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Old 02-23-2023, 12:27 PM   #161
Phil Masters
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I can still get in to see my totals. But on the other hand, they don't seem to have updated for a few days. It's entirely possible that I simply haven't sold any books in that time, but it be significant.

Also - the new system doesn't seem to have integrated with the MiB reward scheme yet.
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Old 02-24-2023, 10:28 AM   #162
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I seem to be locked out of my account on the new shopify store—I tried resetting my password but the promised password reset email never arrived. Really doesn't help with my apprehension over how this transition is being handled.
Handle is a character from the Star*Drive setting (a.k.a. d20 Future), not my real name.

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Old 02-24-2023, 12:37 PM   #163
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Update: it appears my problem was that the change from to confused my password manager. However, this does not explain why trying to reset my password did nothing.

I still can't access all my old purchases through the Shopify store, which is fine for now but I don't expect I'll be making any more digital purchases from SJ Games until that's fixed.
Handle is a character from the Star*Drive setting (a.k.a. d20 Future), not my real name.

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Old 02-25-2023, 07:08 AM   #164
Blind Mapmaker
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Late to the party, but shopping for physical stuff you know is there was a sort of okay experience - not as good as the old warehouse, but okay. Once you've filled your crate, it's slightly better than the old warehouse, but filling the crate is not very good:

Sorting urgently needs a "digital only" / "no digital" toggle as well as new releases sort that sorts only the checked boxes. While we're at it: A "don't show owned items" button would be very useful too.

Others have said on this page already, the UI uses way too much real estate on the screen. On a 1200x1600 monitor I get 9 items upright and 9 items half cut off landscape. While that's not the most standard setup nowadays it's clearly improvable.

Not sure whether it's me, but it seems I need to often click an interface element 2 or 3 times before it does anything.

Small stuff: new releases still misses the GURPS item from last November. My library is three and half (1600 px) screens on the new site vs. 689 items on the old. Most, but not all non-SJGames items are missing, but some comp copies are there. Newer stuff and core stuff seems better represented. I assume the migration is still progressing slowly.

Categories leave something desired: we could at least a division between "world books" and "rule books". "Core Rules" and "Adventures" are fine, but stashing most everything else in "Supplements" is not.

GURPS Collections are okay, but a little uneven. Dungeon Fantasy and After the End show their respective Pyramid articles, but WWII doesn't. Maybe it's just full issues and not articles.

Dungeon Fantasy RPG cannot be reached in any way except by searching for it, which also shows Dungeon Crawl Classics and other stuff. Would probably be good to keep it separate but reachable from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy collections.

On the whole I'd go with bigger digital labels on the products or just use the PDF file symbol. The yellow text on green is easy to miss. The "This item has already been purchased" label is a bit better, but the old header warning image was much better. Flashing wouldn't hurt either ;-D

On the whole, colour me a little disappointed. I'm not a huge fan of DriveThruRPG's site, but with this attempt I'm considering them for digital offerings from SJGames. Hope things will improve in the next few weeks.

Take my comments with a grain of salt since I still think e23 was the best online RPG store I ever used (Monthly top twenty lists! Fast loading! No frills!)
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Old 02-26-2023, 07:20 PM   #165
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I just wanted to flag that out of my purchase history that has been ported over (I understand it will take a while to get all my products, and that's not the issue), only some of them are being flagged as "This item has already been purchased", while most are not.

While I suspect that's just another process step of the transition between stores and will be solved over time, I figured it was better to raise it anyway just in case it actually is a separate issue.
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Old 02-27-2023, 12:04 PM   #166
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I had a problem logging in, likely because I tested it early on as requested but mostly used the old system after that.
As expected staff propmylt took care of that for me, my thanks!

The "This item is already purchased" notice is right above the price and add to cart area. More visible than the old warning and I approve.
Though Red is hard color for me to see, could it be placed over black or some other color for greater contrast?

It would be nice if searching the items were flagged as owned or not so we could more easily see if a product line is missing a few purchases so we can buy them. For example there are only a handful of Pyramid Vol 3 that I do not own.
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Old 02-27-2023, 12:55 PM   #167
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

It seems to have already addressed some of peoples issues so let me offer my own feedback and suggestions.

When I click GURPS at the top it shows me a customized page with search toggles set up for GURPS.
The category list on the left is pretty good, I would like to see some more here though.
Settings and Monsters or Bestiary are a constant meme that GURPS does not have any of. Its stupid wrong but a category to call them out would be nice.
You could replace GURPS Deadlands with GURPS Settings then list Deadlands, Discowrld, Girl Genius, Casey and Andy, etc as part of that category.
Bestiary could include Creatures of the Night, Supporting Cast, several supplements from Dungeon Fantasy, and more.
I like Product Type showing adventures so that might be the place to put Settings and Bestiariers too, depends on how your database flags are set up.

Magazines does not include all Pyramid issues, just 8 items appear on my screen with no next button. Hopefully that is just a migration issue. I note several other migration issues have already been addressed and that it is an ongoing thing. For example The last new GURPS product "War Galleys" now shows and it did not last week.

Over on the top right of the product section we see a sort by function but I think it needs to be highlighted.
Maybe just add text "Sort by" before the button to pick the method of sorting so it is easier to see?
I also would like a flag that that shows physical, Digital, or both

I do prefer the scroll down function over hitting next or page 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
My GURPS publications GURPS Powers: Totem and Nature Spirits; GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits; Pyramid articles. Buying them lets us know you want more!
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Old 02-27-2023, 01:18 PM   #168
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Phil Masters View Post
I can still get in to see my totals. But on the other hand, they don't seem to have updated for a few days. It's entirely possible that I simply haven't sold any books in that time, but it be significant.

Also - the new system doesn't seem to have integrated with the MiB reward scheme yet.
Can you say how to look at this?
My GURPS publications GURPS Powers: Totem and Nature Spirits; GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits; Pyramid articles. Buying them lets us know you want more!
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Old 02-28-2023, 05:51 AM   #169
Phil Masters
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
Can you say how to look at this?
If you mean, how do you look at your sales in the old system - sign in and then go to . But to be truthful, that hasn't been working quite right for some time (it didn't show anything between May 2018 and the current month), and now it doesn't seem to be updating at all.

(For that matter, it may have needed some setting up to recognise you as a GURPS writer. I forget; it's a long time since I was set up on the old system.)
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:06 AM   #170
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Another minor quibble with the new site: all PDF previews are set to download rather than allowing me to open them in the browser as was the case on the old store.

This is extra work, and means I'm less likely to look at the preview, which in turn means I'm less likely to buy.
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