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Old 09-13-2022, 08:45 PM   #51
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

I really like #3
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Old 09-13-2022, 09:16 PM   #52
Fred Brackin
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

2 Nexus.

Network of Stargates works best with network of ley lines.
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Old 09-14-2022, 05:34 AM   #53
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

#2, Nexus option, same reason as Fred. If the Stargates are connected to other planets rather than other realities, you could have the symbols on the control dias correspond to the ley lines that are intersecting at the location of the destination gate. Honestly, that would still work if they're connected to other realities, if we posit that ley lines cross over.
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Old 09-14-2022, 06:58 AM   #54
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

2, Nexus, same reasons as mentioned above. To tie in with my past comments, nexus emphasizes my comment of, they have to built where the Ley Lines cross, not where people find useful.
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Old 09-14-2022, 08:17 AM   #55
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

Either #1 or #2. Stick it on a ley line.
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Old 09-14-2022, 11:33 PM   #56
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Wouldn't 3-5 make the previous question kind of redundant? Like, if ley lines are needed to do big magic and nothing else, and ley lines move around to match wherever the big magic is, then what do they do?
The Stargate is not the only 'big magic,' though, at least that's what I'm assuming (so, the Stargates in those options would bend the ley lines, and were presumably designed to, but other big magics mostly would not). Right now it does not look like any of those will win, though, unless they get a bunch of votes while the poll is still open (probably closing it and posting the new Question on Friday or some time this weekend). So far, #2 has the most votes.
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Old 09-14-2022, 11:44 PM   #57
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

6) Stargates must be built on ley lines, as Stargates can only open portals to gates on the same ley line. Thus, building a gate on the junction of multiple ley lines is ideal.
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Old 09-17-2022, 12:54 AM   #58
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

Magic System Question V

Which systems do most magic items come from? The default assumption would be that the system that's most common in use would be the source of most magic items, but that isn't necessarily the case - having spellcasting be done with one system and the majority of magic items come from another is plausible and could be interesting.

1. Material Magic (Probably Magical Engineering, but could be Alchemical Charms, or similar charms created by Herb Lore, as well as items with natural magical properties. Fluffwise, this system has the advantage that the base concept is literally 'making magic items.')

2. Magic as Powers (It won the system question, so this would make sense, but isn't an absolute requirement. Items are made by permanent Affliction of powers on objects (mechanically, they would tend to be built as Gadget advantages, but this isn't the only system for which that would make sense). Pretty versatile, but the power level is dependent on the power level of the maker, or the maker's ability to get a large group of people with the right powers to work together, like a magic gestalt.)

3. Path/Book Magic (Items are fetishes, having spirits bound into them to perform their functions. They will tend to have more 'personality' than spell-based or material items, responding to the users' emotions and situation more. Fairly quick to produce if you can find the right spirits and get them to cooperate.)

4. Magic as Social Connections (These items are obtained from spirits, whether as gifts or in return for payment. From the spirits' perspective, these may be fetishes, afflictions, or some of each.)

5. Spell-based Enchantment (Items tend to be only vary in functionality by the mana level, skill of the enchanter, and how much energy you expend, but unless significant modifications are made, will be less common and much harder to replace than similar items in the show, or from the other options on this list, due to being slow to produce and needing dedicated people of high skill and rare power who aren't doing other things.)

6. Syntactic Magic (Probably various forms of Symbol Magic, though not necessarily the standard Symbol Enchantment method, as that's fairly slow, much like unmodified Spell-based Enchanting. Mixing it with PBM might work better.)

7. Low Magic (Probably Craft Magic, or mixing Low Magic with Material Magic.)

8. Something else (please specify).

Please remember to include the number(s) of your preferred option(s) when you vote.


Answer: OK, three votes for 1, one vote for 2 alone, and one of the votes for 1 also supports 2; also one vote for 1 supports 4 as a secondary. This doesn't mean that it's impossible for items made by other styles to appear, or even for PCs to eventually learn how, but it will be rare and surprising.
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Last edited by Prince Charon; 09-19-2022 at 05:30 PM.
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Old 09-17-2022, 08:16 AM   #59
Fred Brackin
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

Originally Posted by Prince Charon View Post
Magic System Question V
1 should be the main but 4 might be possible. Everything else is a wrong turn.
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Old 09-17-2022, 08:47 AM   #60
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Default Re: [Space/Thaumatology] Stargate: Fantasy - Worldbuilding thread

1. Material Magic
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