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Old 07-04-2012, 11:07 PM   #1
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Default Aslan settlement

How far into Imperial space did/have the Aslan settled? Specificially, during the Long Night or around Milieu 0, or even later, did any long range colonies get established?

Of course I could just handwave a colony as far as K'kree space but is anything mentioned in any of the Aslan resources?

What is a resonable distance from the Hierate, at least in the Imperium and Confederation?
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Old 07-05-2012, 01:58 AM   #2
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Default Re: Aslan settlement

Aslan got as far coreward as Darrian space in significant numbers, but there are individuals at least a sector into Imperial space along most spinward borders. I would expect similar progress was made into Solomani space, but the Solomani are/were probably less likely to let such colonies survive.
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:06 AM   #3
Hans Rancke-Madsen
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Default Re: Aslan settlement

Originally Posted by Drifter View Post
How far into Imperial space did/have the Aslan settled? Specificially, during the Long Night or around Milieu 0, or even later, did any long range colonies get established?
There's very little information on the subject. The Aslan Border Wars took place in Magyar and Reaver's Deep. Presumably there are no Aslan populations established by conquest much further into Human-occupied territory than that.

T4:Milieu 0 has this to say about the Aslans:
"Aslan: So far, among the Imperium's neighbors, the Aslan are the biggest puzzle to Imperial Intelligence. All contact with the Aslan have so far fallen into one of two categories: either the Aslan have immediately attacked, or they have traded and left.

The Aslan appear to be expanding around the edge of an offshoot of the Great Rift, into Zarushagar and Massillia sectors, with some Aslan outposts (mostly trade outposts) less than fifty parsecs from Core. However, there appear to be no organized plan of expansion and settlement, and there are uncomfirmed reports of Aslan fighting with other Aslan, leading Imperial Intelligence to conclude that, although further information is required, there is currently little danger to the Imperium as a whole from the Aslan."
I'm not quite sure what the default date of M0 is. I have a vague idea that it's after Artemsus take over (54). Presumably it's before 100, since Imperial Scouts reached the Sol sector around that time. Call it some time around 60.

Note, however, that Imperial Aslan would have been able to send ihatei out to other parts of the Imperium (peacefully), so I see no problem with establishing Aslan enclaves on the far side of the Imperium from the Hierate.

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Old 07-05-2012, 09:06 PM   #4
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Default Re: Aslan settlement

Good information, thank you both.

I was secretly hoping for invasions as far as Diaspora and the Solomani Rim, but peaceful colonization, or minor in-fighting colonization into Massillia works very well.

If they have such reach so early it makes you wonder how many and how integrated the Aslan are in the 1100s Imperium. If they got a couple of sectors as far as the Marches they would otherwise have gotten into the Solomani Rim. If they had trade outposts in Massillia in the first century or so, they should have otherwise been all through the sectors between the Rim and Core.

Since they are not, well, not too many colonies were allowed to be established or to survive. A grim prospect.

Peacefully established ihatie colonies I can fully expect to see. Just not a very 'colorful history'. But it does give you a handwave for that one player who wants to be an Aslan when everyone else is human and you have your setting in Antares or somewhere...
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Old 07-05-2012, 09:36 PM   #5
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Default Re: Aslan settlement

Imperialized Aslan could be all over the place. It has been another thousand years, after all, and all past Aslan books have allowed for culturally Imperial Aslan.

If we're talking about a campaign set in M:0, Antares would have been more Julian than Sylean/Imperial, and the Aslan probably wouldn't have gotten that far yet. The Imperium was still very small at the time.
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:03 PM   #6
jason taylor
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Default Re: Aslan settlement

History would naturally be sketchy even if each clan's chroniclers did not have a mild conflict of interest in their own favor. And even if one discounts that they were probably more interested in epics then in history as an actual discipline. As long as there is vague evidence you can put what you want there.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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