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Old 02-06-2016, 03:40 PM   #1621
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
A Sargasso of Lost Parachronic travelers would be an interesting place. Start with a badly failed experiment at Cal-tech during some parallel's 1920's, giving a tech level six California for a start. They drop in people from dozens of different worlds over a century or two.
Other groups...

2077's "New Eonists;" they have the clearest idea of where they are and what happened, as they were actually intending to go to a different physical universe. However, they couch all of their knowledge in an eccentric "atheist-spirtial mysticism" and soon after arriving set about to establish a "sustainable life environment," which in practice means that they are TL-3 to 4 with possibly TL-6 medicine. They are in this timeline's Colorado.

A colony of TL-2 Elves populate the British Isles. They are immensely hostile to humans, as several early contacts between the two groups resulted in the spread of human diseases among the Elves. They permit one small enclave of humans near London; people arrive there not frequently, but frequently enough, and so Elves leave the place alone. They live quite comfortable hunter-gatherer lives, but unlike their forebearers they usually only live to see their first century; they have no access to magical medicine. They have very little material culture but incredibly rich musical and storytelling traditions.

A crazed inventor departed 1860 due to his experimental "time machine," and arrived some years ago in Brazil. His Weird Science inventions don't function nearly so well here, but they do work on occasion. He and his followers (A number of South-American crossovers found him just by following the tower of smoke,) have TL-5 tech with a number of TL-5+1 to 5+4 gadgets with very low HT. We're talking weapons with malf rates of 12 here.

Under Kozi Wierch, a mountain near the southern border of Poland, a massive and entirely empty bunker complex lies in pristine condition. The lights are on, the air filters are working, and there are even furnishings and rooms that are clearly barracks, galleys, armories, offices, workshops, warehouses, even a small hangar. Nonetheless, there are no signs that humans have ever entered the structure, and animals will not willingly step within sight of its vault doors. Those who have ventured inside report intensely "creepy" feelings. The lower levels are dangerously radioactive; no one has yet entered the bottom three layers, marked "Gyógyászattal," "Irányító Központ," and "Reaktor."

A small town in an alternate rural China found itself in a new timeline after a wandering alchemist sold virtually everyone an "elixir of health." Everyone who took the potion reported feeling invigorated at first, but the next morning and each morning thereafter awoke in a wildly new dimension. It only stopped when each one arrived here; they've gradually rebuilt and now live much as they did before. They don't trust travelers much here.

A colony of Anglo-French settlers in the Normandy region welcome most anyone. The rough TL is an affluent TL-5, and the population has cheerful anachronisms, such as the tradition of drinking to the health of "Queen et Roi,*" without specifying any one ruler, just to be safe.

*Not sure about this. The point is stuff that sounds kinda French-English.

Last edited by PTTG; 02-06-2016 at 04:04 PM.
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Old 02-06-2016, 07:22 PM   #1622
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: New Reality Seeds

That thing about that complex with the nuclear reactor is interesting. Or is the "reaktor" possibly something else?

Also what era of China did that rural village come from?
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Old 02-06-2016, 10:11 PM   #1623
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by warellis View Post
That thing about that complex with the nuclear reactor is interesting. Or is the "reaktor" possibly something else?

Also what era of China did that rural village come from?
Whatever the Hungarian Confederacy did in that bunker, all I know for sure is that the radiation is not there because it's leaked out; on the contrary, it's there to keep something else contained....

As for the village, I'm thinking any time that there have been rural villages and wandering alchemists, so basically ~2500 BCE - Present. I'm not knowledgeable enough about Chinese history to select a more exact time period.
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Old 02-07-2016, 12:41 AM   #1624
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

This would be a good timeline to put a ruin of Teku Benga, somewhere in the mountains of NE India/Bengal. The labyrinth beneath the temple of the Future Buddha is full of nexus portals, thugees, and other, less agreeable things to encounter.
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Old 02-07-2016, 12:42 PM   #1625
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Drifter View Post
This would be a good timeline to put a ruin of Teku Benga, somewhere in the mountains of NE India/Bengal. The labyrinth beneath the temple of the Future Buddha is full of nexus portals, thugees, and other, less agreeable things to encounter.
Gamewise, it makes sense to have a way out that is especially exciting. In game, it makes sense that there's some kind of nexus of portals here, as that suggests some kind of cosmic entanglement that could reasonably make it difficult to get in and out via the normal ways.
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Old 02-07-2016, 02:41 PM   #1626
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by PTTG View Post
Other groups...

2077's "New Eonists;" they have the clearest idea of where they are and what happened, as they were actually intending to go to a different physical universe. However, they couch all of their knowledge in an eccentric "atheist-spirtial mysticism" and soon after arriving set about to establish a "sustainable life environment," which in practice means that they are TL-3 to 4 with possibly TL-6 medicine. They are in this timeline's Colorado.

A colony of TL-2 Elves populate the British Isles. They are immensely hostile to humans, as several early contacts between the two groups resulted in the spread of human diseases among the Elves. They permit one small enclave of humans near London; people arrive there not frequently, but frequently enough, and so Elves leave the place alone. They live quite comfortable hunter-gatherer lives, but unlike their forebearers they usually only live to see their first century; they have no access to magical medicine. They have very little material culture but incredibly rich musical and storytelling traditions.

A crazed inventor departed 1860 due to his experimental "time machine," and arrived some years ago in Brazil. His Weird Science inventions don't function nearly so well here, but they do work on occasion. He and his followers (A number of South-American crossovers found him just by following the tower of smoke,) have TL-5 tech with a number of TL-5+1 to 5+4 gadgets with very low HT. We're talking weapons with malf rates of 12 here.

Under Kozi Wierch, a mountain near the southern border of Poland, a massive and entirely empty bunker complex lies in pristine condition. The lights are on, the air filters are working, and there are even furnishings and rooms that are clearly barracks, galleys, armories, offices, workshops, warehouses, even a small hangar. Nonetheless, there are no signs that humans have ever entered the structure, and animals will not willingly step within sight of its vault doors. Those who have ventured inside report intensely "creepy" feelings. The lower levels are dangerously radioactive; no one has yet entered the bottom three layers, marked "Gyógyászattal," "Irányító Központ," and "Reaktor."

A small town in an alternate rural China found itself in a new timeline after a wandering alchemist sold virtually everyone an "elixir of health." Everyone who took the potion reported feeling invigorated at first, but the next morning and each morning thereafter awoke in a wildly new dimension. It only stopped when each one arrived here; they've gradually rebuilt and now live much as they did before. They don't trust travelers much here.

A colony of Anglo-French settlers in the Normandy region welcome most anyone. The rough TL is an affluent TL-5, and the population has cheerful anachronisms, such as the tradition of drinking to the health of "Queen et Roi,*" without specifying any one ruler, just to be safe.

*Not sure about this. The point is stuff that sounds kinda French-English.
Fun ideas, I'd like to allow Low Mana in at least some areas especially Ireland and Brittany.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo
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Old 02-07-2016, 02:44 PM   #1627
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Drifter View Post
This would be a good timeline to put a ruin of Teku Benga, somewhere in the mountains of NE India/Bengal. The labyrinth beneath the temple of the Future Buddha is full of nexus portals, thugees, and other, less agreeable things to encounter.
Good Call!

Oh and lets have some lost Pirates in the Caribbean. Flying children optional.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo
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Old 02-10-2016, 01:07 PM   #1628
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

While reading an intellectual history of early 17th century Italy, focused on Venice's interdict, they mentioned the assassination of Henry IV of France. The Vert Gallant was a lively figure in an of himself. You could have a lively adventure trying either to keep the King from being killed or dealing with the upshot of his survival.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

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Old 02-10-2016, 01:49 PM   #1629
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

He seemed pretty busy during his life. What would he have gotten up to with more time?
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Old 02-11-2016, 11:23 PM   #1630
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Brazil has most of what it takes to be a major power. Fairly small changes could have made Brazil a power player.

A brilliant Emperor in the early 19th century getting Brazil on the road to industrialization might be one way to do it. A reliable and cheap food crop that would have supported the population more effectively would have been good too. Something like a wide spectrum Quinine, which would have allowed early exploration and exploitation of their resources far earlier, would have been good too.
Brazil is a great place to have as a transplant that develops on its own. Alternate Earths mentions this concept, how the United States [on Homeline] became sort of the ideas of The Enlightment/British parliamentary democracy given its own room to grow. In Shikaku-Mon, the Empire of Brazil was cosmopolitan pre-Inquisition Iberia given its own room to grow.

I wish there was more Brazil in general in the Infinite Worlds setting, as it provides a great setting where anything is possible. I think it gets overshadowed by U.S.A./North America.

In general, the Americas are a great place to have offshoot settler societies develop on their own. Usually it's into a rather idealized version - take the Roman revival of the Hesperides on Roma Aeterna, or the neo-Vikings of Midgard. Because Old World diseases would wipe out much of the native population of the New World, it leaves a so-called 'blank canvas' upon which to build a new society (one could even include the actually American industrial Aztec Empire of Ezcalli as an idealized version of a historical nation/culture).

To a much lesser extent, this can also be done on Australia (but can it be done on New Zealand?...) - that is basically how Centrum began.
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