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Old 08-17-2014, 10:36 AM   #11
simply Nathan
formerly known as 'Kenneth Latrans'
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Wyoming, Michigan
Default Re: RPGaday Topic 17: Funniest Game you’ve played

In one d20 fantasy campaign I was a member of the party of adventurers who one time went to seek treasure in the Grease Dungeon. One of our wizards cast a fire spell, making an action movie explosion and demolishing the place; we each lost one Hit Point to the fiery explosion.

In another campaign (pure roleplay "tellstory" rather than a particular system), I was in another party who were exploring a more mundane-seeming cave. Our dwarf warrior guy struck a rock with his hammer and the spark ignited all the bat guano, giving us yet another action movie explosion (throwing us out of the cave, but leaving us ultimately unharmed).

In another pure roleplay adventure, each player described his character and then the GM gave him his backstory and place of origin.
- My character was an eyepatch-wearing axe-wielding warrior with a chain shirt, named Lance. The GM gave me the background that I was from a town called Lanceburg where everyone was such a warrior named Lance; I hatched from an egg in the town square the day the adventure started, fully formed and fully cynical. I was the straightman.
- Another player was an elven archer-wizard in the traditional old D&D manner. The GM decided that he was from Volcano Mountain, which looked like a giant stone face with pools of magma making the mountain look like it had acne.
- Another player was a hobgoblin named Pickle. Halfway through the adventure he received a head injury and changed from a typical brute warrior into a sophisticated pseudo-intellectual.
- My little brother played a purple cat-man whom the GM declared to be from some sort of cat-town. He was the size of a housecat, dressed like Link from the Legend of Zelda, and had the power to walk on the ceiling; he one time accidentally activated this outside, causing himself to fly upward towards a non-existent ceiling (I can't recall how he came down, but it was funny).
Ba-weep granah wheep minibon. Wubba lubba dub dub.
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Old 08-17-2014, 01:46 PM   #12
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
Default Re: RPGaday Topic 17: Funniest Game you’ve played

Originally Posted by Kenneth Latrans View Post
In another pure roleplay adventure, each player described his character and then the GM gave him his backstory and place of origin.
- My character was an eyepatch-wearing axe-wielding warrior with a chain shirt, named Lance. The GM gave me the background that I was from a town called Lanceburg where everyone was such a warrior named Lance; I hatched from an egg in the town square the day the adventure started, fully formed and fully cynical. I was the straightman.
- Another player was an elven archer-wizard in the traditional old D&D manner. The GM decided that he was from Volcano Mountain, which looked like a giant stone face with pools of magma making the mountain look like it had acne.
- Another player was a hobgoblin named Pickle. Halfway through the adventure he received a head injury and changed from a typical brute warrior into a sophisticated pseudo-intellectual.
- My little brother played a purple cat-man whom the GM declared to be from some sort of cat-town. He was the size of a housecat, dressed like Link from the Legend of Zelda, and had the power to walk on the ceiling; he one time accidentally activated this outside, causing himself to fly upward towards a non-existent ceiling (I can't recall how he came down, but it was funny).
Now that's the sort of thing that Toon was made for!

Bill Stoddard
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Old 08-18-2014, 02:29 PM   #13
Michael Cule
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: RPGaday Topic 17: Funniest Game you’ve played

I think some of the funniest were those set around DISCWORLD. I'm quite obscenely proud of one of my few professional sales, the first public adaptation of DISCWORLD for GURPS. Which I did only reluctantly because I'd originally run it with OVER THE EDGE.

I've since had the pleasure two or three times of playing in DISCWORLD games run by the esteemed Phil Masters.
Michael Cule,
Genius for Hire,
Gaming Dinosaur Second Class
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Old 08-21-2014, 10:26 AM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2006
Default Re: RPGaday Topic 17: Funniest Game you’ve played

Can't say that I've played or run in many funny games. Its not what i shoot for.

I did play a came of Prime Time Adventures where we were doing a reality TV show about a team of villains trying to take over the world. It was called "You Will Know Your Overlords!" and was pretty funny.
No Ordinary Obsession
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