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Old 02-16-2023, 06:14 PM   #141
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I need "Degital Only" button...!
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Old 02-16-2023, 09:47 PM   #142
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Taneli View Post
I must say that I strongly object against ending the old Warehouse 23 store before making sure that all the purchases I've made are available for download in the new store.

Looks like more than half of the products I've purchased are not available for me to download at this time.
Absolutely ZERO of mine are showing up.

Edit: turns out my email address on the old site was incorrect. I've updated it - will everything transfer correctly now, or did I have to have it correct at the time of new sign-up?
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Last edited by kmunoz; 02-16-2023 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 02-16-2023, 11:55 PM   #143
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
Your account on the old site should still be accessible. Can you email with your account info and which orders are missing so we can investigate?
Going through almost two decades of purchases will take a bit of time...
AotA is of course IMHO, YMMV.
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Old 02-17-2023, 02:59 AM   #144
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Some more thoughts about the new store in no particular order:

- Who thinks that it's an acceptable solution in 2023 to have no search for bought digital items in the download section?

- In the downloads section, why do I have to first click an item, and then be forced to scroll through all the items I bought with that one purchase to actually find the download link for the item I've already clicked?

- How do I browse browse for, say, GURPS pdf supplements? I really can't figure this one out...

- How do I exclude physical items from search results?
AotA is of course IMHO, YMMV.
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Old 02-17-2023, 09:21 AM   #145
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Unfortunately the new shop is quite a nightmare when it comes to useability.

No option to sort or search in the orders page or the 'Your Digital Library' page which lists only a small fraction of the items I had bought. The indicator on an item's shop page if it has already been bought is quite random even with items that do show up in the library or orders pages.

I have already sent an email regarding missing orders but hands down the old shop was better by orders of magnitude.

ADDENDUM: Regarding the option to display only digital products I have to concur that if I have to dig through a mountain of stuff until I find what I'm looking for chances are I won't be doing that too often if at all.
Feel free to add 'IMO' where appropriate.

Last edited by Imion; 02-17-2023 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 02-17-2023, 09:51 AM   #146
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!


I've created a new account for the shopify store. Two observations/questions.

1) Will there be a way to search your previous digital orders like in the old Warehouse 23? The shopify stores says that my digital orders are undergoing "transferance" to shopify. I hope that includes the ability to search for the download when I need to print something out.

2) Wish lists. I don't see my wish lists at the new store. Are they going to be transferred over or do I need to do them manually? Will there even be an option to create wish lists?
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Old 02-17-2023, 12:10 PM   #147
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
We are currently working on getting all of the 3rd party items correctly tagged so we can have a drop down menu for companies much like the old site.
[Self-Interest] Yay! [/Self-Interest]
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Old 02-17-2023, 12:12 PM   #148
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

  • Search function does not allow basic sorting of results other than by price, although the categories from the headers do have more sorting options.
  • No way to separate digital from physical products.
  • Download system is awful. Find link without search/sort, click link, new page, find link without search AGAIN, click link, download.
  • 900+ downloads missing from my account at present.

My Conclusion: Lacks basic functionality for finding products of interest. Lacks easy ability to access purchases already made. As yet unfit for purpose as a sales platform. Definitely not ready to replace the old site.

(I recently downloaded everything from the original store for backup, got 1029 files. A very quick and dirty count gave me only 115 files on the new downloads page.)
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Old 02-18-2023, 12:12 AM   #149
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

The vertical division of the GURPS catalog page into "GURPS rulebooks", "Pyramid", and "all GURPS resources" subsections is pretty ugly.

More annoyingly, if I click the pagination link to see the second page of "all GURPS resources" results, it (a) reloads the whole page, and (b) then makes me scroll down past the menu, the logo, the tagline banner, the intro text, the "GURPS rulebooks" section, the "Powered by GURPS" banner, the Dungeon Fantasy section, and the "Pyramid" sections again for each page.

This is bad UI design. Put the things the customer is interested at the top of the catalog page, instead of making them work to find those things on a cluttered result page. And once I've clicked into one of the three product subsections, I've let you know what I'm interested in, so just show me results from that subsection.
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Old 02-18-2023, 03:30 AM   #150
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

The new shop is still not a decent or even usable substitute to the old one.
  • The bug quoted below is still unfixed.

    Originally Posted by Celjabba View Post
    One usability issue :
    At log in, after entering e-mail, [tab] select Forget the password? instead of the password field.
    This screw up with keyboard input, or with password managers like Keypass.
  • You cannot search for new products. (Edit : you can, sort off - see below).

  • You cannot easily see if you have already purchased an item.

  • Previous purchase Download list is incomplete (and this is not limited to recent purchases, despite the message saying so) - this include items that do appear in the order list.

  • order list isn't sorted nor searchable nor exportable, making finding something in 13 pages of orders near-impossible (especially since you have to manually open most of them to see what was ordered). No idea if it is complete either.

  • Some link in the order list resolve to a 404 page (Old Pyramid Webzine Subscription (Defunct))

  • I suppose the catalog would look nice on a phone or small tablet. On a decently sized monitor, it is just bad. To be polite.

    You need to scroll several sections then scroll even more to finally see 6 books at a time.
    And when you switch to the next page, you have to scroll down again and again ...

  • What is the point of having horizontal sliders in the Pyramid header that show about a dozen covers in no specific order (and always the same) ?

  • Once you finally scrolled down to the actual catalog, there finally is a small "featured" button that hide the capacity to sort for "new > old" or A>Z
    Except it doesn't work ,
    "new > old" have older books appearing out of order.
    And not just classic books in the primary list... take for example the "after the end" collection, sort "new > old", and you have the pyramid magazines in order 90, 88, 119 .. I am pretty sure the 119 came after the 2 others :)

    Or just go to the Pyramid catalog and sort New>Old ...

    Sorting A to Z will put Dungeon Fantasy 10 to 19 above 01-20-..-09. (same with Pyramids issues, ... )
    Not unexpected but it could easily be fixed to have an usable ordered list instead of this mess.

  • Some books appear for some reasons in categories, like one of the Sorcery spells book in the Dungeon Fantasy category, but not the other spells books nor the primary sorcery book that you need to use these spell books...) ?

  • The "new Release" Tab, with category "Roles Playing Games" selected, show 7 supplement that I believe aren't the latest released.

  • Less of an issue but a suggestion : preventing the purchasing of multiples identical PDF by setting the max quantity to 1 for PDF would be nice. I know that on other shopify e-commerce, I sometime added twice the same item and didn't notice until too late.

The post above sound overly negative and it wasn't my intent but honestly I was looking for a single nice thing to say, and besides "It probably look good and work better than e23 on devices I don't personnaly use for shopping"... I have nothing.

Edit : I actually purchased a few free items, and the process was fast and worked well. So the new web store do actually work, assuming you manage to find what you want to purchase.
The email with the download links worked fine too.

Last edited by Celjabba; 02-18-2023 at 09:40 AM.
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