Originally Posted by David Latapie
A wiki has mostly the same advantages as a forum (except that forum emphasizes traffic where wiki emphasize content). Both are free lunch for companies, since the community is not asking for any salary to do the job.
We just have to convince SJG about this.
Not gonna happen. As it has been explained to me, these forums are primarily a marketing tool for the publisher and have to be policed accordingly. They cost money rather than make money, and time spent adminning the forums takes the admins away from their day jobs doing things that do make money, like MUNCHKIN. They've already trimmed back on the forum diversity 2-3 times in the last 4 years, I just don't see them engaging another no-money project that will require monitoring of hundreds of articles for vandalism and spam.
Originally Posted by Bruno
There's also mechanical turk services and the like for the same goals.
For shizzle? Captchas are enough of a pain for my weak eyes that I could actually use one.