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Old 06-10-2024, 01:34 PM   #2031
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Blue Rose: "The bad news is I rolled really bad for healing, only 10 points. The good news is I don't have very many hit points and being at -1 means I'm down 9 HP."
GM: "You don't have very many hit points."


Rhod: "I heard 'lock it in a horse shape."
Blue Rose (OOC): "Naaaaaaay!"


Dr. Zelinka: "It's possible this stone could be refined and carved into eyes for the statue."
Blue Rose: "Let's not, and never bring that idea up again."
Dr. Zelinka: "But think of the possibilities!"
Blue Rose: "The last time someone said that, the answer was 'Ali, throw this into the Sun.'"


Urban Phoenix: "I resist the urge to hit it with my tonfa."
Blue Rose: "It may not react well to that."
Urban Phoenix: "That's why I resist doing it."
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Old 06-16-2024, 06:40 PM   #2032
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Mark: “I’m Batman in the streets, Han Solo in the sheets!”
Chaos: “I hate you.” (Repeated four or five times.)
Mark: “I’m sorry I broke you.”
Raquel: “That’s not how that works . . ..”
Daska (OOC): “Is that the name of this session?”
Melissa (OOC): “That’s the name of this campaign.”
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Old 06-23-2024, 10:31 PM   #2033
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "It's about a 450 mile trip."
Rose: "That's an over-night trip."
Phoenix and Rod: "Yeah."
Rod: "The problem being?"
Rod: "Thirteen-year-old girl."
Rose: "Yep."


Rose: "What would it cost to go up for the weekend?"
GM: "That's a good question."
Phoenix: "Yeah, we're going to be up there."
Rose: "Well, if you two go as a couple . . .."
Phoenix: "A couple of what?"


Phoenix (OOC): "How many kidneys do I have left?"
GM (OOC): "One--from the last time you had to sell one."
Rose (OOC): "Hey, not-Rick-Sanchez can help you with that."
Phoenix (OOC): "He can re-grow kidneys?! Can we just harvest organs?"
GM (OOC): "Because that's hero talk."
Rose (OOC): "Better than my Only-Fans money."


Rose: "You can go Batman some criminals for their lunch money."


GM: "He's willing to take a kidney--doesn't even have to be yours."


Skye: "I will point at the window to my room. Hoping that Phoenix realizes what's about to happen."
Phoenix: "You may not even know that I'm on top of the building."
Skye: "I know you're on top of a building--I'm just hoping I'm not pointing directly at you."


GM: "She places the leather-bound tome--you assume it's leather--"
Skye (OOC): "Anthropodermic bibliopegy."
GM: "You don't think so, but she places the book down and turns it toward you and opens it."
Skye: "I'll make my will roll--I assume that's coming next."
GM: "No, not actually."


Phoenix (OOC): "You must unlearn what you have learned. Sorry, I'm full of stupid quotes."
GM: "You're full of it, all right."
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Old 06-24-2024, 08:10 PM   #2034
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Phoenix (OOC): "You must unlearn what you have learned. Sorry, I'm full of stupid quotes."
GM: "You're full of it, all right."
Phoenix (OOC): “At least my eyes aren’t brown.”
Raquel: “That’s not how that works . . ..”
Daska (OOC): “Is that the name of this session?”
Melissa (OOC): “That’s the name of this campaign.”
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Old 07-07-2024, 10:15 PM   #2035
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "You break in and see some cultists--I mean, some associates assisting this guy."


Rod (stuck trying to fly out a window): "I swear this never happened before."
Skye: "All guys have performance issues now and again."


Rod: "Someone watched too much Looney Toons."
Blue Rose: "With my powers--that's ideal."


Phoenix: "It takes me a minute-and-a-half to go a mile . . .."
Rose (OOC): "Which is great, but this is GURPS."
Phoenix: "Everything will be done by the time I get back."


Rod: "I'm really only a one-trick pony."
Rose: "It's a good trick."


(after a series of failed fright checks)
Rod: "With the +2, that's a 12."
Rose (OOC): "Lose your lunch."
GM: "That'll take a few minutes."
Rose (OOC): (Reads the entry.)
GM: "Yeah, but Rod had a BIG lunch. It'll take a few minutes."


Rose: "Not-Rick-Sanchez appears and heals you for up to 13."
Phoenix (OOC): "And re-grows our kidneys if we need them."
GM (OOC): "And then sells them on Ebay."
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:40 AM   #2036
Night Watchman
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"Who's going with Vijay to the palace, and who's going to eavesdrop on the brothel?"
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Old 07-21-2024, 09:29 PM   #2037
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Blue Rose: "When I'm around, no one has to be a monster thermometer."
Phoenix: "Yeah, but that's my job."
Blue Rose: "You're welcome to do it, but you don't have to."


Rod (OOC): "Pay no attention to that thing your therapist can't see."


Rod: "I'm gonna take a step and say 'parry this you filthy casual!'"


Phoenix: "Eleven! Nine and negative two."
Rose (OOC): "That would be positive two."


Phoenix: "He can take fifty-eight."
GM: "No, he can't."


Rod: "You can't go back in there alone!"
Phoenix: "Of course I can. I have twice as many HP as you! I have eight!"


Phoenix (OOC): "So, see everyone in two weeks?"
Rose (OOC): "Heh, no, now we return to character generation. To make characters to find the this party we sent into certain death."
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Old 07-28-2024, 09:38 PM   #2038
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Skye (OOC): "So, every turn, you get to make that Mythos Fright Check again, but this time, nothing bad happens--other than the monster gets to go and you just get to watch."


Skye: "What do I remember?"
GM: "Well, make a Will roll."
Skye: "Because that's been working so well for me. Hey, six! She could have made that Mythos Fright Check."
GM: "Um, yeah, so, now make another fright check."


GM: "A freak tropical storm."
Skye (OOC): "A freak tsunami?"
Skye (OOC): "A tsunami of Freaks?"
GM: "That's an entirely different event."
Phoenix (OOC): "Think of the XP!"


Skye (OOC): "You just did the naked-500-mile dash? To reclaim your bodies and loot?"
Phoenix (OOC): "YES! Gimme my [stuff] back!"


Phoenix: "Where's Aquaman when we need him?"
GM (OOC, singing): "Unda da sea!"


Skye (OOC): "And then, rising out of the ocean, you see a single tentacle rise up, reaching for you. But, it's only in your range finder. Welcome to PTSD!"
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Old 08-11-2024, 09:24 PM   #2039
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Alis: "My understanding of time travel . . ."
GM: "Is the same as an ant's understanding of chemistry."


Alis: "I think, at this point, the guy is lucky Jean didn't give him his broken phone as a suppository."


Mark: "I've been looking--all day--for something to be her attack power, that wasn't nightmare fuel."
Mark: "And, apparently, I've failed."
Bobb: "Yeah!"
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Old 08-24-2024, 05:38 PM   #2040
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

In response to a piece of enchanted jewelry:

"One bling to rule them all."
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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actual play, funny

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