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Old 02-02-2024, 12:21 PM   #1731
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Armstrong: "No, you weren't a good soldier. All the wrong salutes, no weaponry, you brought a dog... but you were just what we needed. You saved Williamson's life, and who knows, you might have saved mine as well."
"Showing up naked is about as out of uniform as you can get too! Show me the right way to salute!"

"You would feel different about Goliath if we were doing the tracking!"

"By the way, what are your first names?"

And aside to Williamson, "So what's the big secret? Are you the general's son or sumthin?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The two men look at the handkerchief and string and laugh. "I don't want that back!" Armstrong guffaws. "Keep it!"
Peter grins from ear to ear.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Armstrong says he'll show Peter the "Voice" in the morning "I'm way too tired."
Before they get the barn when they are discussing it, Peter will ask about it anyway.

"Can you describe it? Is there some kind of philosophy or culture that goes with this yaka stuff, or did people just figure it out? Where does it come from?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Did he ask someone about mars?
No, I just found humor in the late moment of realization.


Can they have had some of the 'philosophy / culture that goes with this yaka' discussion on their long hike? we kind of glazed over it.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-02-2024 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 02-05-2024, 10:34 AM   #1732
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Showing up naked is about as out of uniform as you can get too! Show me the right way to salute!"
Williamson: "Its not about how you salute, its about WHEN you salute. You salute when a superior officer approaches you, and you salute until he salutes you back. And then there is a little about how you salute. And how you stand when you salute. And this happens so much it becomes second nature and obvious when you don't do it."

"You would feel different about Goliath if we were doing the tracking!"
Armstrong: "Fair enough".

"By the way, what are your first names?"
Armstrong: "I'm Sam"
Williamson: "My name is Michael. Don't go repeating that though."

And aside to Williamson, "So what's the big secret? Are you the general's son or sumthin?"
Williamson: "We're not far enough from enemy lines to tell you that."

Before they get the barn when they are discussing it, Peter will ask about it anyway.

"Can you describe it? Is there some kind of philosophy or culture that goes with this yaka stuff, or did people just figure it out? Where does it come from?"

OCC:Can they have had some of the 'philosophy / culture that goes with this yaka' discussion on their long hike? we kind of glazed over it.
Armstrong: It was first discovered by missionaries in the new world. The story varies... some people think it was the Torril coming over to earth they learned it from, others think it was developed by monks who finally felt able to share it when they crossed the Atlantic. Either way, it was poorly understood until the Araby portal and the Torril. We learned a lot from them, but there was also a lot of Pagan nonsense interspersed with it. Yaka was learned by christendom, and we continue to use it, mostly just as soldiers."

OCC: Sure, we can have it during the hike.
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Old 02-05-2024, 01:51 PM   #1733
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Default The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Peter would have a bit of lost sleep fatigue, but the FP from the physical exertion would be quickly recovered when they got to the barn. He's surprisingly not anxious to go to sleep.

Oh, can I use your jacket to practice a bit before I go to sleep? What kind of metal is in it? Do some work better than others?"

Armstrong says he'll show Peter the "Voice" in the morning "I'm way too tired."
"Yeah, about that... If the mission is really done, I may not be here in the morning. I'm not a soldier, but I might need to report for another mission somewhere else. You know how I'm a healer, but not a Yaka healer? I have some other special stuff like that and that's how I knew you guys needed me and how I came to you. If I'm not in my bed in the morning, don't worry or go looking for me, it just means I... I got other orders, soldier."

He practices his "Shield" and if Armstrong lends the jacket to him he will practice the "Armor" a bit.

He will make another attempt (burning his full ER) at conjuring a grain of sand.

Peter pushes it and finally collapses to his bunk when he's totally out of gas. He starts to practice his Karana patterns, but he is fast asleep well before the second convergence.

If Peter is there in the morning, he does some push ups and gives his upper body a workout... He's done plenty of cardio, but that's about it lately.
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Old 02-06-2024, 09:37 AM   #1734
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Oh, can I use your jacket to practice a bit before I go to sleep? What kind of metal is in it? Do some work better than others?"
Armstrong: "its copper. That's the most popular kind. its very flexible and reasonably cheap. some yaka use silver or gold, but I've never heard of that making a difference, other than looking splendid. The width of the metal is more important. It won't break while you're reinforcing it, but it might in daily use. Of course, that makes the jacket heavier. And on occasion people will just use a suit of armor."

Armstrong is quite willing to lend him the jacket.

"Yeah, about that... If the mission is really done, I may not be here in the morning. I'm not a soldier, but I might need to report for another mission somewhere else. You know how I'm a healer, but not a Yaka healer? I have some other special stuff like that and that's how I knew you guys needed me and how I came to you. If I'm not in my bed in the morning, don't worry or go looking for me, it just means I... I got other orders, soldier."
Williamson: "Just who do you work for?"

He practices his "Shield" and if Armstrong lends the jacket to him he will practice the "Armor" a bit.

He will make another attempt (burning his full ER) at conjuring a grain of sand.

Peter pushes it and finally collapses to his bunk when he's totally out of gas. He starts to practice his Karana patterns, but he is fast asleep well before the second convergence.

If Peter is there in the morning, he does some push ups and gives his upper body a workout... He's done plenty of cardio, but that's about it lately.
Peter fights falling asleep as long as possible, while working hard at exercising his magic. Its successful. He's tired, but his focus lets him stay awake... when the sun comes up in the morning, he's only down 6 FP.... the point at which he just starts making those will checks to stay awake and getting -2 to DX and IQ. (every two hours. After another 8 hours he rolls every thirty minutes. Of course, Peter has fantastic will)

The two soldiers are happy to see him. Williamson says : "I see you're still here!"

His head pounds. He's out of it. He could really use some sleep.
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Old 02-06-2024, 10:00 AM   #1735
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Armstrong: "its copper. That's the most popular kind. its very flexible and reasonably cheap. some yaka use silver or gold, but I've never heard of that making a difference, other than looking splendid. The width of the metal is more important. It won't break while you're reinforcing it, but it might in daily use. Of course, that makes the jacket heavier. And on occasion people will just use a suit of armor."
"Would it work with a light chain-mail, or are the individual links a problem?"

Peter takes one more shot at getting a Voice demonstration before Armstrong retires...

"Oh come on, describe it one more time, then you can use on me to tell me to give it a rest!"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Williamson: "Just who do you work for?"
The question spins in Peter's thoughts.

He back straightens and he stands tall as an answer rolls through his mind and he shifts into his book "character"...
'I work for the plague stricken and enslaved, the newborn looking for purpose and the cursed beast who forgot what salvation was. I work for lost spirits and gods. This time around I worked for the hunted, injured and war weary.

I work for the greater good. I don't know if someone is in charge and guiding it, or if fate or a god or maybe just my subconscious is calling the shots. I don't know if something picked me or if it is something I was born with. But I think... I think it might be what I was born for.'

'okay... too much, getting big for my britches.'

Peter's straightened back relaxes when he realizes he hasn't said anything out loud and he was letting the moment slip by... and he finally says,

"Whoever needs me I guess."


As for after that conversation, I should have been more precise in my previous post.

While Peter is certainly strong willed enough to skip a nights sleep after going through a long day that started with a sleep deficit, he is not masochistic enough to do that to himself.

If we can roll that back, Peter will spend an hour on Yaka practice and an hour on his personal magic before retiring for the evening.

If he is still there in the morning
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The two soldiers are happy to see him. Williamson says : "I see you're still here!"
"I guess so! Either there's more for me to do, or maybe I'm getting a break! What's the plan?"

Peter is ready for a big breakfast and to learn how to use the Voice technique.


Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-07-2024 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 02-07-2024, 10:14 AM   #1736
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Would it work with a light chain-mail, or are the individual links a problem?"
Armstrong: "That's not an uncommon form of armor for Yaka"

Peter takes one more shot at getting a Voice demonstration before Armstrong retires...

"Oh come on, describe it one more time, then you can use on me to tell me to give it a rest!"
Armstrong looks at Peter for a moment, and then sits up strait and shouts "Down!"

Magic flows through him. Its similar to the magic that controls the Karana Creatures, or the transformed beast. but stronger. And Aimed at Peter. He feels an overwhelming urge to drop to the ground. But its not overwhelming. He can resist it if he wants*, though it will take effort.

*(Armstrong rolled a 15, Peter rolled a 7)

The question spins in Peter's thoughts.....

Peter's straightened back relaxes when he realizes he hasn't said anything out loud and he was letting the moment slip by... and he finally says,

"Whoever needs me I guess."
Williamson: "That's... not precise. But if that's all you'll say, I suppose I'll have to take it. You've done me a great service. I hope to repay you some day. stick around if you can."

As for after that conversation, I should have been more precise in my previous post.

While Peter is certainly strong willed enough to skip a nights sleep after going through a long day that started with a sleep deficit, he is not masochistic enough to do that to himself.

If we can roll that back, Peter will spend an hour on Yaka practice and an hour on his personal magic before retiring for the evening.
Ok, done.

Peter dreams that night. He dreams of... places. His warm bed at home. Dinosaur cloning chambers. Helmut and Gerwin. The temples of Thuroma. A grand dinner table set for a king. Tents similar to those of the divine village. The Karaka Circle. Kumar's face flashes in a few times...

Peter finds himself quite lucid, but not pulled anywhere
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Old 02-07-2024, 12:16 PM   #1737
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Default The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Armstrong looks at Peter for a moment, and then sits up strait and shouts "Down!"

Magic flows through him. Its similar to the magic that controls the Karana Creatures, or the transformed beast. but stronger. And Aimed at Peter. He feels an overwhelming urge to drop to the ground. But its not overwhelming. He can resist it if he wants*, though it will take effort.
((OOC: I have made a Will roll of 11, a success by 3, to resist resisting.))

Peter allows the effect to take hold without hindrance. He believes there will be no lasting harm, and he might better understand the power if he feels it flow all the way through with the intended function.

As Peter watches the man's actions and tracks his feelings with his empathy, and the flow of magic with his meta-sense, and tracks the experience through is body and tries to put it all together with the yaka he's learned so far.

"Oh wow..."
Once he is able to compose himself, he climbs to his feet.
"That was pretty cool."
Peter attempts to replicate the feat.
"I wonder if I can do it and get you to snap off a SALUTE!"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Williamson: "That's... not precise. But if that's all you'll say, I suppose I'll have to take it. You've done me a great service. I hope to repay you some day. stick around if you can."
"I don't really know to tell you honestly. I see things, I follow them, I fix them. I'll see what I can do about hanging around, I would like to see more of this place. If there is somewhere else I need to be, I can always try and come back and visit some time."

Peter thinks... What day is it back home? December 19th? He didn't arrive in the morning here, and sleep has been anything but regular...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter dreams that night. He dreams of... places. His warm bed at home. Dinosaur cloning chambers. Helmut and Gerwin. The temples of Thuroma. A grand dinner table set for a king. Tents similar to those of the divine village. The Karaka Circle. Kumar's face flashes in a few times...

Peter finds himself quite lucid, but not pulled anywhere
Peter recognizes all his visions except one, the table set for a king... He tries to examine this place further, but not to travel. He looks for a detail that might reveal something familiar to associate it to his past, or something distinct and new that may have summoned his attention. When Kumar flashes more than once, he turns his attention to him to see what mischief he has gotten himself into.

Peter will spend all night long revisiting worlds and trying to discover a new one to walk through in his dreams, but if there is no sense of urgency, none are in peril and there is no previously unseen wonder, Peter will awaken in the morning where he went to sleep. He would learn more about this Mars and the history he's been too shy to ask about and to work on his yaka techniques he's seen and learn about the yaka healing... and he has a few more days to make it home for Christmas.


Presuming Peter did not see a world that was "an offer he couldn't refuse" or gets pulled by somewhere he poked:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The two soldiers are happy to see him. Williamson says : "I see you're still here!"
"Looks like the rest of universe can get by without me today! What's for breakfast?"

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-07-2024 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 02-08-2024, 09:54 AM   #1738
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
As Peter watches the man's actions and tracks his feelings with his empathy, and the flow of magic with his meta-sense, and tracks the experience through is body and tries to put it all together with the yaka he's learned so far.
He thinks he understands it. Its a whole body effort, and its very loud to his magical sense.

"Oh wow..."
Once he is able to compose himself, he climbs to his feet.
The feeling doesn't go away too quickly, but Peter is able to quickly shake it off. He doesn't think everyone could do that though...

"That was pretty cool."
Peter attempts to replicate the feat.
"I wonder if I can do it and get you to snap off a SALUTE!"
Armstrong's arm flutters. and then falls down.

Armstrong: "You're a quick study. I'm too tired. you shouldn't normally be able to get that against a Yaka. And your prior practice with... whatever is you do has helped"

OCC: you've got a -5 to use voice until you put points in it. But you've got a really high will.

"I don't really know to tell you honestly. I see things, I follow them, I fix them. I'll see what I can do about hanging around, I would like to see more of this place. If there is somewhere else I need to be, I can always try and come back and visit some time."
Williamson: come back and find me, if you can. Ask for me in the military by Micheal Williamson, and give your name and mention Goliath. Be patient, if you can, It can take time for word to get to me."

Peter recognizes all his visions except one, the table set for a king... He tries to examine this place further, but not to travel. He looks for a detail that might reveal something familiar to associate it to his past, or something distinct and new that may have summoned his attention.
He sees an emblem he's seen on the shoulders of Armstrong and Williamson.

When Kumar flashes more than once, he turns his attention to him to see what mischief he has gotten himself into.
Kumar appears to be conducting some sort of haggling with a man in a market. Its in the central american jungle. Kumar appears to be selling Medicine in exchange for an exquisitely carved wooden statue, and some cloth with native symbols painted on it... maybe a religious work of some kind?

Peter will spend all night long revisiting worlds and trying to discover a new one to walk through in his dreams, but if there is no sense of urgency, none are in peril and there is no previously unseen wonder, Peter will awaken in the morning where he went to sleep. He would learn more about this Mars and the history he's been too shy to ask about and to work on his yaka techniques he's seen and learn about the yaka healing... and he has a few more days to make it home for Christmas.

Presuming Peter did not see a world that was "an offer he couldn't refuse" or gets pulled by somewhere he poked:

"Looks like the rest of universe can get by without me today! What's for breakfast?"
Handled after the dream investigation...
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Old 02-08-2024, 10:12 AM   #1739
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
OCC: you've got a -5 to use voice until you put points in it. But you've got a really high will.
So it's kind of like the command spell in D&D, but can be felt by Yaka for miles...

And the shield can be used to push things and deflect missiles is that correct?

How are these done? skills/advantages? What would I be looking at to take these?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He sees an emblem he's seen on the shoulders of Armstrong and Williamson.
Interesting, but not all too compelling... did any of the other soldiers or the general he saw in his vision have this symbol? Can he see anything else there?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Kumar appears to be conducting some sort of haggling with a man in a market. Its in the central american jungle. Kumar appears to be selling Medicine in exchange for an exquisitely carved wooden statue, and some cloth with native symbols painted on it... maybe a religious work of some kind?
Okay, so he's not in (immediate) trouble and he's not in prison! Good news for Kumar! Does his magic sense pick up anything from items in the transaction?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Handled after the dream investigation...
There was nothing terribly interesting to distract Peter from his course. What's for breakfast?
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Old 02-09-2024, 08:57 AM   #1740
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
So it's kind of like the command spell in D&D, but can be felt by Yaka for miles...
Pretty much.

And the shield can be used to push things and deflect missiles is that correct?

How are these done? skills/advantages? What would I be looking at to take these?
I think we'll say the base advantages are including in the base magic wildcard, but you need to learn the skills.

the Voice is a will based average skill that kicks off a malediction. range penalty is -1 per yard over 2.

The shield is also will-based average skill, but it only required for activation. Possibly if you want to pull a stunt with it. The advantage there is Obscure (physical projectiles). You'll start with level 5, and you can buy it up with points. you get +4 to the roll if you take a whole action to activate it, otherwise its sort of like a defense or quick-draw. While the shield is up other magical skills get a penalty (-1 for Yaka, more for other abilities)

Interesting, but not all too compelling... did any of the other soldiers or the general he saw in his vision have this symbol? Can he see anything else there?
Yes, most Martians where this symbol.

Okay, so he's not in (immediate) trouble and he's not in prison! Good news for Kumar! Does his magic sense pick up anything from items in the transaction?
Nothing magical.

There was nothing terribly interesting to distract Peter from his course. What's for breakfast?
Armstrong: "Jerky and biscuits. You can dunk them in boiling water if you want. We'll be taking a little extra time this morning"

The third solider with them is Corporal Cole. He'll guide them back to camp, and from there to the command post.

Cole saulutes Armstrong: "Sir, I understand we're bringing the kid with us?"
Armstrong salutes back: "Yes. He's a half-trained Yaka, including healing, and he replaced our scout. He says he has no where to go. He's dead useful. He will take orders from me."
Cole: "yes sir!"

The group is much formal now that Cole is there. Williamson speaks less.

They have about three hours march to get to camp.
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