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Old 02-16-2021, 09:22 AM   #451
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Otherwise, they are guarded by key rather than pin-pad. They are 10 by 10 compartements. Any other questions?
How tough is the lock (assuming I'm using the tool stashed on Deck 5), how long would it take to disable each gun, and could I use my powers to disable the guns without opening a locker?
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Old 02-16-2021, 11:06 AM   #452
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
How tough is the lock (assuming I'm using the tool stashed on Deck 5), how long would it take to disable each gun, and could I use my powers to disable the guns without opening a locker?

Lets see... They're good quality locks, but the emphasis is on having the alarm go off, not keeping people out, so its a +0. The tools you are using are improvised gear for this, for -2. You will also need to disable an alarm, at -2 to traps skill.

Powers-wise, what is your plan for disabling guns? I seem to remember having a conversation of what the affliction will do to weapons with you, but I can't remember it.

Your affliction is a touch attack, which means each gun takes one second and physical contact (but see the above note: daze lasts for minutes of failure -- unless we talked about this before). You can use a stunt (are you familiar with the power stunt rules?) to make that ranged, or effect an area. If you try to effect weapons through the walls, they will get a bonus from DR to resist. you can stunt to add a damage divisor if you want.
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Old 02-16-2021, 12:15 PM   #453
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Powers-wise, what is your plan for disabling guns? I seem to remember having a conversation of what the affliction will do to weapons with you, but I can't remember it.
If I recall correctly:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I do have Armoury (Small Arms). Is there some kind of analogue to a firing pin that could be removed or something?
I'm sure there is an electronic analouge to that, and with small arms, your character has it. Once you have your powers oneline, you can probably fry the with a touch, though that would require a successful armoury (small arms) roll.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Your affliction is a touch attack, which means each gun takes one second and physical contact (but see the above note: daze lasts for minutes of failure -- unless we talked about this before). You can use a stunt (are you familiar with the power stunt rules?) to make that ranged, or effect an area. If you try to effect weapons through the walls, they will get a bonus from DR to resist. you can stunt to add a damage divisor if you want.
Well, depending how how much DR the lockers have against electrical/burning attacks (given lasers are weapons, possibly lots), area effect might not help much (-5 to skill and 2FP for the base 50%, right?). I suppose if we judge Daze as insufficient to disable, I could use Surge (PP34) at default (maybe also avoiding the need to open the locker? Works if I know the exact location; is in a rack in this locker too vague?).

With a minute to pick a lock and maybe another minute to disable a rack, it seems pretty tight in terms of time. Is it possible to rig the laser guns to overload? If so, would rigging a rack to blow possibly chain-react and blow up the whole 10x10?
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Old 02-16-2021, 01:44 PM   #454
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
If I recall correctly:
Thanks... that method is essentially a perk level stunt requiring pinpoint accuracy, no FP, and mechanical knowledge of that specific weapon... thus the armory roll.

Well, depending how how much DR the lockers have against electrical/burning attacks (given lasers are weapons, possibly lots), area effect might not help much (-5 to skill and 2FP for the base 50%, right?). I suppose if we judge Daze as insufficient to disable, I could use Surge (PP34) at default (maybe also avoiding the need to open the locker? Works if I know the exact location; is in a rack in this locker too vague?).
The lockers are 10 by 10 rooms: if you can open the door and get the attack in that way, there is no further DR. Your stunt calculation looks correct.

If you can get an exact layout of one locker room, and if the other locker rooms have the same layout, disabling through the wall using surge will work. For that kind of a stunt, I can offer the option to charge only one stunt "use" per minute.

With a minute to pick a lock and maybe another minute to disable a rack, it seems pretty tight in terms of time. Is it possible to rig the laser guns to overload? If so, would rigging a rack to blow possibly chain-react and blow up the whole 10x10?
You can disable 5 racks of weapons in a minute, and there are 16 in each locker room, so that's a little over 3 minutes to disable a room. That's working very fast: a more likely time is 5 minutes.

rigging them to explode... the lasers have power cells and lasing fluid. Both are volatile, but neither actually "explodes"... though both are capable of starting quick fires. Can this be done in a chain reaction? Probably only through a long burning fire. That would require intentionally setting one and disabling the fire alarm. Once the heat is high enough, the cells and fluid will ignite and the fire will continue.
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Old 02-16-2021, 07:32 PM   #455
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The lockers are 10 by 10 rooms
Somehow I got it in my head it was a 10x10 array of lockers. Rereading it there are three; things should be a lot easier.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You can disable 5 racks of weapons in a minute, and there are 16 in each locker room, so that's a little over 3 minutes to disable a room. That's working very fast: a more likely time is 5 minutes.
OK, current plan:
-> Elevator to Deck 13 (Stealth/Photorefraction)
-> Break into a locker (Traps-2/Lockpicking-2), steal one (maybe adjust the rack so holds fewer guns?) and fry the rest (Armory/Confuse).
-> Repeat for the other two near the women's washroom
-> Pass through the Bunkroom compartments to get to the other weapons lockers. (Stealth?)
-> Same as previous locker break-ins.
-> Drop by Deck 5 to hide the guns then return to bunkroom (Stealth?)

I suppose I should case the men's washroom lockers now.

[305] 21-02-17 02:32:15 CET
3d6 <= 13 : 5 + 2 + 6 = 13 ... success
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:08 AM   #456
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

The locker's on the men's side see a bit more traffic: maybe 40 seconds between visits on average. Otherwise, it looks identical, a mirror reflection.

As a note, with two days of casing, there will be a scheduled meeting right before the raid.


Daymar notices the NCO that was talking to him head in a different direction than normal the morning of the meeting.

Pacifica hears rumors that they are about to reach a supply depot hidden in Jakorbi space.
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:39 AM   #457
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The locker's on the men's side see a bit more traffic: maybe 40 seconds between visits on average. Otherwise, it looks identical, a mirror reflection.

As a note, with two days of casing, there will be a scheduled meeting right before the raid.
Cool, I'll take the meeting at night right before I go raid the armory. Just two last questions before the meeting and then the raid; does failing the traps roll mean the alarm goes off or just needs another attempt? Could I try something similar to the "fry the guns" trick on the alarm, making an Electronics Operation (Security) roll?
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:55 AM   #458
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Cool, I'll take the meeting at night right before I go raid the armory. Just two last questions before the meeting and then the raid; does failing the traps roll mean the alarm goes off or just needs another attempt? Could I try something similar to the "fry the guns" trick on the alarm, making an Electronics Operation (Security) roll?

Failing the traps roll sets it off if you fail by 3 or more. Otherwise you can try again.

Electronics Operation (security) would act as a complimentary roll (traps is still primary). Alternatively, you can use it to claim a +4 bonus to the traps roll, similar to the TK bonus to lockpicking.

I believe Pacifica needs to roll to sneak out for the meeting in the dead of night.

The meeting is during Hua's working hours, but Thibi's mind has been altered. how will she be attending?
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Old 02-17-2021, 10:37 AM   #459
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Alternatively, you can use it to claim a +4 bonus to the traps roll, similar to the TK bonus to lockpicking.
So use Confuse on its own for +4 or Confuse + ElecOps for +4

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The meeting is during Hua's working hours, but Thibi's mind has been altered. how will she be attending?
I'll try to persuade Thibi it's more efficient to for me to go off and separate briefly to do a small job (Transport gets the odd-jobs, right?) than for both of us to ride around on a forklift. Hopefully one of the odd jobs is nearby Deck 4. Then I try to do it quickly and get to the meeting before returning.

[306] 21-02-17 17:35:26 CET
3d6 <= 13 : 6 + 2 + 2 = 10 ... success
[307] 21-02-17 17:37:16 CET
3d6 <= 14 : 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 ... success
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Old 02-17-2021, 11:34 AM   #460
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Daymar notices the NCO that was talking to him head in a different direction than normal the morning of the meeting.
Is this the same day Day tried mental surgery on him? Day is going to try to follow him.
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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