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Old 07-06-2022, 09:56 AM   #1
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default New Shopify Store!

Warehouse 23 is undergoing some changes!

We are happy to announce a soft launch of our new Warehouse 23 store!

We need some help testing to make sure everything runs smoothly as we will eventually transition from the old store to the new one. This test is to make sure the physical side of the store is working, as well as the different payment options. Of course we will throw in some extra goodies on purchases as a thanks for helping us out!

A couple of things first:

Where is my account?
Create an account on the new Shopify store with the same email and your order history should appear. There may be a few orders/downloads missing as well as comps but we are working on that

This is out of stock/In stock
Some things will show "out of stock" when we do have them, or "in stock" when we don't. We are working on going through all the products, and the site should be updating every day with inventory levels. We will contact you if your order has any issues.

What is happening to the old store?
We plan on having both stores running for quite some time and will announce when we make the change permanent.

Have feedback? Post here on the forums! Please keep it to actual feedback/suggestions - comments on the layout, navigation, overall experience etc., are greatly appreciated.
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games

Last edited by Philip Villarreal; 07-07-2022 at 07:10 AM.
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Old 07-06-2022, 10:38 AM   #2
Turhan's Bey Company
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
Create an account on the new Shopify store with the same email and your order history should appear. There may be a few orders/downloads missing as well as comps but we are working on that
Just want to confirm that this is indeed the case. Most if not all of my actual orders (I've got a lot stretching back over years, so several could be missing and I'd never know) are there, comps are not, as you've said.

No strong feelings about the layout (people with worse vision than mine may appreciate the larger sizes and less densely packed screens), but it looks like the new store doesn't tell me if I've already purchased something whereas the old one does. Or, at least, doesn't tell me if I'm just browsing; I haven't tried buying something I own. That'd be a useful feature if it isn't already implemented somewhere I haven't seen.

I do like how pages within a series have links forward and back to other books in the series so you can scroll through them in order, though I think they may be a bit lost down at the bottom of the page, underneath recommendations.
I've been making pointlessly shiny things, and I've got some gaming-related stuff as well as 3d printing designs.

Buy my Warehouse 23 stuff, dammit!
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Old 07-06-2022, 10:49 AM   #3
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Turhan's Bey Company View Post
Just want to confirm that this is indeed the case. Most if not all of my actual orders (I've got a lot stretching back over years, so several could be missing and I'd never know) are there, comps are not, as you've said.
When I moved my account over it had the files I "purchased" but not the comps (we are working on getting comps over). As long as your files have an order tied to them they should have been ported over. Of course if that is not the case let us know and we can eventually get all the files into your shopify account before we close the old store.

No strong feelings about the layout (people with worse vision than mine may appreciate the larger sizes and less densely packed screens), but it looks like the new store doesn't tell me if I've already purchased something whereas the old one does. Or, at least, doesn't tell me if I'm just browsing; I haven't tried buying something I own. That'd be a useful feature if it isn't already implemented somewhere I haven't seen.
Currently working on that as we speak...err type!

I do like how pages within a series have links forward and back to other books in the series so you can scroll through them in order, though I think they may be a bit lost down at the bottom of the page, underneath recommendations.
Noted! We may be able to move it to a different part of the page
Philip Villarreal
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Old 07-06-2022, 10:59 AM   #4
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Will there be an option to search and/or sort your orders? Right now finding something is rather tedious.
Feel free to add 'IMO' where appropriate.
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Old 07-06-2022, 12:02 PM   #5
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Imion View Post
Will there be an option to search and/or sort your orders? Right now finding something is rather tedious.
It defaults to list them by order date...but you are looking for a way to sort them differently? I can definitely research if that is possible.
Philip Villarreal
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Old 07-06-2022, 12:51 PM   #6
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Or even better a search function for the downloads, because i simply dont remember which pdf I ordered at which time all the way back to 2005
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Old 07-06-2022, 12:55 PM   #7
Turhan's Bey Company
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
It defaults to list them by order date...but you are looking for a way to sort them differently? I can definitely research if that is possible.
A search or sort by title rather than date would be more useful. I may be pretty sure I bought GURPS Haberdashery 2: Beaver Felt, but have no idea when I bought it. A title-centric organization will let me jump to the right spot in the list to find it or just as quickly reveal that I never bought it.

(Now, a date-centric search would probably be more useful when it comes to handling issues with orders, but Warehouse 23 has to function as both an ordering/customer service system and a library, which are not necessarily served by the same kinds of organization).
I've been making pointlessly shiny things, and I've got some gaming-related stuff as well as 3d printing designs.

Buy my Warehouse 23 stuff, dammit!
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Old 07-06-2022, 02:17 PM   #8
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Can you re-add the feature that allows you to chose how many items appear on the page at once. When looking for a specific product, the new setup is not really an issue. But when just doing some general browsing to see what might interest me and wanting to compare between a few products, I find it's much easier to browse with, for example, 3 pages of 100 items each than with 30 pages of 10 items each. I believe the current (old?) Warehouse 23 let you choose between 24, 48, or 72 items/page for example. That same flexibility would be good.

The same applies for the search of your existing library... in my case, it's now spread over 18 pages, so finding something there would involve a lot of clicking back and forth to find it. The current system is all on one page, which works great. I suspect this issue can get resolved jointly with the request made by others to allow sorting/searching by titles of individual products, etc., and not just receipt number/date

Last edited by Kallatari; 07-06-2022 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 07-06-2022, 02:19 PM   #9
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
It defaults to list them by order date...but you are looking for a way to sort them differently? I can definitely research if that is possible.
What Woodman and Turhan's Bey Company said. In the current (SJG) W23 Account I can search and sort the PDFs/Apps I bought. In my Shopify Account I am presented a list of my orders (which may include multiple items) which are sorted by a system that is not apparent to me but clearly not by date or order number.
Feel free to add 'IMO' where appropriate.
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Old 07-06-2022, 02:21 PM   #10
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

My account somehow ended up with 7 physical mailing addresses: 5 identical versions of my correct mailing address, and 2 versions that had this address:

123 Fake Street
Austin ON 12345

I noticed there's an option to delete mailing addresses. Should we be cleaning that out ourselves, or will it eventually get resolved on its own?
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