Racial issues.

Originally Posted by Gold & Appel Inc View Post
This is textbook Nocturnal with the Permanent Paralysis Enhancement for [-40] points, from 4e Basic p 146:

"Permanent Paralysis: You turn to stone or suffer some other permanent incapacitation if struck by the sun's rays. Only one specific power or item - most often a powerful magic spell - can reverse this effect. Details are up to the GM. +100%."
How did I miss that? LOL

Thanks for the tips, everyone. =3
I Smoke Pencils (Blog mostly in portuguese).
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aging, disadvantages, elves, orcs, racial templates

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