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Old 10-21-2018, 05:44 PM   #1401
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Sylvia: “What year is it?”
Jasmine: “2019.”
Sylvia: “Who is the president?”
Jasmine: “Jack Taylor.”
Saeko (OOC): “Oh, thank God.”
Tabby (OOC): “Can we stay here?”


Thane: “Definitely better than more shallow graves.”
GM: “Jasmine’s eyes go wide with that admission.”
Thane: “It’s just zombies and robots. We’re good.”


GM: “Do you want to engage a twenty-five foot tall robot with a magical effect on its surface with your sword?”
01: “Do you NOT want to engage a giant robot with a sword? Don’t you want to tell your grandkids about the time you fought a giant robot with a sword?

Screen shot from battle (SFW).
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Old 10-28-2018, 05:42 PM   #1402
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Stephanie: "We could see if Margery got anything from him in the fight."
Heaven: "Other than her [butt] beat."
All: "Aaaaah."


Tabby: “We can pretend one of us is hurt.”
Saeko: “We don’t have to pretend.”


Contessa: “Tell them you need your emotional support animal. The Werewolf!”


Thane: “Growing boy, you know how that works.”
Tarantula: “No.”


Contessa: “We’re the girl scouts and she’s the boy scouts.”
GM: “You’re the girl scouts and she’s a prosti-tot.”
Thane (OOC): “Selling her cookies door to door.”


Contessa: “We started this with janky magic, we’re ending this with janky magic.”


May: “They’re not wanting to keep your friends at the central library . . . just in case.
Contessa: “That sounds right. I’ve met my friends.”


Tabby: “Are any of us hurt?”
GM: “Only Thane, he’s got a bloody mark on his chest.”
Saeko (OOC): “I’m emotionally distraught.”
Tabby (OOC): “Do you need your emotional support beast?”


Tabby: “Technically, we all have a weapon in the same way the Avengers have a Hulk.”
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Old 10-31-2018, 07:00 PM   #1403
Night Watchman
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Player 1: "I know what I'm going to spend my next point on: Controllable Disadvantage (Megalomania)."

Player 2: "Will you ever turn it off?"
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Old 11-03-2018, 07:20 PM   #1404
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"I knew we shouldn't have hired those guards in the red tunics."

"Yes, we wil go into the abandoned farmhouse but this time we will poke our long pointy swords up the chimney to make sure we've flushed out all the giant spiders."

"Of course you can spend the night with us in our abandoned farmhouse! (sotto voce) That's because we're running out of guards."
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Old 11-04-2018, 01:12 PM   #1405
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Player: "We domesticate the living socks."
GM: "That is a sentence that has never before been said."
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Old 11-04-2018, 05:32 PM   #1406
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Lots of funny things happened.


(Before the game, getting breakfast prepared)
GM: “I have a timer set for thirty-three minutes.”
Timer: “Beep beep! Beep beep!”
GM: “I have a timer set for thirty-three seconds.”


Contessa: “What happens when we run out of werewolves?”
Thane (the party werewolf): “Then you’re doomed.”


(After other members of the party are teleported in to the room)
Ray (Leader of HLA cell): “Man, I wish we knew how to travel like that. It would make our life easier.”
01: “You’d think.”


Ray: “I’ve always been told that you can’t infect a Sapient AI with a virus, but hey, I might have been lied to by a robot.”


GM: “As GM, I can tell you, it’ll happen when it’s dramatically appropriate. Or inappropriate.”


Contessa: “We should help. I want this world to be swollen with humans.”
Tabby (ooc): “You’re not a succubus . . . ri-ii-ii-ii-ii-ght!


GM: “Well after Tabby grew the coffee plant, without thinking about it, these people are ready to worship her. They haven’t had coffee in a decade.”
Thane: “They’re going to carve her head on Mount Rushmore.”


Thane: “So, she’s trying to demon-up her paperwork to get access to an angel?”


Tabby (OOC): “I like the comparison between Heaven and Hell with the FBI and CIA.”


Contessa: “My folder is absolutely bound in human flesh. The actual term for that is ‘anthropodermic bibliopegy.’”


Luke: “Well, if you’re heading to Washington because you have a plan . . ..”
Thane: “It’s not so much a plan as a guided disaster.”


Contessa: “Do you guys sniff each other as a greeting?”
Thane: “You’re welcome to sniff them, but everyone will look at you funny.”


GM: “If you need shock troops. Nothing beats werewolves.”
Tabby: “With grenades.”


Thane: “Is he Ragabash?”
Luke: “No, he just likes explosions.”
01 (ooc): “He’s a redneck.”
Contessa (ooc): “His alignment is Chaotic Hillbilly.”


Contessa: “You had me at ‘disable the safety on the RPGs and throwing a truck.’”


GM: “It’s never good for the target when a werewolf critically hits.”


After a discussion of turning robots into mobile seats/thrones:
Thane (ooc): “This is Infinite Weirdos, not Game of Thrones.”


Thane: “There’s always hope, as long as werewolves are around.”
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Old 11-04-2018, 05:36 PM   #1407
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
Player: "We domesticate the living socks."
GM: "That is a sentence that has never before been said."
T_T I stand by my statement.
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Old 11-05-2018, 01:38 AM   #1408
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

But surely it's the feral socks you need to worry about. Biohazards with attitude are not to be sneezed at.
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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Old 11-11-2018, 05:32 PM   #1409
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Tabby: “You say ‘crazy,’ I say ‘Tuesday.’”


Thane: “When was the last time you had a beer?”
Sergeant Campbell: “Not nearly recently enough to deal with this.”


Tabby: “I shape the plant into . . . I don’t know.”
Thane: “A pony!”
Saeko: “Everyone loves ponies!”


Thane (OOC): “Oh, I misread that. I read ‘streaking’ ST.”
Contessa: “You’re very good at it. It’s an innate werewolf trait.”


Tabby (OOC): “We have a demon talking to a humanoid-looking robot in an effort to act normal. This is normal for us.”


Thane: “Do they have any pets?”
01 (OOC): “Why? Are you still hungry?”


Contessa: “This world isn’t post-apocalyptic, it’s most-apocalyptic.”


Captain Scott: “They can magically move giant robots around. Well that’s horrifying.”
Tabby: “Welcome to Wednesday. This doesn’t even bring up the robot Zombies from Thursday.”
Captain Scott: “Robot Zombies!? How would that even work?!”
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Old 11-12-2018, 02:14 PM   #1410
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

* Chelsea follows Meatshield. "Weird question; is there any way to make heatsinks that won't explode when they fail?"
<Starbot> <OOC> Don't be silly! This is a comic book -- if things don't explode dangerously when they fail, what's the point?

* Meatshield punches the shark a couple times. "Bad food! Bad! This is not Soviet Russia!"
<Phantasm> <ooc> In Soviet Russia, food eat you!

<Meatshield> Just being a smartass but also curious if it turns out to be true... "Atlantis have any good ways to grill Cthulhu?"
<Namora> "Only heat was over open volcanic vents. We can steam Cthulhu, but not grill."
<Meatshield> ... Well, ask a silly question. Meatshield shrugs and helps Mag yank teeth.

<Mag> "Nah, Manticores aren't nearly as poisonous. Or snuggly."

<Chelsea> ~There's actually a book - a science fiction comedy - where the dolphins are smart enough to evacuate Earth before it gets demolished. They leave for humans a message saying "so long, and thanks for all the fish."~
<Namora> "I've read it. It's ... really irreverent."
<Namora> "My cousin, though, did say that he discovered how to fly in much that manner."
<Mag> (( What manner was that? ))
<Phantasm> (( "Throw yourself at the ground, and miss." Douglas Addams ))

* Chelsea waves her hands. "By the angry flame of Muspelheim's blight, you f***ers picked the wrong damn fight."

* Mag takes a moment, then looks at Meat. "Throw me! Throw me throw me!" She bounces.
* Meatshield picks up Mag at the waist and chucks her like a javelin at the Hydra mooks! "Hail cuttlefish!"
<+Meatshield> . o O (Damn it! Should have said 'Frenzy, eject! Operation, frag the bastards!')

<Namora> "I've always wanted to do bowling, but the ball keeps breaking the few times I've tried- be a dear Meat?"
<+Namora> *Namora grabs Meatshield by crotch and shoulder and gives a good 360 spin before rolling him down the grass like an oversized bowling ball- yelling "STRIKE!" as he hits.
* Meatshield balls up as he's thrown and belts out "o/ You spin me right 'round, baby! Right 'round! Like a record, baby! Right 'round! Round! Round!"
<Phantasm> [ You can hear the sound of bowling pins on a strike when Meat hits. ]
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Last edited by Phantasm; 11-12-2018 at 06:08 PM.
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