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Old 02-13-2021, 03:06 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Psionics] Worldline Rules

Psionic world-jumping families are (for the small crosstime subgenre) a fairly common trope. Of course, it does not necessarily need to be terribly expensive, as every member of the family could be born with Dimensional Travel Talent 1 (Psionic) [5] and Jumper (World; Dimensional Travel, -10%; Preparation Required, 1 hour, -50%; Special Portal, Reflective Surface, -20%) [20], for a total of 25 CP. It could even be a dominant genetic trait, allowing more effective outcrossing, meaning that the family could inhabit hundreds of timelines and have tens of thousands of world-jumping members.

In the case of an Infinite Worlds campaign, they could be potent adversaries to any faction, as they would consider travelers using technology (or magic) to be trying to steal their inheritance. Imagine a scenario where they discover that Infinity is behind a coup against one of their mundane family members, resulting in their mundane family member dying. They could very well declare war against Infinity and would start by destroying every conveyor they could find between Q3 and Q7. The fact that they could attack Infinity on Homeline could make them more dangerous than Centrum.

Last edited by AlexanderHowl; 02-13-2021 at 03:15 PM.
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Old 02-13-2021, 03:35 PM   #22
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: [Psionics] Worldline Rules

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Psionic world-jumping families are (for the small crosstime subgenre) a fairly common trope.
I liked Charles Stross' version. The family could jump between our world and one other world with medieval technology. They made agreements with drug-runners on our world to guarantee delivery, though it would be slow. They made agreements with the medieval world for fast delivery. They could only take items that could be fit into a large backpack.

Then the cops got onto them in our world. They couldn't figure out where the drugs *went*, but they did break into one of the houses that the family was using to move the drugs to the other world.

Of course, by our world, I mean a fictional world similar to our world.

And then one hidden member of the family who'd been raised in our world produced a new economic model for the family. Not to mention a bunch of new worlds.

To jump they needed a pattern, which looked like random colors to the unitiated. This provided them with access to one world. Later in the series a computer program was developed that mutated the original pattern to allow them access to more worlds. By that time they were careful enough to have a good chance of jumping back.

The talent could not be taught, and a given pattern took you to one other world and back to the original (I think, I don't remember them needing a second pattern for our heroine to get back home). It took at least a few seconds of concentration, and the only way to bring somebody along was to carry them. And without the pattern, they couldn't jump.

They had elaborate "breeding" programs in place, with the inner family (mostly breeding true) and the outer family (intermarriage with outsiders, sometimes bred true).

I wonder how that would be written up.

Jumper (World; Dimensional Travel -10%; Accesibility: "Map", -20%; Carrying Capacity: Extra Heavy, +50%; Cannot Escort: -10%; Cannot Follow: -20%; Limited Jump: -10%) [90]

That sounds expensive for an ability that can be stopped by removing a piece of paper.
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Old 02-13-2021, 04:03 PM   #23
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Psionics] Worldline Rules

I believe that the map would be a special portal worth around -60%. While a map is portable, it is not like you could find one laying around, so you would need to recover it to use your ability. Limited would be more valuable in the Infinity setting, around -25%. With the changes, the total modifiers would be -75%, meaning that the cost would be 25 CP.
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Old 02-14-2021, 05:12 AM   #24
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Default Re: [Psionics] Worldline Rules

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
In the case of an Infinite Worlds campaign, they could be potent adversaries to any faction, as they would consider travelers using technology (or magic) to be trying to steal their inheritance. Imagine a scenario where they discover that Infinity is behind a coup against one of their mundane family members, resulting in their mundane family member dying. They could very well declare war against Infinity and would start by destroying every conveyor they could find between Q3 and Q7. The fact that they could attack Infinity on Homeline could make them more dangerous than Centrum.
Cross world dynasty’s are a great idea especially if using the Unique Disadvantage (as a -1 pt Quirk), so family members are distinct per Worldline.

Infinity would need to adopt a different strategy with independent cross world powers with psionic capability, you’re right a sufficiently motivated psionic family of world-jumpers can operate freely on Homeline and theoretically can jump from Quanta to Quanta (if they haven’t already got a Q5 presence).

Aggressively managing and containing The Secret for the ignorant is one thing, hunting a group who are already aware (maybe more so) and have their own long range capability is asking for retaliation or driving said group into an alliance with your enemies.

Infinity has two magical & Nexus capable Q3 powers (one with psionics as well) and a psionically capable Centrum in Q8.

I think if it hadn’t made a blunder in killing a mundane family member or carting family members off to Coventry, Infinity would be better to look for a secretive strategic alliance - keep your enemies close and all.

Campaign wise psionics presents a lot of excellent strands - UNiC Paranoia & counter to native Homeline psychics and telepathic espionage, UNiCs fear around Phoenix learning the secret (or already having Worldjumpers), secret psychotronic research, psionic visitors to Homeline (no mana required).

Of course another reason for a peace treaty or alliance is the enemy of my enemy, the Cabal, notably Doctor Fang might have sinister plans for Worldjumping Psionic dynasties just as much as Reich 5 would have (hence the family maintaining its own Secret).

The family might put initial enmity aside if Infinity can offer protection in return for their assistance.
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infinite worlds, psi powers, psionic campaigns, psionic powers, worldlines

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