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Old 03-21-2019, 07:20 PM   #421
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
Hilariously, the PCs did not fly directly at the gate pillar and neither did they land the Rocinante and walk through tunnels infested with ghouls, nightgaunts and Nazi guard posts.

Obviously, they drew on vast reserves of Cold One derived magic stored in captured diamonds and created an enormous enchanted carapace of burrowing insect shape around the Rocinante and then 'flew' it through the ice of Kadath.

This collapsed several tunnels, which did not worry the extremely tough carapace, but was rather harder on some ghouls. And then they hit a ghoul warren, which was an experience rather like driving an industrial harvester into a herd of sheep, if the sheep were Mythos horrors and the industrial harvester was driven by a thousand unearthly furies.

Now the Rocinante-cum-ice-horror-insect is skittering across the black stone of a buried monument of sunken Kadath while the survivors of the ghoul warren (and a few dozen nightgaunts) are in hot pursuit. Two PCs are firing MG42s at the pursuing Mythos horrors while two sky pirates with a crash course in Gunner/TL7 are acting as loaders. They are firing through ports in the carapace, cunningly placed somewhere in the rear, likely at some place inviting juvenile humour.

And 'Nonc' Morel is working on a 210 energy ritual that will collapse thousands of tons of ice on the pursuing horrors.

I guess the ASNs on the surface are waking up to some strange trembles and will soon experience a very hard quake.
I kind of love that all your prep work is this extremely detail-oriented, what-if kind of stuff, with lovingly researched bits on AA artillery available to theoretical Nazis, etc.... and your actual games are apparently a cross between Big Trouble in Little China and the Borderlands game series. It's just a lovely contrast.
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Old 03-22-2019, 06:19 AM   #422
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by Apollonian View Post
I kind of love that all your prep work is this extremely detail-oriented, what-if kind of stuff, with lovingly researched bits on AA artillery available to theoretical Nazis, etc.... and your actual games are apparently a cross between Big Trouble in Little China and the Borderlands game series. It's just a lovely contrast.
There is, indeed, a sort of poetry to it.

Fortunately, I enjoy the research, preparations and kibitzing on the forum as an activity in themselves, independent of any utility in game. Not to mention that there is always the chance that the Antarctic Space Nazis exist elsewhere in a largely unexplored and poorly understood multiverse, where other worlds are encroaching on Earth, and the PCs might encounter them later.

Not to mention that even if they defeat the Monster at the End of the Dream, they might have to make their way out of the Dreamlands somehow. One never knows if it might come in handy to know things about Kadath Base then.
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Old 03-22-2019, 07:06 AM   #423
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
I do believe the PCs are getting the hang of throwing loads of magic around. I wonder if they'll replace the ASNs in the Cold Ones' affections?
Well, so far, they've mostly been expending hoarded magical energy that has been siphoned away from areas where the Cold Ones are extending their hoary tendrils.

However, 'Nonc' Morel calling upon ice and entropy for his two most recent rituals is a lot more promising and he's certainly unleashing titanic forces. A SM +8 burrowing ice insect took a lot of energy to create (didn't calculate it precisely, but it was four diamonds of Cold One magical entropic energy, which is a lot). And I expect his 210 energy cave-in spell will be even more pleasing to the Lords of the Last Waste.
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Old 03-22-2019, 09:38 PM   #424
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by Apollonian View Post
I kind of love that all your prep work is this extremely detail-oriented, what-if kind of stuff, with lovingly researched bits on AA artillery available to theoretical Nazis, etc.... and your actual games are apparently a cross between Big Trouble in Little China and the Borderlands game series. It's just a lovely contrast.
I know that I have ulterior motives for following the thread that includes all this wonderful research and background info. :)
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Old 03-22-2019, 09:49 PM   #425
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post
I know that I have ulterior motives for following the thread that includes all this wonderful research and background info. :)
It's one of the bet things about Icelander's bashes. You get very high level background, that you could use for all sorts of fun stuff.

Not gonna lie, I totally ripped off one of his characters for a Cthulu mythos game.
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Old 03-22-2019, 10:38 PM   #426
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by Verjigorm View Post
It's one of the bet things about Icelander's bashes. You get very high level background, that you could use for all sorts of fun stuff.

Not gonna lie, I totally ripped off one of his characters for a Cthulu mythos game.
Thank ye kindly.

And who was the lucky NPC?
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Old 03-22-2019, 10:57 PM   #427
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Default Re: So... PCs, ha.

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
Thank ye kindly.

And who was the lucky NPC?
it was a 1930s game. But i remember you posted a character who was a retired marine turned bootlegger who was caught up in a bar fight and wanted to make molotovs out of rotgut.

I took that and spun it into a marine who did service in the Boxer Rebellion, where he was first exposed to the perils of sorcery, fighting those yellow turbaned devils who could take a rfile shot and keep coming. He was Old Breed when the Great War kicked, off, and my have been one of those nameless Marines who inspired the reputation of the hounds of hell. After the war, he feel back into hard times, in a world that was increasingly leaving the stoic rifleman behind. Sometime in the late 30s, he was given a job to smuggle, not moonshine from his cousins still, but an absolutely ancient book. After his brother's truck broke down in Jersey, he took a bus towards maine, at which point all the "fun" started.

He got eaten by cannibal hill folk. But it was a worthy struggle.

Edit: It really was a fun time. The bus was ambushed by the above mentioned hill cannibals, the first of which was a lone lunatic with dynamite and an old caplock hunting rifle, ambushing us(after he dynamited the bridge the bus was on) in the stream bed we were following. Ole Hugo was able to combine his Appalachian field craft with his great war experience to advance on the Mad Bomber Wot Bombs at Eight Thirty, and eventually plant two .45 slugs in his skull, after a skillful scoop and retoss of dynamite. When we made it to the old farm, Jimmy fixed the old truck and got the rest of the folks out of there, but Hugo stayed behind with Henry Orleans, and they drew the attention of the now provoked hillfolk.
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Last edited by Verjigorm; 03-22-2019 at 11:13 PM.
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