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Old 12-09-2021, 12:03 PM   #301
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vasarious will get clear of the building and mist off to a remote spot to reach out and update his contact and continue the arrangements for an identity with travel authorization that fits Halcyone's physical characteristics closely enough to pass the checkpoints.
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Old 12-09-2021, 11:21 PM   #302
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He seems startled about something, hesitates for a moment, and then says "What did you do to the emperor? He's Gone"
"What? I didn't do anything to the emperor."
I pause to think for a moment.
"Oh right; it's an effect of the shrine near here. The emperor can't contact you and I think he can't see what's going on in here... There's a holographic copy of Maximus who knows more than me."
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Old 12-10-2021, 10:49 AM   #303
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vasarious will get clear of the building and mist off to a remote spot to reach out and update his contact and continue the arrangements for an identity with travel authorization that fits Halcyone's physical characteristics closely enough to pass the checkpoints.

As Vassarious leaves the building, V notices that there are a few Hawk warriors with both swords and assault riffles sitting on the tops of buildings nearby... those weren't there when Vassarious went in the building.

Vassarious gets to the private and remote location, and tells his contact the job is done. The contact takes about 20 minutes to confirm the job, and then expresses his satisfaction, and offers to work with Vassarious anytime ... as long as she wasn't spotted and the bugs immediately removed.

He says he'll get the identity to you in 24 hours.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"What? I didn't do anything to the emperor."
I pause to think for a moment.
"Oh right; it's an effect of the shrine near here. The emperor can't contact you and I think he can't see what's going on in here... There's a holographic copy of Maximus who knows more than me."

"A copy of the emperor in a shrine that blocks his sight and voice?" Kunnifax ponders the claim. Then he closes his eyes and concentrates on something. He opens them again. "Ok, you just doomed me to stay in this cave until things are fixed."

"The Emperor says you're an invader from beyond the five worlds, trying to interfere in our affairs and alter his mind."

"That's completely true, its just that if his mind has been altered, and our fun little friend here says it has, that makes you a friend. Where are you from anyways? and do you mind getting off of me?"

"Now, its possible that you have the means to build a copy of the emperor yourself, in which case you're deceiving me, and the copy is a ruse... but everything about this says otherwise. The worlds are in chaos, this cave is far too old, and the emperor would have seen you build a false shrine and warned me."

"I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help. The moment I leave this cave, the emperor will take control of me again and I'll be convinced you're a foe and that we aren't supposed to interfere with mortal affairs. So I'm pretty much stuck here. I suppose I can defend this place if someone tries to attack it."

"So what are you anyways?"
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Old 12-10-2021, 04:07 PM   #304
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"A copy of the emperor in a shrine that blocks his sight and voice?" Kunnifax ponders the claim. Then he closes his eyes and concentrates on something. He opens them again. "Ok, you just doomed me to stay in this cave until things are fixed."

"The Emperor says you're an invader from beyond the five worlds, trying to interfere in our affairs and alter his mind."

"That's completely true, its just that if his mind has been altered, and our fun little friend here says it has, that makes you a friend. Where are you from anyways? and do you mind getting off of me?"
"Well you let go of that sword and then we'll talk."

[Everything else assumes he does]

I'll let him get up. "Corco sent me. You may know of him; Maximus has helped him out sending troops sometimes. Last time was like a hundred and fifty years ago."

I glance at his neck. "Sorry about the neck. I'll buy you a beer when this is all over."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Now, its possible that you have the means to build a copy of the emperor yourself, in which case you're deceiving me, and the copy is a ruse... but everything about this says otherwise. The worlds are in chaos, this cave is far too old, and the emperor would have seen you build a false shrine and warned me."
"Well believe you me if I knew about this whole pattern business I wouldn't be here."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help. The moment I leave this cave, the emperor will take control of me again and I'll be convinced you're a foe and that we aren't supposed to interfere with mortal affairs. So I'm pretty much stuck here. I suppose I can defend this place if someone tries to attack it."
"Don't worry you'll be really helpful. I'll need you to brief me on your arrangement with the imperial forces on your side, I'll need your clothes, and it'd really help if you told me you were chauffeured here."

I bet he's really confused now. I'll push my nose flat and say, "Don't worry, I can definitely disguise myself to look like you."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"So what are you anyways?"
[187] 21-12-10 21:32:52 GMT
3d6 <= 11
3 + 3 + 6 = 12 ... failure
Halcyone got a very strange look on her face and began speaking strangely.
"The OAI you see before you is a Tendriloid 300X series by Primedia Labs. Named Best Chimeric Model by AMQ in 3108, and type-modelled by Hariyō Pāla ver I, the exotic forms of Tendriloids are now a semi-commonly seen waiting on the trendiest executives and statesmen. The 300X series has been equipped with a heightened sensory response to know your orders before you ask them. This particular unit was commissioned b--"

I shook my head and blinked a few times.
"Sorry, it's stuff like that that makes me think I'm a spineless automaton. Got the spineless part down just fine."
I gave sheepish laugh.

"Well you asked me one so I might as well ask you one. What'd you do that made Maximus decide to make you immortal?"
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Old 12-12-2021, 07:33 PM   #305
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
As Vassarious leaves the building, V notices that there are a few Hawk warriors with both swords and assault riffles sitting on the tops of buildings nearby... those weren't there when Vassarious went in the building.

Vassarious gets to the private and remote location, and tells his contact the job is done. The contact takes about 20 minutes to confirm the job, and then expresses his satisfaction, and offers to work with Vassarious anytime ... as long as she wasn't spotted and the bugs immediately removed.

He says he'll get the identity to you in 24 hours.
"I've got a day to kill and could use a little walking around money... Got anything else local and not time sensitive?"
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Old 12-13-2021, 11:29 AM   #306
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Well you let go of that sword and then we'll talk."
He does. Not that he could do anything with it.

I'll let him get up. "Corco sent me. You may know of him; Maximus has helped him out sending troops sometimes. Last time was like a hundred and fifty years ago."
"Troops sent off the skerry a hundred and fifty years ago... ok, I'm not supposed to be up on that, but I have an inkling. They didn't say anything about six armed girls with active camo though.

I glance at his neck. "Sorry about the neck. I'll buy you a beer when this is all over."
"I've had worse. I'll heal slowly... I think at least once I leave this temple"

"Well believe you me if I knew about this whole pattern business I wouldn't be here."
"Its certainly an odd place to put such a shrine... right under an active battleground."

"Don't worry you'll be really helpful. I'll need you to brief me on your arrangement with the imperial forces on your side, I'll need your clothes, and it'd really help if you told me you were chauffeured here."

I bet he's really confused now. I'll push my nose flat and say, "Don't worry, I can definitely disguise myself to look like you.

"I've got a Badge that makes them quake in fear and let me do anything I want. Sometimes they look me up first to double check. I had them fly me out to the front lines in a military jet, then was driven to the caves in some general's private car... He's waiting 48 hours for me, then returning."

"Not sure how long it will take Maximus to notice that you're using my badge. Once he does, you can bet it... actually... whatever they did to Maximus really messed up what he will or won't do. Murder them for me, will you?"

Halcyone got a very strange look on her face and began speaking strangely.
"The OAI you see before you is a Tendriloid 300X series by Primedia Labs. Named Best Chimeric Model by AMQ in 3108, and type-modelled by Hariyō Pāla ver I, the exotic forms of Tendriloids are now a semi-commonly seen waiting on the trendiest executives and statesmen. The 300X series has been equipped with a heightened sensory response to know your orders before you ask them. This particular unit was commissioned b--"

I shook my head and blinked a few times.
"Sorry, it's stuff like that that makes me think I'm a spineless automaton. Got the spineless part down just fine."
I gave sheepish laugh.

"you're a constructed person. But built by a research team instead of the benevolent genius who is the emperor... I'm rather glad to be on the emperor's side of our divide. Once we get him back, of course."

"Well you asked me one so I might as well ask you one. What'd you do that made Maximus decide to make you immortal?"

"I infiltrated a gang of slavers. Went under deep cover for a year. They eventually figured out who I was, but not before I tipped off the identities and locations of 34 operations, and then personally took out 4 more when my cover was inconveniently blown. The emperor was impressed, and inducted me with the heroes. They try to keep my identity suppressed, because my job is to go undercover, and having a universally recognized face interferes with that."

"Adjustable face... that'd be really nice to have"

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I've got a day to kill and could use a little walking around money... Got anything else local and not time sensitive?"

"I mean, I've got a rival who took down all my bugs at renix ford. Bad neighborhood, but worth having eyes in. I'll give you enough to make it worth your time to stick eyes up there."
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Old 12-13-2021, 12:02 PM   #307
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

"Send me the details and I'll evaluate the situation and see what I can do."

As long as Vassiaruous has to wait a day, they decide to build up some resources in case they should need the funds going forward.

If the situation calls for it, he can plant the bugs in a similar way.
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Old 12-13-2021, 02:40 PM   #308
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Troops sent off the skerry a hundred and fifty years ago... ok, I'm not supposed to be up on that, but I have an inkling. They didn't say anything about six armed girls with active camo though.
"Yeah, well Corco collects heroes like I collect baubles. He could have a fallen angel arch-mage and he wouldn't bring it up until it comes in handy."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I've had worse. I'll heal slowly... I think at least once I leave this temple"

"Its certainly an odd place to put such a shrine... right under an active battleground."
"I think the shrine came well before the war. Then again, who's to say the battle lines weren't deliberately placed?"
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I've got a Badge that makes them quake in fear and let me do anything I want. Sometimes they look me up first to double check. I had them fly me out to the front lines in a military jet, then was driven to the caves in some general's private car... He's waiting 48 hours for me, then returning."

"Not sure how long it will take Maximus to notice that you're using my badge. Once he does, you can bet it... actually... whatever they did to Maximus really messed up what he will or won't do. Murder them for me, will you?"
I'll ask Holo-Maximus if Maximus will be able to trace the location of the badge.
"Well, Maximus seems to only be sending heroes after me and V. That might change if he decides you failed. No idea if someone else is sending the army after us."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"you're a constructed person. But built by a research team instead of the benevolent genius who is the emperor... I'm rather glad to be on the emperor's side of our divide. Once we get him back, of course."
"Well I won't pretend I don't angst about being the world's smartest fashion accessory, but working for Corco means sooner or later something will be done to help the two or three billion other OAIs. Well after everything more important on the list is cleared."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I infiltrated a gang of slavers. Went under deep cover for a year. They eventually figured out who I was, but not before I tipped off the identities and locations of 34 operations, and then personally took out 4 more when my cover was inconveniently blown. The emperor was impressed, and inducted me with the heroes. They try to keep my identity suppressed, because my job is to go undercover, and having a universally recognized face interferes with that."
"Slavers? I must have missed that in my research. Like human traffickers?"
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Adjustable face... that'd be really nice to have"
"And only done because it 'looks cool and let's you stay up-to-date without surgery'. And not that helpful when you get stabbed in the back."
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Old 12-14-2021, 09:35 AM   #309
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

It might be time for a call to exchange information, send Halcyone the new ID, and so forth?

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Send me the details and I'll evaluate the situation and see what I can do."

As long as Vassiaruous has to wait a day, they decide to build up some resources in case they should need the funds going forward.

If the situation calls for it, he can plant the bugs in a similar way.

Vassarious is given a pickup location for the bugs. A few different spots will be difficult: three restaurants run by dangerous men are on the list, which means a lot more eyes but ones that probably don't care as much.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll ask Holo-Maximus if Maximus will be able to trace the location of the badge.
The Hologram appears.

"Maximus himself will have no special link to the badge. He will sense if you use any of your unique power from off-world, and he will be able to watch you over most of the five worlds. I would have said all, but then I found this spot"

"Slavers? I must have missed that in my research. Like human traffickers?"
"Yes... perhaps the foulest of all criminals. They are more or less powerful at different times. The Emperor can see much, but he cannot see everything all at once. I don't know how big of an issue it is now... when I woke up I didn't feel it was important. I'm somewhat curious now."


"And only done because it 'looks cool and let's you stay up-to-date without surgery'. And not that helpful when you get stabbed in the back."
"That sounds quite extravagant."

Anything else you need from Kunnifax.
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Old 12-14-2021, 10:45 AM   #310
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
It might be time for a call to exchange information, send Halcyone the new ID, and so forth?
I was waiting until I had the identity to provide, but Halcyone can initiate the call...

Vassarious is given a pickup location for the bugs. A few different spots will be difficult: three restaurants run by dangerous men are on the list, which means a lot more eyes but ones that probably don't care as much.
Vassarious waits until the businesses close, so he can slip in and plant the devices unobserved.
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