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Old 06-14-2024, 07:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default [Meta-Tech] Cosmic, Chaining

Over in the Meta-Tech Hype Thread, the author shared a modifier that was cut on account of being a bit too complex. Rather than derail that thread, I thought I would create a new one to discuss it.

First, we have the cut modifier itself:

Originally Posted by Christopher R. Rice View Post
Cosmic, Chaining: You can affect a limited number of targets after affecting your main target. This is done by the attack “jumping” to a new nearby target (describe how!) and requiring another roll to see if they are affected. To do this make a roll to hit the first target of your attack normally. If successful, note your margin of success. If your margin is enough to hit a nearby separate target after accounting for range penalties plus -1 per target after the first, they must make an active defense to avoid also being struck! Each yard traversed, minimum 1 yard, also reduces the number of new targets the attack can affect by 1. This cannot be combined with Rapid Fire. To determine the cost of this modifier, find the maximum number of jumps in the Linear Measurement column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550), read across to the Size column. Next, multiply the number from the Size column by +10% and then add +50%. This is the total cost of this modifier. For example, the cost to affect up to 15 targets would cost 5 (the value of the Size column, allowing up to 15 targets) ¥ +10% plus +50% or +100% as a modifier. This attack could then affect up to 15 nearby targets, or less if they are far apart.
I suggested a potential way to simplify it a bit:

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Cosmic, Chaining: You can affect a limited number of targets after affecting your main target. This is done by the attack “jumping” to a new nearby target (describe how!) and requiring another roll to see if they are affected. To do this make a roll to hit the first target of your attack normally. If successful, note your margin of success - this is the potential number of targets you can hit beyond the first. If targets are more than one yard apart, each additional yard of separation uses up one additional hit. Any target hit by a chaining attack can attempt an active defense, just as though they were the initial target. This cannot be combined with Rapid Fire. To determine the cost of this modifier, find the maximum number of jumps in the Linear Measurement column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550), read across to the Size column. Next, multiply the number from the Size column by +10% and then add +50%. This is the total cost of this modifier. For example, the cost to affect up to 15 targets would cost 5 (the value of the Size column, allowing up to 15 targets) ¥ +10% plus +50% or +100% as a modifier. This attack could then affect up to 15 nearby targets, or less if they are far apart.
To which RyanW brought up some good objections:

Originally Posted by RyanW View Post
Jumping from a large target to a smaller one should also probably consume additional hits equal to the difference in size modifier. And if a really big object, you may need to track point of impact rather than just empty distance between objects. Otherwise...
I shoot the planet with chain lightning. That's a +44 for size, zero range. And since all of my targets are in contact with the planet...
... which ultimately brings us here.

First off, I think RyanW is correct about tracking the point of impact, so you can't hit anyone in a building by striking the building (or, given this is intended for use in building gear, so you can't have your ship's main weapon pulp the bridge crew of an enemy vessel by striking it anywhere). And while I initially agreed about the need to account for SM, I think I've changed my mind. Why? Let us consider another Enhancement that follows the "base 50%, +10% per <whatever>" pricing - Cone. We'll look at a 10-yard long Cone for this.

At 1 yard wide, said Cone would cost +60% - the same as Cosmic, Chaining that can strike up to 3 targets. Provided they're lined up, the Cone could hit up to 10 targets, and could do this while aiming at the last target's hex, for +4 to hit. The Cosmic, Chaining equivalent would need all three targets to be adjacent to each other, although they wouldn't necessarily have to be in a straight line from the character, but the user would need to actually hit the first target, not just their hex. They could give up one target (meaning they can only hit two) by aiming at one's feet, but this probably shouldn't be worth as much as aiming at a hex would be (a hex is 4 yards tall). Because you basically get to move 1 yard for free, you could aim at the megahex the target is standing on, for +3 to hit (3 yards wide, approximating a circle). A 2 yard wide Cone would cost the same as a 5-target Cosmic, Chaining attack, but could hit up to 15 targets. 3 yards (up to ~20 targets) would correspond the a 7-target chain, 4 yards (up to 25) to 10, 5 yards (30) to 15, and so forth. Cosmic, Chaining does eventually overtake Cone... but the above is when the Cone is 10 yards long (you can divide the above numbers by 10, then multiply by the Cone's actual Range, to determine how many targets it could hit). Additionally, the more targets you have Cosmic, Chaining able to hit, the higher your initial MoS needs to be to actually hit all of them - sure, Cosmic, Chaining +130% hits up to 50 targets, which is more than the maximum 45 of a 10-yard attack with Cone +130% (8 yards), but it also calls for MoS 49 to pull it off.

So, I think allowing Cosmic, Chaining to ignore SM differences between targets would be fine.

I have some more thoughts for the trait - largely options to modify it further (more distance between targets before it deducts from MoS, an option for it to "fork" - splitting to strike multiple targets rather than having to go one-by-one - etc) - but I'll hold off on those for now.
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 06-14-2024 at 07:42 AM.
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chaining, cosmic, meta-tech

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