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Old 12-10-2019, 03:35 AM   #1
Fufu's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: "Made in Hong Kong"
Default List of all known Universal Munchkin Expansion / Mini Booster card sets

Which Munchkin Expansion game sets can be blended with any other Munchkin game sets without the need of its core game set?

Tip: Add only one or two, yet no more than three expansions to keep the desired theme and minimize long game play.
Tip #2: Use two different opaque colored backed sleeves to help identify the Door and Treasure cards.

Expansion (29 or more cards):

Munchkin 6 — Double Dungeons (Crossover Rules — "Read them, and use whichever ones you like.")
Munchkin Cheats
Munchkin Cthulhu 4 — Crazed Caverns (Crossover Rules —"Read them, and use whichever ones you like.")
Munchkin Deadpool: Just Deadpool
Munchkin Pathfinder 2 — Guns and Razzes
Munchkin Pathfinder 3 — Odd Ventures (Crossover Rules —"Read them, and use whichever ones you like.")
Munchkin Side Quests
Munchkin: The Red Dragon Inn

Mini-Expansion (Booster):

Munchkin Black Friday
Munchkin Bosses
Munchkin Clowns
Munchkin Curses
Munchkin Easter Eggs (has "Little Bunny Thulhu")
Munchkin Fairy Dust (included in Munchkin Game Changers)
Munchkin The Guild
Munchkin Hipsters
Munchkin Holidazed
Munchkin Knights: Four More
Munchkin Monster Enhancers (included in Munchkin Game Changers)
Munchkinomicon (included in Munchkin Game Changers)
Munchkin Naughty and Nice (included in Munchkin Holiday Surprise)
Munchkin Pathfinder Hero Pack
Munchkin Pathfinder: Truly Gobnoxious
Munchkin Party Pack
Munchkin Reindeer Games (included in Munchkin Holiday Surprise)
Munchkin Waiting for Santa (included in Munchkin Holiday Surprise)

Gateway Expansion:
(Expansion required to make other similar themed Expansions Universal)

Munchkin 9 — Jurassic Snark
Star Munchkin 2 — The Clown Wars
Super Munchkin 2 — The Narrow S Cape

One reference of another Munchkin set's Class, Race or *"Specific Card Title" in a card's text:

Munchkin Booty: Fish and Ships (Reference "Super Munchkin"-crossover to other sets)
Munchkin Dragons (Reference Clerics once)
Munchkin Dragons: Four More (Reference Wizards once)
Munchkin Holiday Surpirse-Exclusive Set Cards Only! (Reference "Potion" once)
Munchkin Kittens (Reference Centaurs once, Halflings once-has "Great Cathulhu")
Munchkin Love Shark Baby (Reference Warriors once)
Munchkin Oomba Unrivaled (Reference "Potion" once)
Munchkin Princesses (Reference Dwarves once, "Wishing Ring" once-crossover to other sets)
Munchkin Santa's Revenge (Reference Clerics once)
Munchkin Starfinder: Space Goblins (Reference Ship once)

Card text or rules that need updating to be universal:

Munchkin 7 — Cheat With Both Hands (Reference Dwarves once, Race nine, "Super Munchkin"-designed for sets with "both Races and Classes")
Munchkin Enhancers (Reference Race three)
Munchkin Reloaded! (Reference Race three, Half-Breed once, Chimera once, 1/3-Breed once)
Munchkin Something Fishy (Reference Dwarves, Elves, Thieves, Warriors, Wizards once, Clerics three)

*"Specific Card Title" does not include types of Monsters that can stack.

If any error(s) in this list are found, please state where ALL the error(s) can be found.

This thread might not have all the updated products or URLs, as this is the responsibility of SJGames' technical support to redirect the old product URLs to the new product URLs properly.

Last edited by Fufu; 05-17-2022 at 07:09 AM. Reason: Added Munchkin 9 & Star Munchkin 2
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boosters, expansions, mini expansions, munchkin, steve jackson

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