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Old 06-03-2011, 11:11 AM   #1
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Default Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

I know we aren't suppose to link dump here, but I'm going to anyway.

Ninja VS Pirates podcast just released a two part interview with our very own Dr. Kromm about GURPS and GURPS Action!

Can be found here and here.
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:26 PM   #2
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Yay! A Steve Jackson Games employee shows up on a podcast! Seriously, though, I listen to a lot of RPG podcasts, and I get frustrated with the lack of GURPS presence on them. (Some are outright derogatory toward GURPS.)
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:32 PM   #3
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

So, what's on the podcast? Anything interesting?

(I absolutely refuse to listen to podcasts. I like my news in easy-to-read format, not random-people-talking format, and I don't understand why anyone would prefer a podcast to a transcript)
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:39 PM   #4
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
So, what's on the podcast? Anything interesting?

(I absolutely refuse to listen to podcasts. I like my news in easy-to-read format, not random-people-talking format, and I don't understand why anyone would prefer a podcast to a transcript)
It's something to listen to while doing chores, driving, or other mindless work.
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:46 PM   #5
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by nanoboy View Post
It's something to listen to while doing chores, driving, or other mindless work.
Yeah, but what if I'm sitting at a computer and just want to get a highlight of what's going on? It's impossible to scan through an audio file, you can't search through it, and you can't find out if there's anything in it you'd find interesting in just a few seconds. If podcasts came with transcripts I'd be fine with them, but without them they're just useless for me.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:18 PM   #6
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
Yeah, but what if I'm sitting at a computer and just want to get a highlight of what's going on? It's impossible to scan through an audio file, you can't search through it, and you can't find out if there's anything in it you'd find interesting in just a few seconds. If podcasts came with transcripts I'd be fine with them, but without them they're just useless for me.
If you listen to Radio shows, then podcasts make sense, if you don't, then the obverse would be true.

I will note, that some of the podcasts actually chapter their 'casts, so you CAN find a section you wanted to listen too, but that depends on the podcaster.

Gorkamorka, thanks for posting this, I'll check it out, sounds interesting.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:37 PM   #7
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

And you won't tend to find transcripts, because most podcasts are hobby affairs. The people do them for fun, and they're not going to spend the massive amount of time it takes to transcribe the show.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:00 PM   #8
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by nanoboy View Post
And you won't tend to find transcripts, because most podcasts are hobby affairs. The people do them for fun, and they're not going to spend the massive amount of time it takes to transcribe the show.
A quick bullet-point 'this is what we talked about' thing doesn't take all that much time, and would be a lot more useful for figuring out if I want to bother wasting my time with it than just 'this is Sean Punch talking about GURPS and GURPS Action'. What is he talking about? Does he make any announcements, or say anything interesting at all?

It doesn't need to be a word-for-word transcript, but something where I can get an idea of what it is they're talking about would be nice.

EDIT: It's also a requirement for posting a thread here, so that it isn't a link-dump. As-is, this is against the forum rules. Add some description of WTF Kromm said and it wouldn't.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:16 PM   #9
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by Langy View Post
A quick bullet-point 'this is what we talked about' thing doesn't take all that much time, and would be a lot more useful for figuring out if I want to bother wasting my time with it than just 'this is Sean Punch talking about GURPS and GURPS Action'. What is he talking about? Does he make any announcements, or say anything interesting at all?

It doesn't need to be a word-for-word transcript, but something where I can get an idea of what it is they're talking about would be nice.

EDIT: It's also a requirement for posting a thread here, so that it isn't a link-dump. As-is, this is against the forum rules. Add some description of WTF Kromm said and it wouldn't.
Some podcasts do, and some don't. They're not products; they're usually free and commercial-free programs produced by people for fun. You just can't expect them to have that, though some do. Still, I highly recommend podcasts. For your entertainment, I will list the RPG podcasts I listen to:

All Games Considered (News, interviews, discussion, reviews)
Atomic Array (Interviews, primarily)
The Bear Swarm! (Discussion with occasional interviews)
Brilliant Gameologists (Discussions and occasional reviews)
Fear the Boot (Discussion with occasional interviews; probably the most widely beloved RPG podcast)
The Jank Cast (Discussion)
Jennisodes (Primarily interviews)
Kicked in the Dicebags! (Discussion)
The Podge Cast (Discussion)
Postcards from the Dungeon (Discussion)
Role Playing Public Radio (Discussion)
RPG Circus (News and Discussion with occasional reviews)
The Walking Eye (Discussion, interviews, and actual play)
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:18 PM   #10
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Default Re: Interview with Dr Kromm about GURPS

Originally Posted by nanoboy View Post
Some podcasts do, and some don't. They're not products; they're usually free and commercial-free programs produced by people for fun. You just can't expect them to have that, though some do. Still, I highly recommend podcasts. For your entertainment, I will list the RPG podcasts I listen to:
If they want me to listen to them, I very much can expect them to actually tell me what they do. I'm not going to go around downloading files and listening to them at random.
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gurps 4e, gurps action, interview, kromm, podcast

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