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Old 02-24-2019, 06:10 PM   #231
Andrew Hackard
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Originally Posted by PBarone714 View Post
Looking for players for online GURPS Space game. 200 point characters. -100 Disadvantages. -5 Quirks. TL 10
You're going to have to give a lot more information about this campaign to garner any interest. What's the setting and premise? Humans only or are aliens allowed, and if so, what kind of traits would make sense? What's the general tone of the game? How often do you expect your players to post?

Which brings up another point -- if you aren't soliciting for a play-by-post game to be run in this forum, you're misusing this thread. If you ARE looking to play in this forum, then please provide a whole lot more information about your game, or you're going to continue to shout into the void.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
If you have a question that isn't getting answered, we have a thread for that.

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Old 05-01-2019, 03:44 PM   #232
Greg 1
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In about two weeks, it's possible that I'll be looking to set up an open-ended GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign.

The thing is, the point of running the game is to have a game for my niece, a young adult just starting university, and her mother, who has no great love of RPGs, but likes to play with her daughter (and vice versa).

So if I go ahead, the set-up will be determined by what they want to do. They'll also get first pick of character classes and niches. That does not mean that I'll be playing favorites towards their characters in the game. You don't have to worry about them being the GM's pet PCs. But it does mean that the parameters of the game will be set by them.

Party morality will be important to keep an eye on. I expect them to want to play characters who are fundamentally decent rogues (not the character class!). That is to say, they'll happily rob an inn, but wouldn't murder the guests in their sleep, and may or may not decide to help out a stranger in trouble. If that's what they decide to go for, other PCs will need to be able to fit in with such characters.

Evil PCs are right out. There will also be no demonologist or necromancer PCs.

The game may or may not happen. I thought my niece had given up on the idea, but then she mentioned it again the other day.

The are to be no sexual situations. Language is to be PG.

If you are interested or have questions, post to the thread at

or post to my RPGnet Inbox. My inbox here is too full and I need to clear it!
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Old 02-01-2020, 02:17 PM   #233
Hero of Democracy
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Dreadstormers is now recruiting! This is a game about psionic super-agents stealing a space opera battleship with its crew on it.
Be helpful, not pedantic

Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 05-06-2020, 04:23 PM   #234

Originally Posted by Greg 1 View Post
In about two weeks, it's possible that I'll be looking to set up an open-ended GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign.
Before I waste time making a login at RPG.Net... are you still recruiting?
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Old 08-08-2020, 10:19 AM   #235
Hero of Democracy
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Dreadstormers is looking for more players: we lost one and we could accept up to two more after that.

We are in a great point of the story to add more dreadstormers: the team has infiltrated the ship, but they haven't met up yet.
Be helpful, not pedantic

Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 02-26-2021, 03:15 PM   #236
Join Date: Jun 2010

I'm thinking of GM-ing a "low level" Dungeon Fantasy campaign. Playing by post on this forum, I can roll dice for you, I will make the IC and OOC threads once we recruit enough players. PM me (with your character best if possible) about it if you are interested.

Character Creation: 125-point delvers (-50 in Disadvantages limit, 5 quirks, don't have to use profession templates).

This campaign will be using the DFRPG ruleset, for the most part.
You can use GURPS books if you like, but make sure you double-check it with me first.
A little rules change; as per Powers page 108, certain abilities like Luck and Serendipity that operate on real time will instead use game-time cooldowns.
For Luck advantage, each use per real-time hour instead equals uses per in-game day (i.e. Ridiculous Luck has six uses per day).
Advantages that have uses per session are uses per in-game week instead.

Any questions?
My blog:
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Old 02-28-2021, 02:13 PM   #237
vicious Violence
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Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
I'm thinking of GM-ing a "low level" Dungeon Fantasy campaign. Playing by post on this forum, I can roll dice for you, I will make the IC and OOC threads once we recruit enough players. PM me (with your character best if possible) about it if you are interested.

Character Creation: 125-point delvers (-50 in Disadvantages limit, 5 quirks, don't have to use profession templates).

This campaign will be using the DFRPG ruleset, for the most part.
You can use GURPS books if you like, but make sure you double-check it with me first.
A little rules change; as per Powers page 108, certain abilities like Luck and Serendipity that operate on real time will instead use game-time cooldowns.
For Luck advantage, each use per real-time hour instead equals uses per in-game day (i.e. Ridiculous Luck has six uses per day).
Advantages that have uses per session are uses per in-game week instead.

Any questions?

Hello, I would like to join your campaign, could you please send me a PM?
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Old 03-06-2021, 11:19 PM   #238
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I would like to join your fantasy setting; I will share my character sheet with you, thanks!
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Old 12-13-2021, 03:58 PM   #239
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Hey! I will launch a STAR WARS inspired campaign for PBP, powered by GURPS.

The story will take place some years (50+) after the newest trilogy, in a galaxy far, far away. You can take any alignment you want; just remember you will play as a team.

The campaign starts on Wednesday, January 19th 2021.

Those interested in joining, please leave a message here in this thread.

Main GURPS books:
  • Basic set.
  • Martial arts.
  • Power-ups.
  • Powers.
  • Space.
  • Ultra-tech.
  • Pyramid 3-082 and related books (for the force). *
  • Space combat will be resolved using/adapting GURPS Action pursuits.
Characters will be 250 CP (up to 5 perks, up to -50 CP disadvantages including quirks); all characters will be revised by me. If you provide a backstory at least one page long (single space, Arial 11), a picture of your character and a theme song you can earn up to 15 additional CP. The backstory must mention how you join the party (more details about the setting will be available once I confirm the players). Starting cash is TL11 (TL may vary, this is just for cash).

*Force users must follow the guidelines for the sorcerer template in GURPS pyramid 3-082, magical creations. If you want to be force sensitive, you must spend at least spend 60 CP: Sorcerous Empowerment 2 [30], plus anything else. For the purpose of creation, force powers are limited to 170 CP.

Advantages that work per session or session time will work under a post/player basis:
  • Destiny (impulse buys) regenerates every 10 posts * Destiny points * players. Example, 10 posts * DP * 3 players = 30 posts.
  • Gizmo regenerates every 20 posts * players. Example, 20 * 3 players = 60 posts.
  • Luck regenerates every 10 posts * players. Example, 10 * 3 players = 30 posts.
  • Serendipity regenerates every 20 posts * players. So, 20 posts * 3 players = 60 posts.
  • Wild-Card Points, you can have bang skills or style skills (wildcards, only 1 wildcard BTW), and we'll be using wildcard-points. Wildcard-points will regens every [(Wildcard POINTS/3) * 10 posts * players]. Example, for someone with 72 CP invested in a style (6 wild-points or WP), it takes 60 posts to reset the WP, calculated as [ (6 w-points/3) *10 posts*3 players = 60].
Uses are non-cumulative, if you don't call the advantage then it's wasted.

  • Player characters start out as mercenaries working for some organization in Nar Shaddaa, all of you may have different reasons for being there (you can be friends before getting there, but the force will bring you together anyway...).
  • The group will start with small jobs in Nar Shaddaa and depending on the achievements, the party could acquire bigger missions or even get to stuff that could shake the galaxy.
  • Regarding character creation, you can use almost anything from the lore and the expanded universe, all I need is the source.
  • Stuff that may exist 50 years after the "new trilogy" will be available to the player characters (planets, people, ships, etc.) IF you have the time and resources to find such stuff.
  • This campaign is planned to be challenging and deadly, be prepared.

Last edited by SID; 01-18-2022 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 12-13-2021, 04:24 PM   #240
vicious Violence
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Originally Posted by SID View Post
Hey! I will launch a STAR WARS inspired campaign for PBP, powered by GURPS.

Those interested in joining, please leave a message here in this thread.
The game is scheduled to start in couple of weeks.

The story will take place some years (50+) after the newest trilogy, in a galaxy far, far away. You can take any alignment you want; just remember you will play as a team.

Main GURPS books:
  • Basic set.
  • Martial arts.
  • Power-ups.
  • Powers.
  • Ultra-tech.
  • Pyramid 3-082 and related books (for the force). *
  • Space combat will be resolved using/adapting GURPS Action pursuits.
Characters will be 250 CP; all characters will be revised by me. If you provide a backstory at least one page long (single space, Arial 11), a picture of your character and a theme song you can earn up to 10 additional CP. The backstory must mention how you join the party (more details about the setting will be available once I confirm the players).

*Force users must follow the guidelines for the sorcerer template in GURPS pyramid 3-082, magical creations. If you want to be force sensitive, you must spend at least spend 60 CP: Sorcerous Empowerment 2 [30], plus anything else. For the purpose of creation, force powers are limited to 170 CP.
Sign me up, sounds pretty fun!
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