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Old 02-18-2023, 09:31 AM   #151
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Honestly, until everything is migrated over to the new download spot of the new website, I've stopped any purchases. I just refuse to reward this, it has not been a good migration over the past six months. Folks still don't have their pdfs moved over there completely months later.
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Old 02-18-2023, 09:46 AM   #152
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

The old store doesn't accept order any more ...but if you search for an item on google or another search engine and go to the book page on the old w23, you can still add it to the crate, download a preview, ... until you attempt checkout, at which point you get an unhelpful screen :

The change you wanted was rejected.

Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.
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Old 02-18-2023, 04:00 PM   #153
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

My default search (I even bookmarked it) on the old W23 website was "new digital-only GURPS from SJ Games."

Are the search tools being updated? Because my brief puttering around hasn't found a way to replicate that.
I'm a collector, not a gamer. =)
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Old 02-18-2023, 04:59 PM   #154
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

There's a good rule of thumb I use when replacing something important: Make sure that the replacement can do everything necessary as well as what I was replacing.

Sadly, so far the new site has failed to do anything at all that I used/did on the old site better than what it's supposed to be replacing. (Admittedly I haven't tried actually purchasing anything, since there haven't been any GURPS releases for months, but that's another issue.) This has been an ongoing project for over six months since it was announced on this forum, and still hasn't managed to migrate user downloads and apparently very little of the criticism of the basic functions made since the first announcement in this thread has been considered worth addressing (ie Search results and page layout, downloads accessibility and sorting etc...)

Being blunt, unless there's some additional reason behind the scenes customers don't know about that absolutely required the old site to be shut down for purchases, the new store should be scrapped or taken down until it can be brought up to the minimum standards set by the previous version.

Right now the new store is a total and abject failure from the point of view of at least one customer who's been buying from SJGames since it was e23.
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Old 02-18-2023, 07:33 PM   #155
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I created an account on the new store a while back during testing, so it's been linked to my old one / live for many months.

I have 63 downloads available on the old site and 46 downloads available on the new site.

I understand transfers are still in progress, and that's cool. I'll check back in a few weeks. I imagine the amount of data across all account is huge!

  • The new site is a bit faster, snappier, which is nice.
  • On a 1920x1200 screen (pretty standard size range) I have to scroll down about 4 pages worth of screen before I can see products to buy in the list - this isn't good.
  • The thumbnails and title text is too large, meaning I only get to see 2 rows of items to buy per screen and the rows are only 3 items across meaning I can only see 6 at a time.
  • If you just click on GURPS, for example, the titles are not in alphabetical order by default - you get "Featured" and if you change it and navigate away from the page and come back, it goes back to Featured instead of how I set it (alphabetical, for example) and this is very annoying and makes it harder to find what I want particularly when combined with so few items being displayed on the screen at once - it's a poor UI experience.
  • I can't set the number of items per page.
  • When I click to the next page, I have to scroll down the aforementioned 4 pages to get to the content again - combined with only being able to see 18 items over 3 pages at a time, this increases click/scroll, makes it harder to keep a place, and makes it harder and takes longer to find content which *will* lead to reduced sales.
  • When clicking to each next page of 18 titles, there's no way to jump ahead multiple pages - if you sort alphabetically, you can often make a reasoned guess as to how far you need to jump to get to where you want to go, but that's not possible here.
  • If I go to new releases (instead of GURPS) there is a "show" option to set numbers of items per page, but it's almost hidden up the top left without anything to draw attention to it, away from the selector for next page, and it scrolls off the top of the page as soon as you start scrolling down so it's hard to find, notice, and isn't consistent across content baselines.
  • Looking at Munchkin, I have to scroll past 8 categories to get to "all" and can only see 2 per page, so that's about 4 pages to find that "all" is available at the bottom.
  • Munchkin gives you 4.5 items per line - the 5th one is vertically cut in half except when you click to move to the right to see the other items then the left hand one "1st one listed at that time" is the one cut in half.
  • Munchkin has no left hand side category selector/refiner.
  • Ogre is like the GURPS page but it has the "Show" option at the top of the page (which as mentioned has problems but at least it's there) and doesn't have 3 pages of scrolling to start getting to the content which is an improvement.
  • Car Wars is like the Munchkin page with all its drawbacks and missing bits, but with the added pain of being like the GURPS page and having to scroll down a couple of pages before you can get to content and it is missing the "Show" option.
  • The Fantasy Trip is like the Car Wars page.
  • The Games page has the 4.5 items per line issue and lack of "Show" at the top to choose how many items per page you get.
  • When doing a global search, such as "GURPS" the only option you get for filtering results are relevance and price high/low - there's no "new" or "old", and then Product Type or Brand with no options for Digital or Physical and so on, making the global search less granular than it should be.

I haven't even tried on a mobile device yet, with less screen real estate and a portrait orientation.

I had thought there were many good things being addressed based on responses to feedback over the months, but I'm left very disappointed with the state of it at "launch", particularly given it's been in soft launch for so long and the old site is disabled except (thankfully) for downloading content we own.

This needs to be significantly improved, and quickly, and with actually listening to and actioning user feedback (even if that action is to respond and explain why it won't be done, or why it will be changed in a different way - not all feedback will be right, of course).
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Old 02-19-2023, 12:08 AM   #156
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Celjabba View Post
…I was looking for a single nice thing to say…
I have one: it's nice (overdue, but nice) to finally have the SJG web store support HTTPS. The old site was one of the last insecure HTTP bookmarks I had left.
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Old 02-20-2023, 07:24 AM   #157
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by trystero View Post
I have one: it's nice (overdue, but nice) to finally have the SJG web store support HTTPS. The old site was one of the last insecure HTTP bookmarks I had left.
True !

Given w23 code base age, the http problem and likely others behind the scene troubles, the move to a more modern solution is probably necessary.
But it would be good if it was also usable.

And it us not only us old fossils that complain.

I ran a couple oneshot Gurps game at my new gaming place in January, one of my players wanted to buy GURPS after these, and at yesterday game he told me he tried w23 before switching to drivethru for Gurps Lite. His description of the search experience mirrored the one from various poster above.
For physical books, he will likely use Amazon to avoid shipping costs, but for the PDFs, w23 should be the best choice....
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Old 02-20-2023, 04:58 PM   #158
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I've tried to log into the old site to see how many books I sold this month - something the new store doesn't seem able to do - wouldn't let me in. What are authors supposed to do now?
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Old 02-21-2023, 12:16 AM   #159
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Christopher R. Rice View Post
I've tried to log into the old site to see how many books I sold this month - something the new store doesn't seem able to do - wouldn't let me in. What are authors supposed to do now?
I thought W23 stopped showing that years ago?
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Old 02-22-2023, 10:48 AM   #160
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
I thought W23 stopped showing that years ago?
No, you can still see your own stuff. Well. You could.
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