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Old 11-17-2021, 01:18 PM   #701
jason taylor
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Ao Kuzu: This drink is a long favorite of Aslan origin. It goes by many names and whether this one is originally of Aslan origin is debated. It is of varying alcoholic proportion.

Some have compared it to Terran Kumis and like Kumis it is from fermented milk, in this case from a mammaloid species native to Kuzu. It comes in "vintages" of various types from the common which can be had in the Aslan version of taverns to the very fine. Knowledge of the later is considered a mark of an Aslan noble, much as knowledge of other fine drinks is among humans, and many such, especially if they have a particular interest in the subject will expound at length about the symbiosis between the soil, the seed for pasturage, and the breeds grazing on it as well as such things as storage, ageing and how they absolutely SHOULD NOT take shortcuts like todays money-mad youth who do not care for such a fine tradition, etc.

While the finer quality is often cultivated by a high noble, curiously the cheaper versions are a mark of a new landholder. Such often find it more profitable to invest in a continually producing product than in meat animals which must be slaughtered.

The taste of Ao Kuzu is usually salty or sour which reflects the Aslan taste, which while sometimes partial to the sweet is less inclined in that direction than omnivorous humans. It is sometimes used as a sauce as well as a beverage either poured plain onto meat or incorporated with other ingredients to make something like a barbecue sauce. Oddly enough it is known in both forms among humans. However it is usually incorporated into cocktails rather than drunken plain.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison

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Old 11-25-2021, 11:35 AM   #702
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

What is "real" land:

Aslan discussion over what constitutes "real" land is Serious Business. The ideal of course is something like the imagined heroic past on Kuzu: a grassland ranch and/or hunting park. Aslan are not as fond of dramatic elevation features as humans though they do not mind them as a way to occasionally diversify terrain. Other rural biomes are less than ideal but acceptable. Urban land is not really land unless it is an actual park-like estate. Land at the bottom of a body of water or on a world with an uninhabitable atmosphere is in the best-one-can-do category. Space stations are never land.

Westerns and Aslan. Aslan actually have a fondness for the Western genre of ancient American cinema. The features such as rolling plains, and other natural visages and heroic fights appeal to them. They also like some of the things culturally associated with them like country music and the meat-heavy cuisines like Texan and Barbecue. In certain cases the subculture has been painstakingly preserved by artists and scholars and kept alive at theme saloons.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison

Last edited by jason taylor; 11-27-2021 at 12:31 PM.
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Old 11-26-2021, 06:10 AM   #703
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Originally Posted by jason taylor View Post
What is "real" land:

Space stations are never land.
Now I am wondering about Aslan and the really large K'kree ships, which have living areas simulating open plains. Would a captured K'kree ship count as land?
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Old 11-27-2021, 12:31 PM   #704
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Originally Posted by cptbutton View Post
Now I am wondering about Aslan and the really large K'kree ships, which have living areas simulating open plains. Would a captured K'kree ship count as land?
What an abomination suitable for dishonorable barbarians!
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 05-09-2022, 10:20 AM   #705
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Transrift Corporation:

This is a company that operates on the route between Reavers Deep and the Spinward Marches. It is largely a passenger line but diversifies into cargo and banking as well as maintaining a corporate armed force for security and some say to coercively carry out an ambition to become the market leader along this route.

It began with a demographic upsurge among cisrift Aslan and consequent increase in Ihaiti demanding transport facilities. The Fleet Dispatcher for Reaver's Deep approached the Prince of Caledonia to negotiate transit rights. Faced with the prospect of having a flood of undocumented foreigners and the genuine opportunity of making a profit the prince summoned the various lairds and chiefs to raise capital. The result was the Transrift corporation.

It shares many of the qualities of a charter corporation, with the Caledonian royalty and nobility, and the Fleet Dispatcher for Reavers Deep jointly owning a controling interest. It has however no official royal monopoly, a practice that would be repugnant to the commercially minded Caledonians.

The Transrift Corporation maintains a regular series of convoys. Non Transrift vessels can buy a place in the convoys which gains protection of escort vessels. Another source of profit is the regular auctions held among planetary governments to be the subsector and sector refit stops for the next convoy. Demand for this is high as it is an opportunity to hold a trade fair on that world.

The transition to banking as a secondary specialty was an easy one. It came of the need to have a system for safely handling the possessions of travelers. The Transrift Bank maintains safety deposit boxes and manages bills of exchange as well as handling deposits and withdrawls into accounts. The cargo side specialty evolved both from the trade fairs and the realization that the long voyages of convoys gave a chance to traffic in exotics of the kind that get their value from rarity. Caledonian Whisky, and Lambic Red beers and Ufflewines appear on the tables of distinguished persons at the opposite ends of the route. Caledonia has received Kudy Ivory and sold traditional musical instruments such as harps and pipes. Another product widely sold is Aslan handicrafts. One notable example of this is the leather covered fierahs still used for hunting on some planets. These are made kernmantle style with the core of several strands of biphase rope and a sheath of artistically dyed leather gotten typically from hunting beasts near the landholds on several cisrift worlds. Other side businesses are to varied to count, usually involving service industry in various starports.

Transrift has from the beginning engaged in a number of trade wars. The competition for the rift route is fierce and new competitors are not always welcome. Despite that it has become one of the most successful business enterprises in the area. It has also become a cultural symbol. It has brought the ways of Reavers Deep and the Marches into contact with each other. Caledonians with their mindfulness of Scottish history like to nickname it Jardines after a company active in the Asian trade on pre starflight Earth that had a number of Scottish officials.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 05-09-2022, 01:58 PM   #706
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)


This is the national instrument of several of the Sword Worlds. It is a revival of a varient of the violin popular in Norway on ancient Terra. Luthiers in the Sword Worlds often spend long lengths of time on individual Hardangers and decorate them elaborately. If it is made on commission or a special edition made for advertising it may incorporate expensive materials.


Gungnir Eagle: This is a bird found in the mountains of Gungnir. It is part of the lore of the planet and has many legends told of it including a tale that these were descended from the Eagles of Manwe.

Despite the fact that they have been on Gungnir as long as any can remember they are actual eagles, that is they are large raptors with a genetic connection to the bird on earth. Those fond of cliche mysteries ascribe that to "meddling by the Ancients" but others shrug their shoulders.

Like other raptors it is capable of semi domestication at the hands of a trained falconer. They can be bred in captivity on other planets but wild Gungnir born eagles captured in adolescence draw the best price and there is a local subculture of expeditions high in the Mountains to make captures.

Gungnir Eagles are found in the aviaries of prominent people throughout the Marches and beyond.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 06-10-2022, 03:03 PM   #707
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Impernet: regular periodical of insights from Imperial personal on tactics and fieldcraft. Other states like Caledonia, Darian, Sword Worlds, etc have similar institutions for the same purpose.

Personal Datacaster: This is the personal version of the naval variety datacaster used by light vessels. It has two basic forms, the civilian variety which is widely available on the open or at least the black market and used for cyberdefence. There is also the military grade variety used by soldiers and marines. This is a purpose built "fighting" computer used at it's most benign to protect one's own electronics but sometimes for the more nefarious forms of Black Hat hacking. As a footnote, any device with internet access can be used as an improvised data caster but professionals prefer a purpose built version.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 06-10-2022, 06:29 PM   #708
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Mannerheim Corporation: a maker of a wide variety of small arms of average tech level. Popular for their durability, user-friendliness and adaptability to different functions different models are sold both for military and civilian usage within and without the Sword Worlds. Though it failed to get the contract for the standard issue militia piece it remains popular in Gungnir and elsewhere. As with many Sword World products it has extensive guidebooks as well as repair shops where advice on potential mods can be gotten. It's logo is a quartered shield with a picture of General Mannerheim and a Finnish private soldier of the Terran Second World War on opposite corners and the Finnish flag on the other two.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 06-22-2022, 01:30 PM   #709
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Clan Champions:

A common custom among Aslan and many Humaniti especially those who are in close contact with Aslan. A clan champion's responsibility is to represent his polity in affairs of honor. Often he carries some sort of regalia. A ceremonial weapon is common or an artistic rendering of a dual from epic literature.

Taking up the quarrels of individuals is usually forbidden: often if a clan member is incapable of representing himself the Ko will pick a noble male's son for the duty. Equally a Champion cannot be insulted and so is not required to duel himself. If he insults someone, taking advantage of the privileges of his office he is likely to be deposed.

In between fights a Champion trains. Sometimes he doubles as trainer, schooling younger clan members in martial arts.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 07-08-2022, 01:53 PM   #710
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

Imperial Standard Military Grade Handcomp, Arbellatra Model:

This is the latest issue of handcomps specialized to the needs of the Imperial Military. It is hardened to protect from the rigors on campaign and has the added bonus of a similarly hardened holster with separate compartments to contain additional devices or accessories. It is made to be capable of mating with any device that might be used for military duties, such as a Scout PAC sensor unit, or handheld datacaster. Other possibilities are to link to a target spotter (either independent or mounted on a small arms accessory rail), and a helmet mounted HUD. With this system a link can be forged with unit personal up to platoon level to share information and the locations of different combatants. Access to battalion, regiment and brigade is automatically locked off except at the subaltern's discretion, both to compartmentalize the system and to avoid the natural data flooding of combat.

It is forbidden to sell to the civilian market and surplus units are usually stored or destroyed. That said a number do trickle outward. Furthermore not only do states not under Imperial jurisdiction often have similar devices but there are "copycats" adapted for civilian usage. Said copycats are often to specialized to have wide popularity but some versions can link with a standard civilian handcomp built to proper specifications. These copycats are often used by militias, mercenaries, partisans and other such ad hoc forces.

Adventure: The PCs are inspectors dealing with a report that several devices are stolen

Adventure: the PCs accidentally buy a computer with a bug-ap on it calling back to the Imperial law enforcement, organized crime group who specializes in the theft of military supplies, etc. Someone is coming after you.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison

Last edited by jason taylor; 07-08-2022 at 01:58 PM.
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