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Old 03-01-2020, 05:14 PM   #1571
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
The 30-something SEAL (or even a SEAL-wannabe) should be named Kermit, if only for the IC laughs.
If they didn't have that as a nickname they will by the time this ends.
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Old 03-01-2020, 05:54 PM   #1572
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Bridgette: “[el-Fawaz] had seen the writing on the wall—he knew time was running out for fossil fuels.”
Kay (OOC): “Don’t burn my dinosaur!”
(Entire Party starts laughing)
Remy: “Apparently, the fossils objected.”


GM (OOC): “I got a kitty in a box.”
Kay (OOC): “I got a dinosaur in a trunk.”


Remy: “When you’re the only one who can make the magic box work—people will bring you food.”


Crew: “Where are you going with that [tray of hamburgers and fries]?”
Oren: “I’m taking it to our favorite engineer.”
Remy (OOC): “But, she’s a vegan!”


Kay (OOC): “I could barely wrap my head around that [explanation]. Big Juju—much magic.”
GM (OOC): “Ship not go fast if rolls bad.”
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Old 03-04-2020, 12:20 AM   #1573
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
Lucien Lacoste's player asked me if I could write a short story about the adventures of the 'Driving Miss Piggy' team...
For what it’s worth, I second this request.
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Old 03-04-2020, 01:29 PM   #1574
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by ChaosCoyote View Post
For what it’s worth, I second this request.
Thirded, with the caveat that any such tales get posted to the GURPS forum page.
MXLP:9 [JD=1, DK=1, DM-M=1, M(FAW)=1, SS=2, Nym=1 (nose coffee), sj=1 (nose cocoa), Maz=1]
"Some days, I just don't know what to think." -Daryl Dixon.
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Old 03-04-2020, 01:48 PM   #1575
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Default Driving Miss Piggy As a Short Story

Originally Posted by ChaosCoyote View Post
For what it’s worth, I second this request.
Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post
Thirded, with the caveat that any such tales get posted to the GURPS forum page.
As I noted in a post on the Caribbean by Night campaign thread on the GURPS subforum, I'm considering it.

Hie thee hence to suggest how the hero of the tale might best accomplish his role of relatable audience surrogate while remaining a plausible recruit to Kessler's ultra-elite, world-class willpower 'Night Riders' (Monster Hunters).

Introductory section for the 'Driving Miss Piggy' chronicle is up in the GURPS subforum.
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Last edited by Icelander; 03-05-2020 at 05:30 PM.
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Old 03-09-2020, 01:20 AM   #1576
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: “Right now, your phone isn’t roaming—it’s wandering.”


GM: “[Simulacra] doesn’t just have a land-line. She has a party line.”
Simulacra: “It’s me, an elderly lady named Doris, and a sex line.”
Rogue Mind: “It should be Ruth, not Doris.”
GM: “No, it’s Rose.”
Simulacra: “Yeah. And Blanche runs the sex line.”
GM: “Yeah, and occasionally, Rose gets confused and answers it. That’s it, you share the Party line with the Golden Girls.”
Rogue Mind: “I love it. It’s canon. Write it down!”
Simulacra: “Rose takes messages for me, but gets confused half way through and it turns into recipes for cookies and brownies. I can’t tell if it’s a coded phrase or not.”


Kira Kira: “Phone in hand, I’m going to tell everyone else ‘call 911’ and run over and help.”


Rogue Mind: “I’ll get a couple of cappuccinos to go, and get back with the others.”
GM: “Because you want to give Aya [Kira Kira] a stimulant.”
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Old 03-15-2020, 05:52 PM   #1577
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Ruby: “I can’t telepathically communicate with my bees yet.”
Oren: “Well get meditating on that.”
Ruby: “I need to keep rubbing my face against this baby queen bee for a while longer.”
Oren: “That’s a strange image, but, whatever floats your boat.”
Kay: “I put my arm around Dr. Feelgood (one of their deinonychus), and say ‘that’s just weird.’”


GM: “The raptors have been taking care of the seagulls and ichthyornis. They’re considering this an all-you-can-eat buffet.”


Kay: “The raptors stand by to repel—or ingest—boarders.”


Kay: “With my baseball bat and 9mm pistol I am ready to propel—er—repel boarders.”
GM: “McGuire [the ankylosaurs] is ready to propel boarders.”


Kay: “Officer Jones is strapped to the front of the boat as the figurehead.”
GM: “Facing forward so he can’t shoot any of you, accidentally?”
Kay: “He was really upset when we took his clothes and made him wear the mermaid outfit.”
Ruby: “I like how we’ve made him our official albatross. But, if we kill him we’ll be cursed. I’ll fly away on my bees if that happens.”
GM: “This has been a very weird discussion.”


MacGuire: “Ana! What do you have for this?”
Ana: “What do you want me to do?”
Kay: “Sing them the song of your people.”
Ana: “What? Would that be The Star-Spangled Banner?


Oren: “Is the water still H2O, or is it now XYZ?”
GM: “That would require chemistry.”
Remy: “That’s outside my skill set.”
GM: “Or a taste-test.”


The Source: “Be careful.”
Oren: “You’ve said that already.”
Remy: “It bears repeating.”


GM: “You do see Dr. Meyers is looking over you.”
Oren: “Good. Actual medical care.”
GM: “Yeah, it’s not like they left you where they found you . . . Kay.”


Victoria: “A large dino? What sort of large dino?”
Remy: “A . . . tanklyosaurus. I think that’s what Kay called it.”


Victoria: “Raptors? The feathered killers?”
Kay: “Yes!”
Victoria: “Yes, better to have them on your side than against you in the dark of night.”
Remy (OOC): “That’s how I feel about the crazy dinosaur lady, as well.”

And again, right after I post, they have an after-credits line:

Remy: “Jones is going to sell us out to the Persians.”
Ruby: “I knew we should have blocked that farmer’s trail.”

Last edited by Mark Skarr; 03-15-2020 at 05:54 PM. Reason: After Credits scene
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Old 03-22-2020, 06:39 AM   #1578
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Assigning radio tags for an operation, three Deputy US Marshals guarding a witness need codenames. The PCs decided to retain the superhero theme from last operation and name DUSM Frank Coleman, formerly USMC, 'Punisher', DUSM Shanna Rodgers 'Storm' (she's an African-American with short, spiky hair) and are then wondering what to name DUSM Eddie Martinez, their surveillance tech expert, a short, chubby geeky-looking guy.

GM: "The first person to suggest 'Speedy Gonzalez' is going right to sensitivity training."
Lucien Lcoste (OOC): "We'll call him 'Flash' for PC-purposes, but we'll all know what it really means."

Security contractors responsible for setting up perimeter security system also need codenames. These include several former SOF personnel from the rural south, inc. Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. Two can keep their codenames, 'Angel' and 'Warmachine', but several are new.

Dane Winding: "I don't really recall any Southern superheroes."
GM (OOC): "Googling reveals several ridiculous ethnic stereotypes that no one has heard about, like the 'Texas Twister'. Enoch Young actually was a rodeo rider way back when."
Lacoste: "It's okay, I can't be racist, I'm ethnically ambigious."
Dane: "Can we call him Zorro?"
GM: "After much discussion among the team members, several of whom appear to have relevant Games, Hobby or Literature skills, you agree that while Zorro is clearly a big part of the origin of masked superheroes, your theme should be more tightly confined to Marvel or DC heroes only. Also, Young refuses to have an aristocratic code name. Says it's un-American."
Lacoste: "Rangy [fornicator] can be Mr. Fantastic, then."

GM: "Still leaves Wyatt Jackson, deep-fried Alabama Good Ole Boy, lives on a houseboat outside Mobile, former 7th SFG, current 20th SFG National Guard."
Lacoste: "There's plenty of Australian superheroes. Australia is in the South."
Dane: "What, like Crockodile Dundee?"
GM (OOC): "He's not from Florida."
Lacoste: "No, like that guy in 'Suicide Squad'."
GM (OOC): "Ah, yes. Ridiculous ethnic stereotype to the point of parody. I realize that in the context of superheroes, doesn't really narrow it down."
Lacoste: "We gave codenames to like five black people without a single reference to Wakanda."
Dane: "That should be a Social Justice Warrior merit badge."
Lacoste: "I feel like we earned this."
Dane: "Right. Wyatt Jackson is 'Captain Boomerang'."


Dane Winding spends a long time setting up a watch schedule, security protocols, cameras, sensors and the like. In real life, the player is a police officer in the Incident Response Team of the Metropolitan Police here and a Tactical Training Officer.

Dane (OOC): "Why does roleplaying feel so much like work?"


Lucien Lacoste hears from Houston PD detectives that a guy picked up with an ounce of cocaine had wanted to make a deal, saying he knew about someone offering $100,000 for the murder of the cop, Lucien Lacoste.

Immediately, Lacoste decided to have Felipo Mendez, the strung-out tattoo-sporting gentleman in question, take him directly to whoever was talking about wanting him dead. Alone. Without backup.

Lacoste (OOC): "I want to see how much of a trap it is."

Outside the illegal gambling den where Tran, the Northside Chink Posse gangster who had been talking, hung out, Lacoste asked his ghost partner, LaDarius 'Dee' Fournette, to go in, scout, count those present, note any arms and so forth.

Dee: "Luce, I want to note, for the record, that this is a bad idea."
Lacoste: "Let the record so reflect.

Dee goes in. While he waits, Lacoste drops into a corner store (in Chinatown), his shifty informant in tow.

Lacoste: "I am going to need all of your illegal fireworks. Don't worry, I'm a cop."

After dropping off copious amounts of fireworks (for which he overpaid, not having the Merchant skill to haggle or even know what they were worth) at his car, Lacoste went into the gambling den, where Dee had told him fifteen people were eating, drinking and gambling, with two men definitely carrying and a third, half-comatose, possibly doing so.

Lacoste: "All right, you mooks. I heard someone wanted Lucien Lacoste dead. My name is Lucien Lacoste."
[Grabs pistol from one of eight guys sitting at the gang-affiliated guys table, crushes it and slams it down on the table]
"Anyone feel like earning $100,000?"


Lacoste (OOC): "Do I have like a company credit card from one of Kessler's front companies."
GM: "Indeed. For gas and incidental expenses."
Lacoste (OOC): "What happens if I put $5,000 worth of booze on it?"
GM: "Well, you haven't tried that yet."
Lacoste (OOC): "Then I haven't really lived, have I?"


New character, Julian 'Dane' Winding, meeting Lucien Lacoste, for the first time (Dane had been around in the background as an NPC, but not had a real conversation with Lacoste). Before the conversation starts, Lacoste's player looks at casting photo of Dane Winding. Asks if he has the long hair and everything, which is confirmed.

Lacoste (drunk, holding champagne bottle and lighting illegal fireworks): "You're a very handsome man."


Lacoste: "It's a new world. I can say stuff like that. It's not weird."

Lacoste told his new friend all about that time he met Odin. Dane Winding is immediately very interested, but becomes less so when he hears how Lacoste allied with Sky Pirates, fought Antarctic Space Nazis, ghouls, dragons... well, Lovecraftian monsters that were dragon-adjacent, and how he rode the Yeti.

Dane (OOC): "Awww, [faeces], I'm losing all respect for the drunk delusional guy, aren't I?"
Lacoste: "This all really happened. But not in reality. In a dream. That wasn't a dream, but real. We went to the Dreamlands. H.P. Lovecraft style. Yog-Sothoth was a penguin."
Dane: "Of course he was."


Lacoste (OOC): "Why do these things always happen to me?!"
GM: "You have Weirdness Magnet."
Lacoste: "Oh. Right. Well, that makes sense."

Dane (COVID-infected player, who is also a cop who was once framed for a felony, went to trial, was on all front pages of the news, trended on social media and required years of work to clear his name; OCC): "I feel like I might have that Disadvantage, on, like, my personal character sheet."
GM (OOC): "Well, I don't know anyone else who has lost control of his bowels quite so often."
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Last edited by Icelander; 03-22-2020 at 06:50 AM.
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Old 03-24-2020, 05:43 PM   #1579
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

The know Storm, but draw blank on Southern heroes,, so Rogue and Gambit totally slipped their minds?
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:52 PM   #1580
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by roguebfl View Post
The know Storm, but draw blank on Southern heroes,, so Rogue and Gambit totally slipped their minds?
Actually, one PC is from New Orleans and another is a Cajun from the Atchafalaya Basin, so when they said 'Southern', they meant the kind of rural deep Southern accent that they associate with northern Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi or East Texas (and elsewhere, of course, but NPCs from those areas are in play). Neither of them thinks of themselves as having an accent and, in any case, neither of them has an accent that is anything like the accent of someone from East Texas (Matthew McConaughey), Alabama (Lucas Black) or Mississippi (Elvis Presley).

In fairness, though, the PCs didn't give anyone cross-gendered code names, so maybe that's why Rogue wasn't mentioned. That being said, I don't remember her as being presented as Southern in the movies.

In any case, Jimbo Harden, former Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB) from the SWWC teams born in Gulfport, Mississippi, would not have appreciated the reference if they'd given him the code name Rogue. Not that he'd have got it, not knowing superheroes except from films, but he's very happy with his current code name, Warmachine, because it sounds awesome.
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Last edited by Icelander; 03-25-2020 at 07:20 AM.
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