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Old 10-29-2024, 05:51 PM   #6581
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Try this idea. Thomas Morton founded a colony near what is now Quincy Massachusetts in the 1620s. Morton's business partner, Wollaston, deciding that neither the Pilgrims (Brownists and thus religious separatists who wanted out of the Church of England) and Puritans (who wanted to purify the Church of England) were his choice as neighbors, left for Virginia. Upon becoming the sole resident founder, Thomas Morton renamed his colony Merrymount.

Merrymount was a lively hedonistic place. So in 1628 the local Puritans forcefully shut it down. The many claims of paganism, and orgies both interracial and bisexual, are at present seen by historians as gross exaggerations. Thomas Morton's practice of selling liquor and guns to the Native Americans is now seen as the probable cause of his exile from New England.

However, many people have seen Thomas Morton as a kind of hero. They picture him as a pagan champion of ecstatic pleasure. An early NeoPagan culture warrior. These ideas are laughable, but fun.

Imagine that Thomas Morton and his business partner Captain Richard Wollaston (a known Pirate) really were NeoPagan revolutionaries. Let's remove them from mainland Massachusetts and set them up at Montauk at the end of Long Island. And let their NeoPagan colony of hedonistic witches, pirates, sorcerers, and similar types thrive.

Picture a late 18th century America with ritual magicians. These spellcasters are working class outcasts. There are Maguses among the Freemasonic lodges, but these learned magicians are respectable.

This 18th century America would find itself being infiltrated by the Cabal. Meanwhile, Centrum, as much as it loathes magic, is trying to infiltrate the Freemasonic lodges in order to get America's Occult secrets for Britain. Britain locked in deadly struggle with Revolutionary France.
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Last edited by Astromancer; 10-29-2024 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 10-29-2024, 07:52 PM   #6582
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post


Picture a late 18th century America with ritual magicians. These spellcasters are working class outcasts. There are Maguses among the Freemasonic lodges, but these learned magicians are respectable.

This 18th century America would find itself being infiltrated by the Cabal. Meanwhile, Centrum, as much as it loathes magic, is trying to infiltrate the Freemasonic lodges in order to get America's Occult secrets for Britain. Britain locked in deadly struggle with Revolutionary France.
If this campaign included a thoughtful comparison and contrast between the two ways of thought, I'd play in this campaign. I find the story of the Wollaston Plantation a compelling alternative to that of Plymouth, and sometimes kick around "might-have-beens," had the British government been more assertive in their protection of Merton's rights as an Englishman.

But if it just turns into an excuse to "bash the Puritans," I'd take a hard pass; the emotional discipline the Pilgrims brought to American culture has served us well, even as we've had to figure out how to deal with the legacy of intolerance they (and others) also carried to these shores.
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Last edited by tshiggins; 10-29-2024 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 10-30-2024, 02:50 AM   #6583
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Your response was perhaps more thoughtful than my idea. I was mainly rifting off the fantasies of people like Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bay) and was thinking of an America with functional Temporary Autonomous Zones and similar silliness. Although the 18th century Freemasonic lodges with their values of freedom, respect, and community, would make interesting intellectual counterballances to mystical hedonistic anarchists. Puritans, the group most responsible for America becoming a democracy, would make and interesting third force. They might need back up from the Quakers thought. The Puritans were the group in early America least likely to practice anything like magic. The Quakers in the 17th century, very open to magic and experimental about it too.
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Old 10-30-2024, 04:20 AM   #6584
Phil Masters
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Puritans, the group most responsible for America becoming a democracy, would make and interesting third force. They might need back up from the Quakers thought. The Puritans were the group in early America least likely to practice anything like magic. The Quakers in the 17th century, very open to magic and experimental about it too.
A Quaker friend of mine once noted that they were somewhat irritated to be confused with the Puritans, just because they dressed similarly in the 17th century. He pointed out that one early accomplishment of the Puritan colony in America was martyring a couple of Quakers.

That leaves me with the feeling that making the two groups allies might be a stretch.
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Old 10-30-2024, 04:43 AM   #6585
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Phil Masters View Post
A Quaker friend of mine once noted that they were somewhat irritated to be confused with the Puritans, just because they dressed similarly in the 17th century. He pointed out that one early accomplishment of the Puritan colony in America was martyring a couple of Quakers.

That leaves me with the feeling that making the two groups allies might be a stretch.
Agreed! I think the Pilgrims (who like the Quakers were religious separatists) might have a better chance. But then I was clutching at straws.
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Old 11-03-2024, 08:24 PM   #6586
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Try this one. The Ayatollah Khomeini has a fatal heart attack on November 1st 1979. This not only canceled the attack on the US embassy but more importantly it has thrown the Clerical faction into chaos as they struggle to choose a successor.

Khomeini lives far longer than this on most parallels but the Cabal and Centrum are highly active in this Q6 parallel's Iran. This is a mainly low Mana parallel but areas of normal and high mana are known. Still, Iran during the Iranian revolution is a dangerous place to be. What would pull those two factions in? It's assumed that either Centrum or more likely the Cabal killed Khomeini. But what made them risk it?

Espionage with an Arabian Nights Flare (I know Iran isn't Arab, but then most of the stories in the Thousand and One Nights aren't Arabic either).
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo

Last edited by Astromancer; 11-03-2024 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 11-05-2024, 06:10 PM   #6587
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Try this one. Trotsky wins at Warsaw 1920 and then invades Germany through Prussia. This creates WWII in 1920. Europe is in chaos through the 1920s. Hitler, Stalin, and other dictators die before becoming prominent. Europe's talent flee to America and get blended in with the Jazz age.

The European colonial empires end in the 1920s and early 30s. By 1940 Europe is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The PCs are part of an expeditionary force to try to establish areas of order to begin rebuilding.

Basically, it's the middle section of Things to Come the PCs are American GIs doing the job Wings Over the World had in the movie. Combat and diplomacy in an anrachic Europe. Do you want the talk to the BOSS or his Woman?
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Old 11-06-2024, 12:38 AM   #6588
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Try this one. Trotsky wins at Warsaw 1920 and then invades Germany through Prussia. This creates WWII in 1920. Europe is in chaos through the 1920s. Hitler, Stalin, and other dictators die before becoming prominent. Europe's talent flee to America and get blended in with the Jazz age.

The European colonial empires end in the 1920s and early 30s. By 1940 Europe is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The PCs are part of an expeditionary force to try to establish areas of order to begin rebuilding.

Basically, it's the middle section of Things to Come the PCs are American GIs doing the job Wings Over the World had in the movie. Combat and diplomacy in an anrachic Europe. Do you want the talk to the BOSS or his Woman?
This sounds sort of like the backstory in Heinlein's posthumous first novel "For Us, the Living: A Comedy of Customs." In that Europe goes into a WWII that basically never ends and things degrade to a maybe 1700s tech level.

Meanwhile the USA turns into a theocracy, and then has a revolution that leads to the Social Credit Free Love semi-utopia. (Unfortunately the novel is mostly lectures about the last bit, with maybe 15% actual story.)
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Old 11-07-2024, 10:22 AM   #6589
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Try this one. The Ayatollah Khomeini has a fatal heart attack on November 1st 1979. This not only canceled the attack on the US embassy but more importantly it has thrown the Clerical faction into chaos as they struggle to choose a successor.
Surely it's clearly Mohammad Beheshti, the actual second in command and quite popular with everybody except the Marxists.

It's assumed that either Centrum or more likely the Cabal killed Khomeini. But what made them risk it?
Between said Marxists, the recently disbanded but still active State Security Bureau, and the intelligence services of Iraq, Israel and the United States, I don't see why anybody would assume that. There's no shortage of people who wanted him dead and might have resources to try. Note that the Iranian Marxists [did] successfully blow up Beheshti (and 4 cabinet ministers and a dozen other leaders of the Iranian Revolution) in 1981.
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Old 11-07-2024, 02:09 PM   #6590
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Puritans, the group most responsible for America becoming a democracy, would make and interesting third force. They might need back up from the Quakers thought. The Puritans were the group in early America least likely to practice anything like magic. The Quakers in the 17th century, very open to magic and experimental about it too.
Rather than the unlikely Puritan-Quaker alliance (which even before I read the bit about them killing each other, struck me as problematic if the Puritans dislike magic and the Quakers embrace it), you could have it be that Puritans' strong faith and staunch refusal to use magic actually makes them rather resistant to it. That is, magic is most effective on those who are receptive to it, but Puritans have a degree of mental discipline (or sheer stubbornness, depending on who you're asking) that closes them off to it.

This does mean some limits to what magic can accomplish, of course, if you want to keep them competitive - many of the benefits to magic (things like growing more food, avoiding disease, etc) aren't things that Puritans having resistance to is going to help them keep up with the other groups.
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