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Old 06-24-2019, 09:59 PM   #1481
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

At least they didn't see a plant that ate a wyvern and tried to eat their ship, and immediately decide they needed to find a way to not get eaten long enough to collect some seeds.
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Old 06-30-2019, 06:00 PM   #1482
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Fireball: “I don’t mind booze—I can’t drink it, but I don’t mind getting it thrown at me. It teaches whoever throws it a valuable lesson about chemistry.”


Seven: “Maybe after this, they will honor us with another feast!”
Queenie: “We will feast on Justice! Tell me where these Dire apes are, so they may taste Campbello’s Fury!”


Seven (OOC): “Queenie’s battlecry should be ‘Cleansing the food chain!’”


Seven: “Ah! Important safety tip—thank you, Queenie.”


Seven: “High-Five, Fireball!”
Fireball: “Think that through.”


GM: “Cue Benny Hill music.”


GM: “Like worrying, you can curse as a free action.”


GM: “The two braziers are burning, but don’t seem to have any fuel in them.”
Fireball: “My brothers! Free yourselves!”


GM: “They’re stalagmite chandeliers.”


Magnus: “Fireball, get over there and give her a hand with them.”
Fireball: “Uhhhhhh.”


Magnus: “So, how much of that Triger is left?”
GM: “All of it, it was killed with piercing attacks.”
Magnus: “Awesome. That would make a bad-[butt] cloak!”


GM: “You’re pretty sure, at this point, that he was covered in monkey poo.”


Magnus: “I’ll make some hideous drawing of the statue.”
Rassiri (OOC): “Apparently, some Chaos God.”


Queenie (OOC): “I feel like Magnus is trying to turn into Elton John.”
Magnus (OOC): “Let me know if you find some Ruby Sunglasses.”


Queenie: “My main tactic is to run in like a flaming parade balloon.”

Last edited by Mark Skarr; 06-30-2019 at 11:31 PM. Reason: Used wrong homophone
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Old 07-04-2019, 11:41 PM   #1483
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Mark Skarr: "How did that evolve?"
Hand of Bobb: "Randomly."
Mark Skarr: "Touché."


de Rolo: "This one is unguarded."
Rachel: "With a little effort, they're all unguarded."


Rachel: "Oh, man. These guys are chumps. I almost feel bad about this."


Storm Raven: "What's the worse that could happen?"
Rachel: "Malta?"


Rachel: "Remember--reinforcements are just a single teleport away."


Firewall: "Wait--this was a Nemesis plot?"
de Rolo, Raven and Rachel: "It's ALWAYS a Nemesis plot."
Raven: "Even when it isn't."


de Rolo: "You gunna write that down?"
Rachel: "Maybe when we're not about to die."
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Old 07-07-2019, 09:17 AM   #1484
Fred Brackin
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"Wonder Dwarf Powers Activate!"

"Shape of a Mug!"

"Form of Ale!"
Fred Brackin
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Old 07-07-2019, 02:56 PM   #1485
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
"Wonder Dwarf Powers Activate!"

"Shape of a Mug!"

"Form of Ale!"
Ford: "It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
Arthur: "Whats unpleasant about being drunk?"
Ford: "Ask a glass of water."


James: "Am I going to have to go back [in time] and kick some Puritan [butt]?"
Lux: "That's not how it works."
James: "Jeremy Bearimy disagrees."
Everyone: "WHAT?!"
GM: *Uncontrollable laughter*

Last edited by Mark Skarr; 07-12-2019 at 02:47 PM. Reason: Clarification
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Old 07-08-2019, 01:50 PM   #1486
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

<Meatshield> (having finally gotten a Tesla-tech levitation backpack prototype after nearly a year in-game working on it) "I am Meatshield, Master of Magnets!"

<GM> [ Somewhere in Eastern Europe, a young Magnus (Magneto) wonders why he feels the need to roll his eyes and kill someone.... ]
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

Last edited by Phantasm; 03-21-2024 at 06:24 AM.
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Old 07-08-2019, 11:06 PM   #1487
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"The Air Kami grab the Earth Kansen. Kansen goes up! Kansen smashes down! Good Night Kansen! Thank You Air Kami." Seppun Kenta (played by me) as quoth by the GM... (my eldest.)
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Old 07-14-2019, 06:08 PM   #1488
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Raven: “For someone with a name like ‘Shock Trooper,’ he really didn’t like lightning.”


Seven (OOC): “That’s not a name, it’s unpronounceable!”
GM (OOC): “What’s wrong with Slonzekack Pibbrurt? It’s a perfectly cromulent gnome name.”


GM (OOC): “Queenie’s goal is to get a carriage and turn it into a medieval food truck.”
Queenie (OOC): “[Player] and Queenie both want that.”


GM (OOC): “Hang on, let me add that to the notes: Chocolandra, Lesser goddess of Chocolate. Symbol is a small silhouette of a bunny, missing one ear and a bite taken out of its tail.”


GM: “As you have discovered, Dwarves are a natural defense against the lunacy of gnomes.”


Seven: “No drunken shenanigans.”
Ozzodheak: “We’re kobolds—we don’t need to be drunk for shenanigans.”
Magnus: "True enough."


GM: “The moneychanger feels the ring, and runs his tongue over it, and in it.”
Seven: “I don’t know that I want it now.”
Queenie: “Why not? That’s not much different from my job?”


Queenie: “I don’t want to buy [the basilisk eggs], I want to confiscate and destroy them!”
Magnus: “Why don’t we confiscate them, and compensate them a fair-market value.”
Queenie: “I’m okay with that.”


Seven: “Could we use [the basilisk eggs] for fishing?”
Queenie: “We wouldn’t like what that would summon.”


Seven (OOC): “An Aussie dwarf, I like it.”
Sidrolin (OOC): “Well, they are from down under.”


Sidrolin: “Well, we can chop the hands off a gnome—.”
Queenie: “I’m going to stop you there.”
Magnus: “No, they have to be made out of inorganic material.”
Sidrolin: “You didn’t let me finish: we cut off the hands then thrust them in molten iron.”
Seven: “Do we have to cut the hands off first?”
Sidrolin: “We don’t have to, but you’d be surprised how loud and long a gnome can scream for.”
Queenie: “I don’t think I’d be surprised at all.”


Queenie: “Kobold traders in a floating dead turtle shell traded [the basilisk eggs] to us.”


Seven: “Magnus, do you have destroy water?”
Magnus: “I have Fireball.”
Fireball: “Heyo!”
Quennie: “That’s a tentative yes?”


Queenie (OOC): “I see the navy of Campbello sailing Gravy boats.”
GM (OOC): (Singing) “In the Gravy!”
Queenie (OOC): “Yes, exactly like that.”
Magnus (OOC): “No.”


Queenie: “If there’s anything the chef appreciates, it’s being beefier.”
Queenie (OOC): “My roommate didn’t want me to finish that joke.”


Queenie (OOC): “So . . . our party consists of, a catman, a living fireball, a woman wearing a kitchen and the world’s most bedazzled mage.”
GM (OOC): “Still looking for ruby glasses.”
Queenie (OOC): “We can do a dinner theater thing!”
Magnus (OOC): “We’ve got the pyrotechnics covered.”


Queenie: “I’ll pray for [the kobold traders], ask Campbello to pass on a blessing from one of the sea gods.”
Magnus (OOC): “Oh, lord. Bless their little hearts.”
Queenie (OOC): “Pretty much.”


Queenie: “[Mother All-Spice] has a holy Teflon coating.”


GM: “Some of them are still pulling on their pants”
Magnus: “Their efforts are appreciated.”


GM: “The tents from the Chefs of Campbello are a little more festive then you would expect for triage . . ..”


Seven: “Yes! Pirates are bad for business.”
Magnus (OOC): “Says the pirate.”


Fireball: “He-ee-eey. This is an awful lot of gunpowder . . . be a shame if something happened to it.”
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Old 07-21-2019, 06:13 PM   #1489
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Stephanie: "Does the council have plans for him, or do I need to drop him on the moon for the rest of his life?"


Stephanie: "Are you going to, um, squeegee her memory?"
Luna: "WHAT?!"


GM: “He’s left holding a burning rope, or a fuse, if it were any faster.”


GM: “With a blow of Campbello’s mighty can, Queenie batters the shark-pirate, knocking the wind out of him. Which is odd, as you’re pretty sure sharks don’t have lungs.”


GM: “Queenie, there is a rough piece of shark in front of you—do you wish to continue tenderizing?”


GM: “Sharks are not made of magnesium—while in the water they cannot burn.”


GM: “You’re pretty sure some of your choclears have broken off.”


Fireball (OOC): “Seven.exe has failed to respond.”


GM (OOC): “I would make a 9½ Weeks reference, but it would be lost.”
Queenie (OOC): “Yeah, things really heat up when she gets out of her armor.”


Fireball: “Guys! Guys! Seven’s short-attention span has kicked in, and he can’t hear me to get him wrangled!”


Queenie: “Operation ‘Flaming Parade Balloon’ Start!”


Pirate Captain: “Oh, great. Soup Nazis.”
Queenie: “I’ll make you eat those words!”


(after being shot with a blunderbuss)
Queenie: “How dare you. No one peppers me!”


GM: “You can see . . .”
Seven: “Gods of fire and fury.”
(Magnus casts a 3d, 3 hex Towering Inferno against a boat)
GM: “Yep.”


Queenie: “I think he’s swearing at me in binary.”


Leo: “There’s a Free Willy joke in here, somewhere.”


GM: “He will not eat the crow, so you must feed him the justice.”


Queenie: “Operation ‘Flaming Parade Balloon’ is again, a smashing success.”


GM: “No. That was over here . . . on the boat . . . that exploded.”


GM: “Nope, that was a groin hit.”
Queenie (OOC): “Spay or neuter your catperson. Now we have to put a cone on him until it heals.”
Seven: “Was it even worth opening?”
Queenie (OOC): “That depends on how attached you were to your genitals.”
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Old 07-26-2019, 10:43 PM   #1490
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

<Chelsea> "Oh hey I've blown up missile bases before."
<Mara> "And islands."
<Chelsea> "Last time was even deliberate!"
<Meatshield> "Chel! What did we agree on about exploding any more islands?"
<Chelsea> "Ask first?"
<Meatshield> "That's right!"

<Phantasm> [ Chel sees the undersides of what look to be giant stingrays flying along almost lazily, only they're ... furry. ]
<Chelsea> "Oh man those are *amazing*."
<Meatshield> "Great. Now I'm going to have to ride one. Stupid bucket list..."

<J'tarr> "I know the city and palace intimately. There's a dozen ways into the palace that aren't on the schematics. The palace guard only know of six."
* Mag raises an eyebrow. "Dozen, huh?"
* J'tarr smirks. "I was an inquisitive boy."

<Phantasm> [ One of the robot servants moves up to Vlad. "<You do not eat?>" it asks in Interlang. (assuming Vlad kept one of the translators from the space suits here.) ]
<Vlad_D> "Vlad doez eat, but not zhis."
<Meatshield> "Vlad does not drink... wine." Wiggles his eyebrows.

<Vlad_D> "My experience so far iz zhat vhile effective, my colleagues are not.... discreet."
<Meatshield> "Not discreet?! When have I ever dragged a bank vault down Main St, Vlad?"
* Mag snerks. "You'd so do that if you could!"
* Meatshield glances at Mag with a grin. "Yeah. I probably would... But I HAVEN'T!"
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

Last edited by Phantasm; 10-06-2019 at 01:35 AM.
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actual play, funny

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