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Old 03-18-2023, 09:40 PM   #1
BaHalus's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Belém, Pará, Amazônia, Brasil.
Default Duplication for Speedsters

I am making a super-speedster like the Flash.
I think that, among other more obvious advantages, Duplication is also a good fit, as sometimes Flash acts as if he is in several places at the same time.

But I haven't found a good modifier to simulate that.
I was browsing through the books and forum and haven't found a good answer.

My idea is: all the dupes are the same guy. It looks like Sequential, but all the dupes are dupe number 1. It looks like Shared Resources, but don't actually split HP or FP, As all the dupes are actually the same guy, all of them get the same damage (no average at the end). If one is killed, it is like the true self in construct enhancement (like a disadvantageous counterpart of construct, where all of them are the true ones). And if any of them are stopped, all the others will vanish.

Maybe I should consider it as something like:
Speedster Duplication (-80%): Duplication (Shared Resources, -40%; Sequential, -40%) [7] and consider the details as special effects?

(I will probably take multiplication +20% also)

I think it may or may not that all dupes vanish also with damage (maybe as an additional limitation?). It seems a little like Terminal Condition, but that limitation should be on abilities that affect others, not the character himself.
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duplication, powers, speedsters, supers, the flash

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