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Old 09-19-2020, 09:59 PM   #131
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Yes, its a lounge. I suppose what I meant was what sort of things will Hua do down on deck while lounging? Also, how long will Hua wait to burn the flour supply? The meeting happened on the first Tuesday...
Hm... Something that would be easy to get lost in a crowd. Dance, maybe?

Maybe give it a day or two before I get started?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Hua is able to peel off down a different hall when moving loads of bricks. She gets to the hiding location and grabs the kit. Botha is quite cross when you catch up with her.

"What happened? Where did you go?"
I'll play dumb. "Huh? What? Knew I was getting a little behind but I was sure we were had LOS."

[73] 20-09-20 04:59:14 CEST

Fast talk to play dumb.

3d6 <= 13
5 + 1 + 4 = 10 ... success
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Old 09-20-2020, 07:39 AM   #132
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Hm... Something that would be easy to get lost in a crowd. Dance, maybe?

Maybe give it a day or two before I get started?
There isn't a dance every night... but they happen frequently enough, and Hua will certainly be welcome. In four days there will be a two dances (it will be friday on the second dance). You can establish you like dances before hand and then make your move during the friday dance.

I'll play dumb. "Huh? What? Knew I was getting a little behind but I was sure we were had LOS."
[74] 20-09-20 14:29:13 CEST -
Botha Fast-Talk Resist
"You're a rotten liar. You owe me. Stay within line of sight. Its regulation. Next time I'll report you. Back on Korvi I'd strap you to the forklift and turn on autopilot."
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Old 09-20-2020, 08:16 PM   #133
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There isn't a dance every night... but they happen frequently enough, and Hua will certainly be welcome. In four days there will be a two dances (it will be friday on the second dance). You can establish you like dances before hand and then make your move during the friday dance.
Yep, that works for me.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"You're a rotten liar. You owe me. Stay within line of sight. Its regulation. Next time I'll report you. Back on Korvi I'd strap you to the forklift and turn on autopilot."
Right. Back on the straight and narrow for the rest of the day.
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Old 09-21-2020, 11:33 AM   #134
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Hua is good to her word and stays within sight of Botha for the next few days. Botha might be mollified, or she might not. Hua goes down to deck 19 to dance on Wenesday, dragging Botha along with her. Daymar also has the opportunity to visit deck 19 to indulge in some gambling (I'm still waiting for his official bet on when the first shot will fired).

On thursday, they drop out of hyperspace for the first time. Hua has a comparatively busy day stockpiling warheads and laser fluid cartridges, and then moving them back once they go to hyperspace. Daymar has a strangely boring day: he and Pothi do more work when they are in hyperspace, while the rest of their section does more work in real-space. They end up standing around the hyper-drive giving occasional reports while the rest of their shift (and mess mates) run around trying to do things as quickly as possible.

That night, rumors as to their destination about, as well as rumors about where they stopped over. Most of the information is probably unfounded, though some of it will have leaked from navigation, most of it will be wild conjecture.

Friday most the ship feels good about relaxing. Which is why there is a dance on deck 19, crowding into some of Daymar's gambling space.

I need the 3 day period job rolls from Daymar to cover not eating the addatives through Friday. Also, I need a way for him to pick up extra calories or he'll be down 1 FP.

Hua is ready to try and destroy the flour. She has the kit, she has the cover, and the time is right.
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Old 09-21-2020, 06:14 PM   #135
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pothi's resistance to these tweaks is quite low. Maybe he's weaked willed, or maybe he always hated the regulations in the first place. Or maybe he's having a low-resistance day.

Pothi: "Sergant Zorvoro (the shift manager) asks too much. Just because we're always walking around the ship and they're not doesn't make us errand boys. Don't wear yourself out!"

The quartermaster has a tougher mind than Korchathaw "Pothi" Pothazeezor (rolled a 10), but Daymar is on his game, and picks up the electrical kit and hides it without incident, his confident salute getting him past anyone who sees him in the hall.
That evening (Tuesday), as promised Day is going to show-off his palm reading to whoever is interested, and will particularly seek out any of his regular table mates and, if he's lucky enough, any of the cooks from his mess.

Edit: to speed things up, I've done 5 Palmistry and 5 Mental Surgery rolls. For others Day regularly dines with, he'll give them the same Delusion as Pothi (Day is above suspicion) [-5]; to any cooks, he'll give Delusion (We should use salt instead of the psi-suppressants) [-5] and Delusion (The flour is contaminated) [-5].

[75] 20-09-22 01:50:03 CEST

Fortune-Telling (Palmistry)

3d6 <= 15
1: 5 + 2 + 2 = 9 ... success
2: 5 + 3 + 5 = 13 ... success
3: 5 + 6 + 1 = 12 ... success
4: 5 + 1 + 3 = 9 ... success
5: 5 + 1 + 5 = 11 ... success

[76] 20-09-22 01:50:44 CEST

Mental Surgery

3d6 <= 16
1: 2 + 6 + 1 = 9 ... success
2: 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 ... success
3: 2 + 2 + 6 = 10 ... success
4: 5 + 5 + 6 = 16 ... success - hoping whoever this is rolls poorly to resist! If not, he might have to resort to Suggestion to avert any negative reaction.
5: 5 + 1 + 4 = 10 ... success
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).

Last edited by GnomesofZurich; 09-21-2020 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 09-21-2020, 06:27 PM   #136
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Daymar also has the opportunity to visit deck 19 to indulge in some gambling (I'm still waiting for his official bet on when the first shot will fired).
Day has decided to place a bet that they will first see combat 3 weeks and 2 days into their mission.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I need the 3 day period job rolls from Daymar to cover not eating the addatives through Friday. Also, I need a way for him to pick up extra calories or he'll be down 1 FP.
I'd like to resolve his fortune-telling and mental surgeries, first, since that is the long-term solution he's opting for to avoid contaminated food. He is also going to continue trying to find time to do mental surgery on others in his mess (crew and cooks), all he needs is 1 second of contact over Wednesday and Thursday. As for picking up extra calories, Day will raid the food stores one level down to supplement his diet.
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 09-22-2020, 05:35 PM   #137
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

OK, time to go to it:
Holdout to hide the kit for a short while at the dance:
[77] 20-09-23 00:24:59 CEST
3d6 <= 16 : 1 + 2 + 6 = 9 ... success
Now Stealth, to quietly get to the deck 17 flour store:
[78] 20-09-23 00:27:07 CEST
3d6 <= 16 : 5 + 5 + 1 = 11 ... success
Climbing to get at the lights and sprinklers:
[79] 20-09-23 00:28:42 CEST
3d6 <= 14 : 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 ... success
Traps to disable the sprinklers (removing the deflector plate) and rig the wires to ignite an H2 block when the lights go on:
[80] 20-09-23 00:29:49 CEST
3d6 <= 13 : 3 + 6 + 2 = 11 ... success
Now Stealth, to quietly get to the deck 18 flour store:
[81] 20-09-23 00:30:55 CEST
3d6 <= 16 : 1 + 6 + 4 = 11 ... success
Climbing to get at the lights and sprinklers:
[82] 20-09-23 00:32:02 CEST
3d6 <= 14 : 3 + 1 + 4 = 8 ... success
Traps to disable the sprinklers and rig the fire:
[83] 20-09-23 00:34:22 CEST
3d6 <= 13 : 6 + 6 + 5 = 17 ... failure
I'd continue to return to deck 19, but I think this needs to be addressed first.
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Old 09-23-2020, 10:03 AM   #138
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
That evening (Tuesday), as promised Day is going to show-off his palm reading to whoever is interested, and will particularly seek out any of his regular table mates and, if he's lucky enough, any of the cooks from his mess.

Edit: to speed things up, I've done 5 Palmistry and 5 Mental Surgery rolls. For others Day regularly dines with, he'll give them the same Delusion as Pothi (Day is above suspicion) [-5]; to any cooks, he'll give Delusion (We should use salt instead of the psi-suppressants) [-5] and Delusion (The flour is contaminated) [-5].
No one gets too suspicious about Daymar's palmistry attempts, though several people take the time to inform him that "You do know we're on Psi-suppressants? fortune telling won't work!"

The breakfast cooks dutifully absorb the mental surgery, as does the first lunch cook. The second cook resists the effect. Beyond resisting the effect, his eyes immediately go wide. You can tell he knows exactly what you just tried to do to him. You also notice that he's done the exact opposite of what spacers are trained to do, which is to not react at all.

The other cook hasn't noticed this at all yet.

Daymar has a few seconds to react before everything goes up in flames (metaphorically. Literally, he has a few days before Hua starts burning food)

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Day has decided to place a bet that they will first see combat 3 weeks and 2 days into their mission.
noted. Nice. We'll see if he can win that bet.

As for picking up extra calories, Day will raid the food stores one level down to supplement his diet.
I'll need a stealth roll for that. After we find out what the cook does.
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Old 09-23-2020, 10:16 AM   #139
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
OK, time to go to it:
Holdout to hide the kit for a short while at the dance:

Now Stealth, to quietly get to the deck 17 flour store:

Climbing to get at the lights and sprinklers:

Traps to disable the sprinklers (removing the deflector plate) and rig the wires to ignite an H2 block when the lights go on:

Now Stealth, to quietly get to the deck 18 flour store:

Climbing to get at the lights and sprinklers:

Traps to disable the sprinklers and rig the fire:

I'd continue to return to deck 19, but I think this needs to be addressed first.

Hua dances for a short while, helping others work off their steam and getting Botha relaxed, then slips away. Both is busy being perused by men (the ratio of men to women in a military spaceship is in her favor, even if she isn't the prettiest girl on the vessel). (she rolled a 14)

She rigs the sprinklers and a fire on deck 19 successfully. She rigs a trap on deck 18 as well (something has gone wrong, but she doesn't notice and won't discover what went wrong until after the trap is sprung). Also, I swear she had luck on her sheet. oh well.

How long of a delay does she want before the fires break out?
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Old 09-23-2020, 11:30 AM   #140
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
No one gets too suspicious about Daymar's palmistry attempts, though several people take the time to inform him that "You do know we're on Psi-suppressants? fortune telling won't work!"

The breakfast cooks dutifully absorb the mental surgery, as does the first lunch cook. The second cook resists the effect. Beyond resisting the effect, his eyes immediately go wide. You can tell he knows exactly what you just tried to do to him. You also notice that he's done the exact opposite of what spacers are trained to do, which is to not react at all.

The other cook hasn't noticed this at all yet.

Daymar has a few seconds to react before everything goes up in flames (metaphorically. Literally, he has a few days before Hua starts burning food)
Okay, Day is going to keep hold of the cook's hand and try Mental Surgery again (at a -1 penalty and 1 FP) to give him Delusion (Day did not just try to alter my brain).

[87] 20-09-23 18:27:26 CEST

Mental Surgery (at -1 for repeated attempt) to give Delusion (Day did not just try to alter my brain)

3d6 <= 16
6 + 6 + 1 = 13 ... success by 3

If this doesn't work, he'll have to resort to Suggestion to have the cook keep his mouth shut.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
noted. Nice. We'll see if he can win that bet.

I'll need a stealth roll for that. After we find out what the cook does.
[88] 20-09-23 18:28:59 CEST

Stealth to raid food stores

3d6 <= 14
5 + 6 + 1 = 12 ... success
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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