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Old 06-29-2021, 06:43 PM   #761
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pothi is anxious to meet the girl, and goes to meet her. Her mess looks exhausted: they've been working at breakneck speed for the last hour, and they haven't had time to process the dropout yet: they were one of the two sections hardest hit*.

*weirdly, navigation, transport, and motive are the sections hardest hit by that emergency. And Daymar and Pacifica have jobs that partially insulate you because you're not doing the same thing as the bulk of your second
Hm... Lots of stuff got knocked over I guess? Time to handle it back to place.
[520] 21-06-30 00:30:25 CEST
Fast-Talk Meant to be Freight Handling
3d6 <= 14
6 + 3 + 1 = 10 ... success
So after work it's time to head off to the meeting tonight? I'll probably want to:
1) Recover some sleep
2) Maybe swap the dud pills into Daymar's new mess.
Then next sleep cycle:
1) Make the spiked pills
2) Swap the dud pills (if not done)
3) Swap the spiked pills to a motive mess (not Daymar's if time permits)

Last edited by TGLS; 06-30-2021 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 06-30-2021, 09:48 AM   #762
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Hm... Lots of stuff got knocked over I guess? Time to handle it back to place.
More like lots of fuel needs to be moved around for the unexpected jump, a fair amount of heavy gear needs to be moved out of storage and back, and Transportation gets called in for their expertise in vehicles when you need to get several 20 ton spinning disks realigned and seated on new ball bearings.

So after work ....
lets make to after work... I'll try to remember this!
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Old 06-30-2021, 03:35 PM   #763
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pothi is anxious to meet the girl, and goes to meet her. Her mess looks exhausted: they've been working at breakneck speed for the last hour, and they haven't had time to process the dropout yet: they were one of the two sections hardest hit*.
Daymar looks around the mess, taking in the atmosphere of the room. "Maybe this isn't the best time, but let me go talk to her." Day go over to Chiki, placing a hand on her arm or hand wherever there is exposed skin. "Excuse me, you're Chiki, right? Lieutenant Nichapu asked me to pass on his compliments for your hard work, and that he wants to meet with you."

[521] 21-06-30 22:33:02 CEST

Mental Surgery ((Delusion "I worked with Nichapu to mess with the ship in the name of la Quinta República") and Sense of Duty (la Quinta República))

3d6 <= 15
6 + 5 + 4 = 15 ... success

OOC: That's not great. May I use Luck to re-roll? The last use was post 707, ~55 posts ago
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Old 07-01-2021, 10:37 AM   #764
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
OOC: That's not great. May I use Luck to re-roll? The last use was post 707, ~55 posts ago
luck is every 30 posts. Go ahead and use it.

Originally Posted by Hide View Post

She shares her “theory” and gives Zybo the name of a subverted officer to shift his attention away from Daymar’s section and the team's plans. She also tells him Vinobi was interested in knowing if he (Zybo) had more information regarding the Dread-Stormers, a question she left unanswered.

Zybo nods "I'll talk it over with Vinobi when I get the chance. Thank you."

(I'm not quite sure what the theory is... could you explain in your next post?)

How much sleep catching up is she willing to give up to try and crack the Nejora's hard outer shell?
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Old 07-01-2021, 11:17 AM   #765
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
luck is every 30 posts. Go ahead and use it.
[522] 21-07-01 18:16:23 CEST

Mental Surgery Luck re-rolls

3d6 <= 15
1: 2 + 5 + 5 = 12 ... success
2: 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 ... success
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Old 07-01-2021, 06:26 PM   #766
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) (I'm not quite sure what the theory is... could you explain in your next post?)

Pacifica exposes she is concerned about the officers in command. She thinks there could be more people supporting LA QUINTA at privileged positions. She tells Zybo she’s been working with his colleagues to spot Dread Stormers since they burned the provisions and to support her hypothesis, she stresses the fact that the rumors in the ship have been anecdotic of the mishaps on board, as if someone was actually ventilating the crew’s pressing matters.

For starters, she has the feeling they should be careful with the officers involved in the “hyperdrive mess” investigation, and suggests surveilling a couple of them (those whose positions won’t compromise the Dread-Stormer team plans).

Convincing Zybo of her hypothesis, the spotlights will point to the (subverted) officers and Vinobi (a subverted himself) might have to reconsider things.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) How much sleep catching up is she willing to give up to try and crack the Nejora's hard outer shell?
Well, the idea is doing both catching sleep and talking to Nejora. I guess there's time for the two things, provided Pacifica invested the shift's downtime in doing so and that Nejora's been already cracked.
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Old 07-02-2021, 08:34 AM   #767
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Daymar looks around the mess, taking in the atmosphere of the room. "Maybe this isn't the best time, but let me go talk to her." Day go over to Chiki, placing a hand on her arm or hand wherever there is exposed skin. "Excuse me, you're Chiki, right? Lieutenant Nichapu asked me to pass on his compliments for your hard work, and that he wants to meet with you."

Chiki fails her roll. She looks at Daymar, then furrows her brow. "Thank You." She looks like she wants to say something, then thinks better of it.

For starters, she has the feeling they should be careful with the officers involved in the “hyperdrive mess” investigation, and suggests surveilling a couple of them (those whose positions won’t compromise the Dread-Stormer team plans).

Convincing Zybo of her hypothesis, the spotlights will point to the (subverted) officers and Vinobi (a subverted himself) might have to reconsider things.
Zybo: "If they've penetrated that deep into the command structure, that would indicate a controlling telepath. Why wouldn't they have taken the ship over by now? Unless they got the officers before they boarded... that would very difficult though. It could also be that they got a few members of security, rather than all those officers... The hyperdrive mess as a false flag operation... that bears some thinking about..."

Well, the idea is doing both catching sleep and talking to Nejora. I guess there's time for the two things, provided Pacifica invested the shift's downtime in doing so and that Nejora's been already cracked.
I don't know where you got the idea this particular shift would have downtime. Everyone in navigation is working their tails off and stressed. I thought I made that clear.
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Old 07-02-2021, 10:54 AM   #768
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Chiki fails her roll. She looks at Daymar, then furrows her brow. "Thank You." She looks like she wants to say something, then thinks better of it.
Daymar nods to Chiki, and then returns to Pothi to share the bad news that "now isn't such a good time". "I guess you were right, everyone's too busy and worried to be thinking of that kind of thing. We'd better get on-shift."

The next item on Day's agenda is to connect with Nijothu and his buddy. Which shift is he on, and where would be able to meet them?
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Old 07-02-2021, 12:31 PM   #769
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(...) I don't know where you got the idea this particular shift would have downtime. Everyone in navigation is working their tails off and stressed. I thought I made that clear.
Hey there Erick!
How much off-hours do we have? I think it is more than 3 hours.

To clear your questions, the situation might be stressful but downtime is a natural thing, it doesn’t mean work stops; in addition, she may talk and work to clear things up as operations pace up.

Pacifica can talk to Nejora on their way to work, while the computer boots, as they sit on the station, as they fetch the data or while their data is approved, loaded in the system, etc.

There is “daily life downtime” as well. She can talk to Nejora as they shower, on their way to lunch, as they change clothes and so on. It’s been part of Pacifica’s character since her inception; put together, all these bits are meaningful time-wise.
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Old 07-05-2021, 07:16 AM   #770
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Hey there Erick!
How much off-hours do we have? I think it is more than 3 hours.
Its six hours after work, if you count meals, showering, and those other times.

To clear your questions, the situation might be stressful but downtime is a natural thing, it doesn’t mean work stops; in addition, she may talk and work to clear things up as operations pace up.
Sure, but that doesn't mean that you'll get people to be talkative during those times. Thats a personality thing. If you want to chat away at Nejora during all of those times... sure. But don't expect that roll to be without penalty. Or to even be effective.

So to ask again: how much extra time will be spent sleeping.
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