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Old 10-13-2013, 04:05 PM   #101
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
It may not be completely trivial, but it can certainly happen - for example, an Enemy of a really rich guy may do some financial chicanery with the rich guy's books and then leak the frauds to the cops, thus getting the SEC on his tail and eventually bankrupting him, destroying his credit rating, etc. Hell, it could even go like what happened to Hodges in Bones last season or to Bruce Wayne in the last Batman movie - hacker guy hacks into rich guy's bank account and stock portfolio and drains both, destroying rich guy's credit rating and making him seem like a complete loon to his richy-rich connections.

Yeah, it requires a bit more than just 'steal the sword of magicness', but it's certainly available for a GM to mess with if he pleases.
Of course, this delves deeply into the issue of mutable vs. immutable point totals. For highly mutable point totals where every trait is fair game, players are more tempted to pick traits that are more removal-proof and/or more conducive to gaining long-term goodies that are hard to take away. In less mutable ones, there's more safety of just making the character one wants to play without worrying about being forced to play something else.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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Old 10-13-2013, 05:26 PM   #102
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
Agreed. Those things really should alter the character's CP cost if you were to bring them into a new game, for example. I know there's no way I'd allow someone to bring in a Dead Broke character with billions of dollars in loot they gained from adventuring into any game I ran without making them spend the points for it!
Ah but would you allow someone to start the game in command of a starship that costs that much. The difference of course is that the starship commander does not in fact own a starship. He just commands one and only as long as his superiors allow it.
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Old 10-13-2013, 05:28 PM   #103
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
Ah but would you allow someone to start the game in command of a starship that costs that much.
Only if it's a plot device, but that's a special case of "points are for players".
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Old 10-13-2013, 05:42 PM   #104
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
Ah but would you allow someone to start the game in command of a starship that costs that much. The difference of course is that the starship commander does not in fact own a starship. He just commands one and only as long as his superiors allow it.
Not if they don't pay for it in some fashion, especially if the other players aren't part of the crew or have anything to do with it.
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Old 10-13-2013, 06:48 PM   #105
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
In the US, the proper term for an apartment unit that is owned is a 'condominium'. If they intended that it was owned, they'd have used 'condo' instead of 'apartment'. Condo owners are typically higher-status than apartment-renters, too.
No. There are Condominium Apartments, and Rental Apartments, some times in the same building (via sublet generally). An "Apartment" just means a set of rooms in a larger building. Many a store keeper lived in apartments above the store. They owned the building, but lived in an apartment.

I think the key difference is you don't live in a free standing single family dwelling.
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Old 10-13-2013, 07:25 PM   #106
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by otghand View Post
No. There are Condominium Apartments, and Rental Apartments, some times in the same building (via sublet generally). An "Apartment" just means a set of rooms in a larger building. Many a store keeper lived in apartments above the store. They owned the building, but lived in an apartment.

I think the key difference is you don't live in a free standing single family dwelling.
Yes, but a condo is the specific term for 'owned or mortgaged apartment'; you can't have a rented condo, for example. If they had intended the term 'apartment' to mean 'only one that is owned outright', which is what Vicky was suggesting, then they should have used the term 'condo'.
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Old 10-13-2013, 07:31 PM   #107
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
Not if they don't pay for it in some fashion, especially if the other players aren't part of the crew or have anything to do with it.
I wasn't suggesting the the other players wouldn't be part of the crew. So how do they pay for it?
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Old 10-13-2013, 07:52 PM   #108
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by otghand View Post
No. There are Condominium Apartments, and Rental Apartments, some times in the same building (via sublet generally).
Vicky seems to be talking about an arrangement that's pretty much unique to former Warsaw Pact countries. Under communism the government owned the apartments. When the soviet system collapse many of these countries privatized the apartments. In several states if you lived in the apartment for so many years you owned it for free, otherwise you were able to buy it at a prorated cost.

In regards to whether Captain Jeff S. Ruth needs to pay any points (other than Military Rank 6) for the Nimitz, I think the rules are pretty clear.
Originally Posted by B73
Not every employer is a Patron. If you can depend on your employer to get you out of trouble (at least sometimes), it might really be a Patron. Otherwise, it’s just a job. For example, a small police department is a 10- point Patron if, as most do, it takes care of its own. But the U.S. Army, though powerful, is not a likely Patron – at least for an ordinary trooper.
A soldier with a military Patron would not pay extra for his weapons, since when he goes off duty, he can’t take them along.
The Navy isn't Ruth's Patron and he doesn't have to pay any extra points for equipment that the Navy gives him (including The Nimitz) to use only while he's on duty.
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Old 10-13-2013, 07:53 PM   #109
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

No, a "Condo" just means you have a property right in your dwelling, but that the right does not extend beyond the dwelling space. You can for instance have a condominium townhouse for instance. You can have a rented townhouse.

My point is just that to live in an apartment says nothing about how it is paid for.

condominium n
pl: -ums [New Latin, joint dominion, from Latin com- with, together + dominium rule, ownership] 1 : ownership of real property that is characterized by separate ownership of portions of the property ...

A not bad discussion here:

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
Yes, but a condo is the specific term for 'owned or mortgaged apartment'; you can't have a rented condo, for example. If they had intended the term 'apartment' to mean 'only one that is owned outright', which is what Vicky was suggesting, then they should have used the term 'condo'.
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Old 10-13-2013, 08:09 PM   #110
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Default Re: Cost of Living Breakdown

Originally Posted by otghand View Post
No, a "Condo" just means you have a property right in your dwelling, but that the right does not extend beyond the dwelling space. You can for instance have a condominium townhouse for instance. You can have a rented townhouse.

My point is just that to live in an apartment says nothing about how it is paid for.
And my point was that Vicky was reading 'apartment' to mean 'exclusively an apartment that is owned, not rented', and the word 'apartment' commonly refers to something that is rented, while 'condominium' exclusively refers to something that is not rented (which your definition agrees with).
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