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Old 01-30-2013, 01:16 AM   #1
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Default Alien Infiltrator Package

Hello GURPSmind,

I have started designing the specific racial packages for the alien invasion of my Supers campaign world, and I need to get some feedback on the first of these templates (especially concerning my maths and some assumptions on enhancements/limitations).

These aliens (and all the others I post) are modified by the Alien Minion Racial package I posted a week ago.

The first of these aliens is the Infiltrator.

The Infiltrators are shapechangers who have to devour their targets in order to assume their shapes. They may be a created race, they may have been a natural race that was enslaved and altered, whatever the case may be they serve one purpose for their masters and that is to devour and assume the shape (personality, skills and memories) of any target in order to pave the way for their masters.

795 Points
Attributes: ST -1 [-10]; IQ +2 [20]; HT -1 [-10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+5 [10].
Advantages: Xeno-Adaptability [20]; Hard to Kill 5 [10]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Mimicry [10]; Shapeshifting: Morph (Extra Points +250; Only humanoid forms -40%, Once On Stays On +50%, Copies Personality +100%, Copies Memories +100%, Genetic Match +100%, Needs Sample -50%, Nuisance Effect: Takes 3 Hours to Switch Forms -10%) [875].
Disadvantages: Delusion: "I am the person I am replicating." [-10]; Disciplines of Faith - Ritualism [-5]; Duty (Master Race) (Add Extremely Hazardous and Involuntary) [-10]; Edgy [-5]; Odious Racial Habit (Eats sapients) [-15]; Secret: infiltrator [-30], Slow Eater [-10], Social Stigma: Subjugated [-20].

Obviously, the first thing to note is how bloody expensive this species is, but what needs to be considered is that they are designed to fool Supers (specifically the ISTs of GURPS International Super Teams); many of whom have telepathy, x-ray vision, ultra-tech gear, magic and any number of means of detecting possible infiltrators. They also need to be expensive, since they will be potentially mimicking the superhuman abilities of players or supporting cast members within the team.

Thanks for any feedback I can get. My GURPS 4e-Fu has gotten weak and soft as a result of not actively gaming since my youngest daughter was born four years ago so I appreciate all the help I can get.


Michael R. Smith (
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Old 01-30-2013, 01:44 AM   #2
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Default Re: Alien Infiltrator Package

Minor changes:

Added Binding and Corrosive attack to represent how they devour their prey and added Extreme Fanatacism.

830 Points
Attributes: ST -1 [-10]; IQ +2 [20]; HT -1 [-10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+5 [10].
Advantages: Binding 10 (Engulfing +60%) [32]; Corrosive Attack 3d-1 (Only on Engulfed Victims -30%) [18]; Xeno-Adaptability [20]; Hard to Kill 5 [10]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Mimicry [10]; Shapeshifting: Morph (Extra Points +250; Only humanoid forms -40%, Once On Stays On +50%, Copies Personality +100%, Copies Memories +100%, Genetic Match +100%, Needs Sample -50%, Nuisance Effect: Takes 3 Hours to Switch Forms -10%) [875].
Disadvantages: Delusion: "I am the person I am replicating." [-10]; Disciplines of Faith - Ritualism [-5]; Duty (Master Race) (Add Extremely Hazardous and Involuntary) [-10]; Edgy [-5]; Extreme Fanatacism [-15]; Odious Racial Habit (Eats sapients) [-15]; Secret: infiltrator [-30], Slow Eater [-10], Social Stigma: Subjugated [-20].
Michael R. Smith (
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Old 01-30-2013, 04:26 AM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Norrköping, Sweden, Europe, Earth
Default Re: Alien Infiltrator Package

Don't worry about the cost unless the PCs are playing one - if they're just enemies, they can be as expensive as they want. Measuring enemies in points isn't really a useful exercise; seeing what they can do makes more sense, and then, only in directly antagonistic situations.

Just a side note - Social Stigma has to be obvious, which certainly would only be the case in their natural forms. Also, are they truly that fanatical? These would make awesome villains if they were a little more grey. The scene where you sit there, reasoning with the thing that ate your wife and took her form, just because you need the information. That's gut-wrenching stuff, that.
"Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm proud to say I have no grasp of it whatsoever."

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Old 01-30-2013, 04:14 PM   #4
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Default Re: Alien Infiltrator Package

Originally Posted by Edman View Post
Don't worry about the cost unless the PCs are playing one - if they're just enemies, they can be as expensive as they want. Measuring enemies in points isn't really a useful exercise; seeing what they can do makes more sense, and then, only in directly antagonistic situations.

Just a side note - Social Stigma has to be obvious, which certainly would only be the case in their natural forms. Also, are they truly that fanatical? These would make awesome villains if they were a little more grey. The scene where you sit there, reasoning with the thing that ate your wife and took her form, just because you need the information. That's gut-wrenching stuff, that.
Hmm, good point on the Social Stigma. Since after the Y2K the infiltrators were hardly ever seen, having served their purposes, they would only be deployed in special circumstances where their abilities could be useful infiltrating human resistance cells. The Fanatacism was a choice I am not entirely sold on, I wanted a reason why these beings would take such obvious suicide missions for their masters without succumbing to the Stockholm Syndrome-effect inherent in the delusion. In most cases the infiltrators who were in place to take out the IST's during the invasion day event were basically suicide bomber/infiltrators with little to no chance of being re-patriated. That sort of dedication usually requires some level of belief in what they are doing. I'd considered throwing in Split Personality to represent the warring elements of the personality (or in some extreme cases personalities) of the infiltrators. Although I do very much like the idea of some ambiguity in their behavior.
Michael R. Smith (
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aliens, gurps ist, international super teams, invasions, supers

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