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Old 08-22-2010, 07:37 PM   #1
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Default GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

Anyone out there given any thought to running Ken Hite's wonderful Day After Ragnarok as a 4e game? It seems like the conversion would be pretty easy, but I'm curious how people would take on a few things like Ophi-Tech.
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Old 08-23-2010, 07:50 AM   #2
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

Originally Posted by macphersonrants View Post
Anyone out there given any thought to running Ken Hite's wonderful Day After Ragnarok as a 4e game? It seems like the conversion would be pretty easy, but I'm curious how people would take on a few things like Ophi-Tech.
Not put any numbers to it, but I agree it shouldn't be hard. Might be a good start to figure out what actually needs to be converted.

* Ophi-Tech - this is the big one. Lots of it could be built as powers, and I think that might be the simplest game-mechanical approach - even if one didn't charge character points for them, at least the game effects would be nailed down in the context of existing abilities. So the Ablative-Metabolic Suit gives lots of Temperature Tolerance, Pressure Support and Vacuum Support, for example. All Ophi-Tech items would have a power modifier based on the risk of getting Snakebit...

* Monsters - some of them have special abilities which could do with being converted.

But I think that's really about it, and it shouldn't be a huge project.
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Old 08-23-2010, 09:37 PM   #3
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

Originally Posted by RogerBW View Post
Not put any numbers to it, but I agree it shouldn't be hard. Might be a good start to figure out what actually needs to be converted.

* Ophi-Tech - this is the big one. Lots of it could be built as powers, and I think that might be the simplest game-mechanical approach - even if one didn't charge character points for them, at least the game effects would be nailed down in the context of existing abilities. So the Ablative-Metabolic Suit gives lots of Temperature Tolerance, Pressure Support and Vacuum Support, for example. All Ophi-Tech items would have a power modifier based on the risk of getting Snakebit...

* Monsters - some of them have special abilities which could do with being converted.

But I think that's really about it, and it shouldn't be a huge project.
I was also thinking that Powers probably makes sense for Ophi-Tech. I'm trying to recall how Powers handles things that are item based?
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell
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Old 08-23-2010, 10:59 PM   #4
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

Originally Posted by macphersonrants View Post
I was also thinking that Powers probably makes sense for Ophi-Tech. I'm trying to recall how Powers handles things that are item based?
It's in Basic. Look at the end under Gadgets. Basically a modifier for how hard it is to replace, if it works for someone who steals it, if it can be broken, etc.
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Old 08-24-2010, 05:48 AM   #5
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
It's in Basic. Look at the end under Gadgets. Basically a modifier for how hard it is to replace, if it works for someone who steals it, if it can be broken, etc.
Snakebit looks to me like Will-2, HT-2, Only Against Spawn or Aspects of the Midgard Serpent (-30%) [-21] for the Minor version, and possibly Reprogrammable for the Major version.

Ophi-Tech gadgets will have varying levels of Breakable (with the Machine modifier and SM considerations) and varying levels of Can Be Stolen.

Not sure about the risk of becoming Snakebit - I'd probably run it as "if you crit-fail when using an ophi-tech device, make an HT roll to avoid acquiring a level of Snakebit".
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Old 08-24-2010, 03:18 PM   #6
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

While we're on the subject...
I've been fiddling with a (GURPS) The Day After Ragnarok campaign and ran
into a different (and technically very minor) problem.
(Having cunningly avoided some of the issues above, by making it an either
Mountie or Texas Ranger campaign and more about oedipal snakes on the plains than Ophi-Tech.)

The problem, without further explanation, is as follows:
There appears to be a distinct lack of overlap between the ranges of the
(common) raven and the Texas Ranger. The former also appears to be notably
absent in much of the Mayoralities.
Furthermore, the potential players, as far as I know, are not bird-watchers or otherwise ornithologically interested, meaning they wouldn't notice the
out-of-place ravens. Which in turn means my hurt sense of propriety gets
less soothed.

Anybody got any suggestions for birds of ill-omen (etc.) to use instead in the

Also, anybody got a Mountie or Texas Ranger template?
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Old 10-15-2010, 12:25 PM   #7
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Default Re: GURPS Day After Ragnarok Conversion

I've been running DAR in SW for awhile now and, as a GM, while I find the ease of prepwork nice, the lack of detail is bothersome. PLus, I love crunchy bits.

I was thinking of making Ophi-Tech into Ultra-Tech or Bio-Tech items and converting the Arcane Background (Ophi-Tech) Edge into Higher TL, Unusual Background (Access to Ophi-Tech) and/or Security Clearance.

This way, anyone could use an Ophi-tech device (perhaps w/TL , Familiarity and other penalties), but only those w/the proper Advantages would have easy access to them.

Psis, mages and preachers would be pretty easy, using Basic or Thaumatology...
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day after ragnarok, ken hite, post-apocalypse, pulp

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