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Old 02-25-2008, 03:38 PM   #181
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Thanks for the corrections folks!

Originally Posted by Smirg
In the new ranged combat example, when Zach gets hit the second time, you wrote that his Dodge goes down to 5 as it is Basic Move + 3. This isn't correct, it's actually Basic Speed (rounded down) +3 (otherwise it would be too cheap to buy up). So Basic Move changes don't affect it. On the other hand, as Zach is below 1/3 HP, his Dodge is halved (to 4) and his Move is halved too (so down to 1).

Originally Posted by Smirg
Edit: When Zach dodges next, his Dodge should therefore be down to 3. 4 for being below 1/3 HP, +2 for Feverish Defense, -3 for prone.
I believe that means that without Feverish Defense, he couldn't dodge at all (effective skill < 3), but there might be exceptions for combat (I think you can always defend on a 3), so better look that up. Should be either under defenses or at the summary of critical successes.
Yep, combat is explicitly excepted on B374, "An active defense roll of 3 or 4 is always successful - even if your effective defense score was only 1 or 2!"

Originally Posted by Mercator
In Ranged Four, Turn Four: When Zach is hit, his HP fall from 10 to 3. This is a Major Wound, so he should roll for Knockdown and Stunning. Also, he drops below 1/3 HP, so his Move and Dodge are halved.
Added the Major Wound and Knockdown and Stunning check.

I'm not sure on the 1/3 HP though - 1/3 of 10 is 3.3, rounded down to 3, so I would think "less than 1/3 HP" would be 2. Or do you check for the 1/3 before rounding, so "less than 1/3 HP" of 3.3 would be 3?

Originally Posted by Hai-Etlik
Not all combat ends in death/incapacitation. Having at least a few examples reflect this is probably a good idea.
Definitely true, but I'm trying to gives examples of how the rules function, not how a GM should run his NPCs - I suppose I could let one or two examples slide where someone runs away. : )

Originally Posted by Amedeo
Hi all,
this is my first post here. I recently bought a few GURPS manuals after I resolved to abandon the d20 system for my RPG sessions. I am still trying to become familiar (sort of...) with the basic rules, so these Combat Examples are most welcome!

I have a question regarding Ranged Example Four (turn 5). Is it correct (according to the RAW) to allow the target of an unspotted sniper to use his/her dodge ability against such an attack?
Welcome Amedeo, glad you're finding the examples helpful.

Regarding the Dodge against an unspotted sniper, I'd say it would be reasonable to require a Perception check to know where the sniper is. But strictly according to RAW, I was just going by B374, "You may dodge any attack except one that you did not know about." I think the interpretation of that could go either way - Zach certainly knows he's under attack, so he "knows about" the attack the way someone who can see a gunman pointing a pistol at him does; but he doesn't actually know from second to second whether or not a shot is incoming (but again, how does someone who sees a gunman pointing a pistol "know" exactly when the trigger will be pulled?).

Though I've updated the online examples, I haven't yet updated the Ranged Four PDF (until I find a more definitive answer on "less than 1/3 HP of 10" being 3 or 2 - I may post this question in a separate thread to see what folks think).
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Old 02-25-2008, 07:38 PM   #182
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by mook
Definitely true, but I'm trying to gives examples of how the rules function, not how a GM should run his NPCs - I suppose I could let one or two examples slide where someone runs away. : )
True, but IIRC there are combat rules that reference a free shot at a fleeing opponent.. an example could point this out. Also, it could exemplify reduced move penalties from wounds or some other crippling (leg/foot) that makes relative maneuvering important

e.g. maybe he stabs the foot, disengages and runs around to his blind/rear side...
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Old 02-25-2008, 09:49 PM   #183
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

That would be cool. :)

Do you recall where the 'free shot' stuff was? (I'm guessing MA).
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Old 02-26-2008, 01:56 AM   #184
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by mook
I'm not sure on the 1/3 HP though - 1/3 of 10 is 3.3, rounded down to 3, so I would think "less than 1/3 HP" would be 2. Or do you check for the 1/3 before rounding, so "less than 1/3 HP" of 3.3 would be 3?
I'd go with the most literal reading of the RAW and check for the 1/3 before rounding. That is, 1/3*10 = 3.3, and since 3 < 3.3, he suffers the effects. I think this also works best for the various crippling thresholds, etc. But you are right, it is somewhat open to interpretation. What do others think?

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Old 02-26-2008, 02:09 AM   #185
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

This thread hashed this over pretty well and came to the same conclusion.

Ranged Example Four has been updated online - I'll correct the PDF tomorrow.
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Old 02-26-2008, 02:23 AM   #186
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by benz72
True, but IIRC there are combat rules that reference a free shot at a fleeing opponent.. an example could point this out. Also, it could exemplify reduced move penalties from wounds or some other crippling (leg/foot) that makes relative maneuvering important

e.g. maybe he stabs the foot, disengages and runs around to his blind/rear side...
This would be a great way to illustrate a cinematic fight against a bunch of mooks (no offense intended to the OP ;-)), and show options to speed up combat (a frequent question in the forums): They don't fight to the death but until the first Major Wound, etc.

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Last edited by Mercator; 02-26-2008 at 04:44 AM.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:57 AM   #187
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by mook
That would be cool. :)

Do you recall where the 'free shot' stuff was? (I'm guessing MA).
Sorry, DHBWM and do not yet own MA so cannot comment on whether it is included in there.
recall that it had something to do with turning your back to your opponent and giving him the opportunity for a strike as you were pulling a quick exit (I had always envisioned it as the sort of thing Count Rugen did to Inigo when they meet in the hallway, but done at closer range)
From another perspective, this could contribute to the slaughter of a broken shieldwall, as the individuals of a formerly cohesive unit reprioritize in favor of number 1.
In any case, I do not have a rules quote or page number for you... help from our studio audience??? Can I use a lifeline???
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:25 AM   #188
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by benz72
"free shots"
I don't think there is anything like that, nor is it needed.

In GURPs as the combat rounds are 1 sec turns you just use the rules as they are and you get the same result.

To spin 180º around requires 3 movement points (p.387).
Even with a basic move of 6 you can't get more than a few steps away from your opponent if you have to turn around first.

So even if your opponent only has a move of 4 he could still make an All-Out-Attack and smash you in the back of the head allowing you NO DEFENCE!

you do not need 'free shots', the rules already give the 'correct' result: Turning your back on your foe means getting shot in the back.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:39 AM   #189
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by mook
This thread hashed this over pretty well and came to the same conclusion.

Ranged Example Four has been updated online - I'll correct the PDF tomorrow.
I'll need to look in High Tech and Basic, but doesn't our shooter need to take a second to work the bolt on his rifle? RoF is 1, so it's not semi-auto (or else it would be 3~). Shots is 4+1, but that only accounts for the magazine size.

I think Artie has to take a Ready action to work the bolt.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:50 AM   #190
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Default Re: Examples of 4e Combat

Originally Posted by Maz
I don't think there is anything like that, nor is it needed.

In GURPs as the combat rounds are 1 sec turns you just use the rules as they are and you get the same result.

To spin 180º around requires 3 movement points (p.387).
Even with a basic move of 6 you can't get more than a few steps away from your opponent if you have to turn around first.

So even if your opponent only has a move of 4 he could still make an All-Out-Attack and smash you in the back of the head allowing you NO DEFENCE!

you do not need 'free shots', the rules already give the 'correct' result: Turning your back on your foe means getting shot in the back.
This is probably the condition I was remembering, that there would be no defence on that 'turn and run' retreat... that fact that it was unopposed was why I was remembering it as 'free'.
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