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Old 08-19-2021, 04:08 PM   #131
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious will take the form of an air elemental, and become as misty and translucent as possible to try and not be seen. Then will slip through the cracks around the door and slip up to the ceiling and go looking for the power source...
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Old 08-20-2021, 10:20 AM   #132
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll persuade Octavian that this is impractical.
Octavian looks at his tubes, wires, bandages, and monitors. "I suppose I am in no shape to come along. But give me your contact information! That way I can tell you if Emperor Maximus says anything else!"

I'll look up the location while I'm making my sweeps on the way out.
The Caverns of Calthyone are not well known, but Halcyone finds them easily enough. They are close to one of the Temple Portals connecting Arthus with Lithus... one of the active portals the imperials are trying to push through. Its an active warzone. There are many entrances, and the caves are a near labyrinth. Parts of them are open, but parts were closed to the public for years.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious will take the form of an air elemental, and become as misty and translucent as possible to try and not be seen. Then will slip through the cracks around the door and slip up to the ceiling and go looking for the power source...

Please give a face-man! roll and describe what Vassarious says to cover going translucent over the course of 10 seconds while 60 armed soldiers are watching.
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Old 08-20-2021, 03:07 PM   #133
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Octavian looks at his tubes, wires, bandages, and monitors. "I suppose I am in no shape to come along. But give me your contact information! That way I can tell you if Emperor Maximus says anything else!"
Well, it's against my better judgement but I'll supply my phone number. I'll emphasize that I shouldn't be contacted unless there's something that cannot wait.
[592] 21-08-20 21:59:57 CEST

3d6 <= 15
1 + 4 + 5 = 10 ... success
Sorry, wrong log.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Caverns of Calthyone are not well known, but Halcyone finds them easily enough. They are close to one of the Temple Portals connecting Arthus with Lithus... one of the active portals the imperials are trying to push through. Its an active warzone. There are many entrances, and the caves are a near labyrinth. Parts of them are open, but parts were closed to the public for years.
Alright. I'd like to quietly look into these caves to make sure there's no funny business with them being ordered at rebel HQ. I'll try to make up an excuse to go visit these cave; if someone tries to interfere that should let me know if these some kind of interference. Admin to do this?

[76] 21-08-20 21:07:15 BST
3d6 <= 15
6 + 4 + 3 = 13 ... success
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Old 08-20-2021, 03:25 PM   #134
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

((OOC: Sorry, I mistook your post, I thought they were escorting Vass back to the quarters that they arranged for them. They will have them return them there before the shapeshifting and exploration bit.))
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Old 08-23-2021, 09:03 AM   #135
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll try to make up an excuse to go visit these cave; if someone tries to interfere that should let me know if these some kind of interference. Admin to do this?
This is not a short trip. For you to have an excuse to be there, you pretty much need to convince General Rubrum to go to the nearby front (The Sabuleum gate). Halcyone doesn't see a way to get to the front without abandoning her duties otherwise. Though she could ask for leave... not that she's especially likely to get it after the first few days. If she thinks she's found a traitor there she might be able to justify a trip to her superiors... though they might send someone else and leave her at her post. She's not sure.

Halcyone eventually makes it to hospital room. Rubrum seems to really care for Alexa. They're chatting and she's reporting on when she will return to work. Halcyone has the thought she might be more than his security guard...

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
((OOC: Sorry, I mistook your post, I thought they were escorting Vass back to the quarters that they arranged for them. They will have them return them there before the shapeshifting and exploration bit.))

Ok, That works. Vassarious is returned to the chamber of beyond, and changes into a nearly transparent gaseous form. As V slips out, they notice that 30 guards and two priests are at the door. They aren't expecting intelligent wind, and aren't especially alert, and so let the transformed dragon breeze past them.

Vassarious pokes around the complex, and quickly finds the power source... its a large temple in the center of the complex with lots of guards around it. Its built fairly similar to the tomb building Vassarious was led to before, but bigger and grander, with a few wings attached. It also has a few priests milling about.
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:44 PM   #136
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious inspects the chamber and its wings closely, looking for signs of anything amiss, and keeping an ear out for any chatter from the priests.
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Old 08-23-2021, 03:54 PM   #137
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
This is not a short trip. For you to have an excuse to be there, you pretty much need to convince General Rubrum to go to the nearby front (The Sabuleum gate). Halcyone doesn't see a way to get to the front without abandoning her duties otherwise. Though she could ask for leave... not that she's especially likely to get it after the first few days. If she thinks she's found a traitor there she might be able to justify a trip to her superiors... though they might send someone else and leave her at her post. She's not sure.
Well, I suppose persuading Rubrum to go inspect the front is probably the most straightforward way to reach the caves. Of course, a direct approach probably won't work; I imagine just asking him would probably be suspicious in of itself. I'll instead take a more roundabout approach:
1a) I'll construct a psychological profile of Rubrum. (Memetics!)
1b) At the same time, I'll get a feel for how rumors spread through Rebel HQ (Savoir-Faire Military)
2) After both 1a and b, I'll create a meme that there's trouble near The Sabuleum Gate (ideally trouble that can be countered with an inspection). This will be designed to appeal to Rubrum in particular while still spreading through the rumor network in HQ. (Memetics!)
3) Then all that will be needed is to start a whisper campaign and wait for it to reach Rubrum. (This would be Fast-Talk, and thus also Memetics!)

I'll put my traitor hunting off for three days and focus on this.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Halcyone eventually makes it to hospital room. Rubrum seems to really care for Alexa. They're chatting and she's reporting on when she will return to work. Halcyone has the thought she might be more than his security guard...
Well, I don't know what use it will be, but I must know exactly! I'll try to broach the topic with Thelodox. Surely as her partner he would know; or at least be vaguely aware.

[77] 21-08-23 21:52:47 BST
3d6 <= 15
5 + 4 + 3 = 12 ... success
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Old 08-24-2021, 09:44 AM   #138
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious inspects the chamber and its wings closely, looking for signs of anything amiss, and keeping an ear out for any chatter from the priests.

The inner chamber is a tomb, larger and much more finely adorned than the first one you saw. Two priests are standing there with a change of clothing, a tray of hot food, a portable shower, and a small mobile office that still uses paper.

The wings are mostly empty, but kept well-maintained, spotless, meticulously covered in murals, and seem connected to scrying magic, and to providing the central mystical effect in the tomb chamber.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well, I suppose persuading Rubrum to go inspect the front is probably the most straightforward way to reach the caves. Of course, a direct approach probably won't work; I imagine just asking him would probably be suspicious in of itself. I'll instead take a more roundabout approach ... I'll put my traitor hunting off for three days and focus on this.
Starting the clock... Synchronizing you two is looking like a real challenge.

Well, I don't know what use it will be, but I must know exactly! I'll try to broach the topic with Thelodox. Surely as her partner he would know; or at least be vaguely aware.
Thelodox is at first evasive: "Huh? there is nothing going on there. He just sees us a lot and wanted to make sure she was ok."

With a little more pressing, he relents: There is a romantic dalliance between Rubrum and Alexa. Thelodox emphasizes that its harmless and there is a war on, but try to keep it a secret:

"What do you need to keep quiet about it?"
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Old 08-24-2021, 03:10 PM   #139
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Starting the clock... Synchronizing you two is looking like a real challenge.
I'll make my rolls at the end of the period, like with the traitor investigation.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Thelodox is at first evasive: "Huh? there is nothing going on there. He just sees us a lot and wanted to make sure she was ok."

With a little more pressing, he relents: There is a romantic dalliance between Rubrum and Alexa. Thelodox emphasizes that its harmless and there is a war on, but try to keep it a secret:

"What do you need to keep quiet about it?"
That last bit's a surprise! "What? I'm just being a bit nosy; I can keep it quiet. I wouldn't betray your confidence like that." I briefly consider that there may be a few situations where I'd need to, but deem it unlikely. I doubt Alexa's a spy and surely Thelodox would know if Rubrum is pressuring her in some way.
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Old 08-24-2021, 04:59 PM   #140
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The inner chamber is a tomb, larger and much more finely adorned than the first one you saw. Two priests are standing there with a change of clothing, a tray of hot food, a portable shower, and a small mobile office that still uses paper.

The wings are mostly empty, but kept well-maintained, spotless, meticulously covered in murals, and seem connected to scrying magic, and to providing the central mystical effect in the tomb chamber.
Vassarious continues to stick to the ceilings to remain out of eye-lines while searching for evidence that the mystic apparatus has been tampered with for a while longer, and checking for any new construction or alterations that may interfere with the flow of power.
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