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Old 03-12-2018, 07:04 AM   #1
Prince Charon
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Default [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

The presence of Spirit Communication in the Psionic Powers book (and Astral Projection in general) opens the door to psi-based spirit magic of various types. This thread is focused on astral spirits as Allies, and the use of Modular Abilities to allow the sort of adaptability that we tend to see in fictional spellcasters. Using them as Allies also allows for the variability of capability that we sometimes see in comic books and other fiction: Why did Professor Odd not cast the spell he did a few issues ago, that would have seemingly fit this situation better? The spirit-ally that supplies it is not available right now.

This does put some more burden on the GM, but I suggest that for minor effects, there's no need to create a character sheet for the spirit. For anything bigger, the player and GM should create a few templates before the first game you're going to use the character in (and before other games, when you get ideas), and just adapt or modify them to fit. GURPS Horror (4e) has a number of useful templates for this purpose, as does GURPS Spirits (3e), if you're willing to convert them, or found a conversion someone else made. Likewise, non-spirit templates can be adapted with a Spirit meta-trait. Ghostdancer did a helpful chart for ally/familiar/dependent costs in his blog (scroll down a little), which I highly recommend.

Spirit Magic (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Requires <Attribute> Roll, -10%) 1 [3]
Notes: A basic, generic example of this psi ability, based on Astral Projection due to where the spirits are assumed to exist in most psi-based settings (could also be based on ESP like Spirit Communication, or on Telepathy). The required skill might be something mystical like Occultism, Ritual Magic, or Symbol-Drawing, something more scientific like Computer Programming, Expert Skill (Psionics), or Mathematics, or something totally other, like Dancing, Gambling, or Singing (hence not specifying the attribute). Likewise, it might be a language, or some form of Trigger (Basic Set p115) item or condition (like a deck of cards or a smartphone, going skyclad, or using a specific drug or drugs), or a combination of several (e.g. Dancing skyclad around the sacred fire and inhaling the sacred smoke from the sacred herbs, while chanting in the Sacred Tongue).

Of course, you can replace 'Astral Projection, -10%' with 'Magic, -10%,' 'Spirit, -10%,' 'Divine, -10%,' or 'Diabolical, -10%' (though I'd suggest adding 'Corrupting, -20%' to the latter), and have pretty much the same ability, if you want to use it in a non psi-focused setting.

Talents may affect the base skill when used for spirit magic, even if they would not affect it otherwise: Astral Projection Talent would of course count, but so would Psychokinesis Talent, if the effect you are trying to create uses that power. This occurs even if the base skill normally has nothing to do with psionics, such as Dancing or Computer Programming.

Whatever skill or characteristic is used, I recommend that critical failures be rolled on the Spirit-Oriented Magic Table (Thaumatology p260), unless otherwise noted.

Some less generic examples are below, and later posts will include some characters with this ability:

Applied Parapsychology (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 1 [3]
Notes: This is what might be called scientific spirit magic. The base skill for this ability is Expert Skill (Psionics), while Autohypnosis and Meditation are Complementary skills. The psi may or may not be aware that he or she is creating thoughtforms, depending on how they interact with them.

Huckster (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Trigger: poker hand, -10%) 1 [3]
Notes: Inspired by the Hucksters from Deadlands and GURPS Deadlands, the caster must draw a few cards from a standard card deck to summon spirits. I suggest using an actual deck, and using the hand to replace Frequency of Appearance rolls.

Elementalist (Modular Abilities, Slotted Cosmic Power)
^ Slot 1 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Air Aspected Allies with Summonable, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 2 [5]
^ Slot 2 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Earth Aspected Allies with Summonable, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 2 [5]
^ Slot 3 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Fire Aspected Allies with Summonable, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 4 [8]
^ Slot 4 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Water Aspected Allies with Summonable, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 3 [7]
^ Slot 5 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Ęther Aspected Allies with Summonable, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 6 [11]
Notes: Each aspect is technically a different power, with a different base skill. All Elemental spirits have PK abilities aspected for their element (often including Body of <Element>), but they also have abilities associated with that element:
The Air aspected spirits tend to have EK and ESP abilities, Defensive Telepathic abilities, and may have Weather Control; flight is almost universal among them, and Enhanced Move (Air) is very common; many have informational abilities from other powers. The base skill is Philosophy (Peripateticism).
The Earth aspected spirits often have PK Shield and EK Shield, and magnetism-related EK abilities; many also have unaspected PK abilities, but very few have Levitation - Tunneling and Enhanced Move (Ground) or (Underground) are fairly common, though. The base skill is Philosophy (Stoicism).
The Fire aspected spirits generally have Offensive Telepathic abilities, as well as Exoteleport (Flammable materials only); some have Autoteleport (Between fires only), and Levitation is common. The base skill is Philosophy (Cynicism).
The Water aspected spirits frequently have Psychic Healing and Psychic Vampirism abilities; very few have Levitation, but nearly all have Enhanced Move (Water). The base skill is Philosophy (Sophism).
The Ęther aspected spirits have Telepathic and Probability Alteration abilities, along with Meta-Psi (Anti-Psi plus abilities that enhance or otherwise modify other psi abilities; limitation is 'Meta-Psi, -10%'), and are the only type of Elemental to lack Body of <Element>, as they are made of Ęther to start with. The base skill is Philosophy (Neoplatonism).

Demon Summoning (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Demonic Allies with Summonable, -50%; Corrupting, -20%; Nuisance Effect: Must chant in backwards Latin, -5%) 5 [10]
Notes: This ability is built with the assumption that the user is young and foolish (or just a fool), either believing that summoning demons is 'cool and edgy,' that the demons are 'misunderstood,' or mistaking the demons for angels or other 'helpful/friendly' spirits... or is so arrogant as to think they can deal with demons and not suffer horrific consequences. The Nuisance Effect may be replaced with another appropriate limitation, such as 'Trigger: Ouija board,' but unless the GM waves the '-80%' rule, it won't make the ability any cheaper.
Critical failures should be rolled on the Black Critical Table (Magic (4e) p157) or the Diabolic/Horrific Table (Thaumatology p258).

Sacred Dance (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable, -40%; Requires DX Roll, -10%; Triggers: Must be nude (Very Common, -10%) and inhale smoke from sacred herbs (Common, -20%); Nuisance Effect: Must chant in the Sacred Tongue, -5%) 1 [1]
Notes: The extreme example from a few paragraphs up. I'm partially waving the '-80%' rule, setting it to -90%, due to how inconvenient it is. This is a religious or semi-religious act, and thus the spirits summoned are often not minions. The Dancer need only know the Sacred Tongue at Broken; if Accented or Native comprehension were required, the limitation would be -10%.
I recommend using the "Clerical" Table (Thaumatology p257) for critical failures.

Clouds and Rain (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable, -40%; Requires DX Roll, -10%; Trigger: Sex (Very Common), -10%) 3 [9]
Notes: The name is a sexual reference in parts of Asia (and one without the much wider implications that calling it 'tantric' would have), for the base skill of this ability is Erotic Art. Most spirits summoned in this manner will have Psychic Healing abilities (and related powers like Biokinesis, Psychometabolism, and Psychic Vampirism), though other powers are certainly possible, as humans being humans, everything is sexual to someone.

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 06-01-2018 at 11:37 PM.
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:02 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Psychics do not practice spirit magic, that is more of the vein of shamans. By opening up spirit magic, you transform a psychic campaign into a supers campaign very quickly, as the allies can potentially do anything. I would suggest a different approach if you want to use Astral Entities.

Reality Projection [5/level]

Reality Projection represents a suite of abilities that allow a character to affect Astral Entities from Reality and to project Astral Entities into Reality. Its powers include Afflictions (Insubstantial Only), Allies (Astral Entities with Summonable), Innate Attacks (Insubstantial Only), See Invisible (Astral), etc.

Sample Ability

Manifest: Affliction (Malediction 1, +100%; Duration, Permanent, Only Banished, +150%; Insubstantial Only, -30%; Selectivity, +10%; Negate Advantage, Insubstantial with Always On, +40%; Negate Disadvantage, Mute with Substantial Only, +220%; Reality Projection, -10%) [58]
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:18 AM   #3
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Psychics do not practice spirit magic, that is more of the vein of shamans. By opening up spirit magic, you transform a psychic campaign into a supers campaign very quickly, as the allies can potentially do anything. I would suggest a different approach if you want to use Astral Entities.
The spirit 'magic' is already there, really (as noted in the first paragraph), I'm just taking it to it's logical conclusion. Likewise, it's debatable how much a psi campaign is or isn't already a supers campaign, albeit usually one without the central trope of silly costumes, and sometimes without codenames and secret identities.

That said, this is really interesting:

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Reality Projection [5/level]

Reality Projection represents a suite of abilities that allow a character to affect Astral Entities from Reality and to project Astral Entities into Reality. Its powers include Afflictions (Insubstantial Only), Allies (Astral Entities with Summonable), Innate Attacks (Insubstantial Only), See Invisible (Astral), etc.

Sample Ability

Manifest: Affliction (Malediction 1, +100%; Duration, Permanent, Only Banished, +150%; Insubstantial Only, -30%; Selectivity, +10%; Negate Advantage, Insubstantial with Always On, +40%; Negate Disadvantage, Mute with Substantial Only, +220%; Reality Projection, -10%) [58]
Might do well to develop that into its own thread, or a Pyramid article, if you have the time and interest.

I have a character to post (not a terribly serious one, though he could be), but due to the character limit he'll be in the next post or two.
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:19 AM   #4
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

This first one also nicely illustrates how ridiculous the number of advantages and disadvantages can get when you're modeling an animal.

Mithtah Fwuffy, 2018

Age: 1


ST 6 [-40]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 4 [-120]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics

HP 6; Will 10 [30]; Per 12 [40]; FP 10; SM-2

Social Background

Languages: Cat (Broken/None) [-5]; English (Broken/None) [1].

TL: 0/8

Cultural Familiarity: Cat. [0]

Subtotal: -44


Acute Hearing 2 [4]
Astral Sword 8 (Manifests as a larger cat wth sharp claws) [50]
Astral Travel 1 [28]
Catfall [10]
Clinging (Requires claw-holds -30%) [14]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Discriminatory Smell [15]
Flexibility [5]
Night Vision 6 [6]
Parabolic Hearing 2 [8]
Perfect Balance [15]
Sharp Claws [5]
Sharp Teeth [1]
Spirit Communication 2 [13]
Spirit Singing (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Nuisance Effect: Must sing (yowl), -5%) 20 [70]
Temperature Tolerance 1 (cold) [1]
Terrain Adaptation (uneven) [5]
True Sight (ESP) 2 [19]
Ultrahearing [5]
Vibration Sense (air; based on hearing) [10]
Vibrissae [3]


Fur. [1]
Near-Death Projection. [1]
Skill Adaptation (Astral Travel based on Will). [1]
Skill Adaptation (Spirit Communication based on Will). [1]
Skill Adaptation (True Sight based on Per). [1]

Subtotal: 307


Bad Sight 4 (Motion Sensitive) [-4]
Callous [-5]
Compulsive Pouncing (12-) [-15]
Dependent (Friend: Sally, Age 3; Built on less than 25% of points; Appears on 15 or less) [-30]
Domestic Animal [-30]
Laziness [-10]
Intolerance (other males of same species) [-5]
Quadruped [-35]
Reduced Endurance 1 [-3]
Restricted Diet (carnivore) [-10]
Short Lifespan 2 [-20]


Careful. [-1]
Loves tuna, more than other fish. [-1]
Nosy. [-1]
Red-Green Colorblindness. [-1]

Subtotal: -235


Born Biter 2; Tail; Purr. [0]


Astral Sword [DX/H] [4] 12
Astral Travel [Will/H] [1] 8
Climbing [DX/A] [2] 15
Intimidation [Will/A] [4] 11
Jumping [DX/E] [1] 12
Singing [HT/E] [4] 13
Spirit Communication [Will/H] [4] 10
Stealth [DX/A] [2] 12
True Sight [Per/H] [4] 12


Penetrating Blow (H) Astral Sword-5 [6] 12

Subtotal: 32

Total: 60



Modified from the Male Housecat (Captive) template from Pizard's Felids in GURPS page.

Mithtah Fwuffy is a good hunter. Fwuffy protects his two-legged pets from the Things They Cannot See, even though they get upset with Fwuffy. (The family he lives with might count as Dependents, Allies, or possibly Patrons, but three-year-old Sally, who named him, is definitely a Dependent, due to being very low level (though she should have a few psi abilities, likely sensory in nature). I haven't added them to his character sheet, to make it easier to incorporate him into an existing game, if anyone wants to. Sally can be replaced by another child (she isn't that strictly defined here, anyway), and Mithtah Fwuffy's name may be changed, as required. Cats being cats, human Dependents are more likely to be at the Acquaintance or Friend level than the Loved one level.)

Mithtah Fwuffy also illistrates a truism about horror and urban fantasy games: If 'you' know that you live in a world where spirits exist, pay attention to animal behavior, the GM may be giving you a subtle hint... or a really unsubtle hint.

Fwuffy tends to use his yowls to summon spirits that will help him hunt spirits, or that are good at fighting other spirits, but he may also use it to aid him in the pursuit of food and water or a clean litter box if the adult humans forget, or getting outside when he sees something he wants to chase. A good telepath (with appropriate techniques or enhancements, and/or Animal Telepathy abilities) could suggest more complicated ideas, though might have difficulty getting the kitty to follow through on them.
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 07-23-2018 at 06:23 AM.
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Old 03-12-2018, 06:03 PM   #5
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Originally Posted by Prince Charon View Post
The spirit 'magic' is already there, really (as noted in the first paragraph), I'm just taking it to it's logical conclusion. Likewise, it's debatable how much a psi campaign is or isn't already a supers campaign, albeit usually one without the central trope of silly costumes, and sometimes without codenames and secret identities.
Thinking about this more, I believe that my intention was (despite the Marvel reference) less 'psi-based supers game' and more 'psi-based urban fantasy/horror.'
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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Old 03-17-2018, 01:33 AM   #6
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Speaking of urban fantasy and horror, here's a pair of related gadgets built with this ability. As usual with this sort of thing, if you want to use them in your game, feel free, but please let us know how it works out. I suggest that at least the first one be in the possession of someone otherwise mundane, and relatively low level. The second, if used, might belong to an innocent, or might be in the possession of someone far more dangerous - such as one of the PCs...

Book of Spirits (Breakable, DR2, -20%; SM -5, -10%; Can Be Stolen by ST (Will not immediately work for thief), -15%) [45]
Spirit Magic (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable, -40%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Trigger: Very Common material components, -10%) 20 [60]
Second Chance 2 [24]
Spirit Empathy (Astral Projection, -10%) [9]

Weirdness Magnet (Probability Alteration, -10%) [-14]

Occultism [IQ/A] [1] IQ-1
Second Chance [IQ/H] [1] IQ-2
Spirit Lore [IQ/A] [1] IQ-1

The book resembles a fairly nice, hardback-sized diary or journal, save for the title being embossed on the front cover and spine. It is inhabited by a mischevous, but not malicious, spirit which provides the powers and skills, and guides the user into adventures. If the book is destroyed, the spirit will move on to another, reasonably similar book, and transform it into a new copy over a period of about a week (though if the user intentionally destroys it, the new book will likely be found by someone else). The base skill is Occultism, and the material components tend to be easily-obtained items with mystical associations. The Magically Potent Materials page (Magic p222) could help here, as could several sections of GURPS Thaumatology: Tree Magic (Thaumatology pp42-47), the Celtic Tree Talismans text box (p97), Gemstones text box (p100), Herb Uses and Rarities text box (p105), Traditional Materials text box (p244), Zodiacal Correspondences and Planetary Correspondences (p247), and the Decanic Natures (pp248-252).

Over time, users may develop relationships with the spirits the book helps them summon, as well as learning the skills the book provides in their own right, rather than having them granted by the guiding spirit's telepathy. Likewise, users may develop other psi abilities, including but not limited to Second Chance and Spirit Empathy (though if they aren't careful, they might also retain Weirdness Magnet).

Due to the nature of the guiding spirit, critical failures should be rolled on the Comedy Table (Thaumatology p257).

Book of Spirits (Demons) (Breakable, DR2, -20%; SM -5, -10%; Can Be Stolen by ST, -30%) [24]
Spirit (Demon) Summoning (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Demonic Allies with Summonable, -50%; Corrupting, -20%; Trigger: Symbols drawn in blood (Very Common), -10%) 20 [40]
Close to Hell Talent (Astral Projection, -10%) 2 [9]
Curse 2 [24]

Weirdness Magnet (Probability Alteration, -10%) [-14]

Curse [Will/H] [1] IQ-2
Demon Lore [IQ/A] [1] IQ+1*

* Includes the +2 from Close to Hell Talent.

The evil counterpart of the Book of Spirits, this item looks pretty much the same (even having the same title in a similar font), though a Per-5 roll will allow the observer to notice that there's something quite sinister about it, and a critical success on that roll will tell you that it's outright evil (if you believe in that sort of thing, at least; even if you don't, you'll at least guess that the author was malicious). If the book is destroyed, the demon inhabiting it will normally move on to another, reasonably similar book, and transform it into a new copy over a period of about a week. The demon cannot move on without the book being destroyed, which provides some means of imprisoning it, but eventually, someone always finds it again...

(Banishing the demon permanently, or at least for a few centuries, may or may not be possible, depending on the GM, but will almost certainly involve a quest.)

The skills and abilities the book grants may be learned directly by the user, as may other abilities, though quite often, new abilities with have the 'Corrupting' limitation (Horror (4e) p22 & pp146-48), or a similar serious downside. The symbols to be drawn are written in the book, though the blood need not be the user's own (indeed, some demons will react better to you if you use someone else's).

Even if separated permanently from the book, any disadvantages gained through corruption remain. Those who fail to realize what the book actually is are likely to have a Delusion related to it, such as believing themselves skilled in Spirit Lore rather than Demon Lore.

In some types of Horror game, the actual Book of Spirits, above, will not exist at all, beyond rumours started by demons and demonically-corrupted individuals.

As noted in the OP, critical failures should be rolled on the Black Critical Table (Magic (4e) p157) or the Diabolic/Horrific Table (Thaumatology p258) This is not a safe book to be around, much less use, but there are so many naive or unaware people out there...

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 07-23-2018 at 06:28 AM.
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Old 03-25-2018, 05:20 PM   #7
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Someone who fits psi-based urban fantasy more than horror, though with a power-up, he could work in a Roaring Twenties Monster Hunter game:

Major Sir Michael Birnam-Wood, KBE, FRS, British Army (retired), 1922

Age: 25


ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics

HP 11; Will 13; Per 14 [5]; FP 12

Social Background

Languages: English (Native) [0]; Latin (Native) [6]; French (Accented) [4]; German (Broken/Accented) [3].

TL: 6

Cultural Familiarity: 20th century Western [0].

Subtotal: 128


Ally (Daphne Hill, fiancee; As powerful; Available on 12 or less) [10]
Combat Sense (Probability Alteration) 1 [24]
Courtesy Rank 4 [4]
Independent Income 20 [20]
Mathematical Ability 3 [30]
Mystical Aspects (Modular Abilities, Slotted Cosmic Power)
^ Slot 1 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Animal Aspected Allies with Summonable and Minion, -60%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 1 [2]
^ Slot 2 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Knowledge Aspected Allies with Summonable and Minion, -60%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 3 [4]
^ Slot 3 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Luck Aspected Allies with Summonable and Minion, -60%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 4 [5]
^ Slot 4 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Machine Aspected Allies with Summonable and Minion, -60%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 2 [3]
^ Slot 5 (Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Mind Aspected Allies with Summonable and Minion, -60%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) 3 [4]
Second Chance 4 [48]
Status 2 [10]
Wealth (Comfortable) [10]


Astral Awareness. [1]
Dabbler (Current Affairs/TL6: Business 10, Headline News 10, High Culture 10, Politics 11, Regional (Oxfordshire) 10, Science & Technology 11). [1]
Dabbler (Games (Singlestick) 11, History (British) 9, History (Medieval Western Europe) 9, Philosophy (Classical) 9). [1]
Misfire Master. [1]
SOP (Any firearms he carries will be topped up when possible). [1]

Subtotal: 179


Code of Honor (Gentleman's) [-10]
Curious (12) [-5]
Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]
Nightmares (12) [-5]
Overconfidence (12) [-5]
Phobia (Dirt) (12) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Friends) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]


Always reading or doing maths. [-1]
Congenial. [-1]
Happy to talk up the heroism of others, but blushes when his own is mentioned. [-1]
Says 'Bless my soul!' when surprised. [-1]
Scars on his right arm and left leg, from the war. [-1]

Subtotal: -55


Reputation (Eccentric and old-fashioned, war hero, quite good at mathematics), +1 from some, -1 from others.


Accounting [IQ/H] [1] 14*
Artillery (Cannon)/TL6 [IQ/A] [2] 13
Animal Handling [IQ/A] [2] 13
Autohypnosis [Will/H] [1] 11
Boxing Sport [DX/A] [2] 11
Broadsword Sport [DX/A] [2] 11
Cryptography/TL6 [IQ/H] [2] 15*
First Aid/TL6 [IQ/E] [1] 13
Fortune-Telling (Numerology) [IQ/A] [2] 13
Games (Boxing) [IQ/E] [1] 13
Games (Cricket) [IQ/E] [1] 13
Gunner (Cannon)/TL6 [DX/E] [2] 12
Guns (Pistol)/TL6 [DX/E] [4] 13
Guns (Rifle)/TL6 [DX/E] [1] 11
Hiking [HT/A] [1] 11
Intelligence Analysis [IQ/H] [4] 13
Leadership [IQ/A] [2] 13
Literature [IQ/H] [4] 13
Mathematics (Applied)/TL6 [IQ/H] [2] 15*
Mathematics (Cryptanalysis)/TL6 [IQ/H] [2] 15*
Mathematics (Pure)/TL6 [IQ/H] [1] 14*
Mathematics (Statistics)/TL6 [IQ/H] [4] 16*
Physics/TL6 [IQ/VH] [1] 13*
Psychology [IQ/H] [4] 13
Research/TL6 [IQ/A] [2] 13
Riding (Horse) [DX/A] [1] 10
Savoir-Fair (Military) [IQ/E] [1] 13
Second Chance [IQ/H] [4] 13
Soldier/TL6 [IQ/A] [2] 13
Sports (Cricket) [DX/A] [2] 11
Survival (Woodlands) [Per/A] [1] 13
Strategy (Land) [IQ/H] [1] 11
Tactics [IQ/H] [1] 11
Writing [IQ/A] [1] 12

*Includes the +3 from Mathematical Ability.


Boxing (A) Boxing Sport-3 [3] 12
Counterattack (H) Boxing Sport-5 [3] 7
Feint (H) Boxing-0 [0] 11
Feint (H) Broadsword Sport-0 [2] 12

Subtotal: 73

Total: 325


Good clothes
Nice shoes
Walking stick


Each Aspect is technically a different power, with a different base skill.
The Animal aspected spirits mostly have Animal Telepathy abilities, along with some Psychic Healing. The base skill is Animal Handling.
The Knowledge aspected spirits mostly have ESP abilities (and information-gathering abilities from other powers). The base skill is Fortune-Telling (Numerology).
The Luck aspected spirits, as you might expect, have Probability Aleration abilities. The base skill is Mathematics (Statistics).
The Machine aspected spirits mostly have Ergokinetic and Psychokinetic abilities. The base skill is Mathematics (Applied).
The Mind aspected spirits have significant Telepathic abilities (all the thoughtforms he uses have at least Telereceive (Shallow), as he has no direct means of communicating with them on his own, but the Mind-aspected spirits have rather more). The base skill is Psychology.
I suggest that critical failures for all Mystical Aspects slots be rolled on the standard Critical Spell Failure Table, pB236.

During the war, Michael had a perk called Artillery Misfire Master, which is pretty much what it sounds like: rather than affecting a gun in his hand, it works on a heavier gun and crew that he is in command of. This ability has since faded from lack of use.

Sir Michael was a student at Oxford when war broke out in 1914. He promptly joined the Royal Artillery, fully certain that it would all be over by Christmas - he later joked that technically, he was right, as he did not specify which Christmas. As an educated man from a 'good' (old, wealthy, and well-connected) family, he rose through the ranks at a greater speed than he was truly comfortable with (especially as his promotions tended to follow the deaths of men he admired). Late in the war, after an injury, he was reassigned to codebreaking, where he excelled to the point of being made a Knight Commander of the British Empire. With the war over, he returned to his studies.

His fiancee Daphne Hill, a nurse and avid fencer, has been nicknamed as 'Dunsinane Hill' by some waggish students (they joke that Michael and Daphne's marriage will lead to the fall of MacBeth). Luckily for Michael, she takes this in good humour.

His neutral reputation is due to different people who've heard of him considering different things important (having the full Gentleman's CoE isn't unheard of in the 1920s, but it's certainly fading away, for example; not everyone is pleased by that). Smaller groups of people might react to him at -2 or +2.

Before the war, Michael lacked Ally, Courtesy Rank, Reputation, and the Mystical Aspects of Machine and Mind, and had Second Chance 2, Status 1, and the Animal, Knowledge, and Luck Aspects at lower levels. He also lacked Flashbacks, Nightmares, and his Phobia, as well as his war scars and shyness about his heroism.

Inspiration was taken from the Soldier template in GURPS Psis (p18).

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 04-18-2019 at 08:19 PM.
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Old 03-29-2018, 09:04 AM   #8
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

This one is so far the only 'superhero' type character that I've created for this idea, though how much he counts is somewhat debatable. I did think about adding fifteen points to make him an even three hundred, but I haven't been able to think of what specifically to add. If I do, or someone comes up with a good suggestion, I'll make an edit, and mention that I've done so in a new post:

Joey Burnside, beach bum and body-builder, 2006

Age: 21


ST 15 [50]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 9 [-20]; HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics

HP 15; Will 11 [10]; Per 12 [15]; FP 12

Social Background

Languages: English (Native/Accented) [-1]

TL: 8

Cultural Familiarity: 21st century Western [0].

Subtotal: 94


Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Astral Projection Talent 2 [10]
Astral Travel 2 [36]
Charisma 1 [5]
Damage Control 3 [32]
Independent Income (Probability Alteration, -10%) 10 [9]
Muscle Mystery (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Requires ST Roll, -10%) 3 [9]
Patron (Atlas; Availble on a 6 or less; Astral Projection, -10%; Highly Accesible, +50%; Special Abilities, +50%; Minimal Intervention, -50%) [21]
Spirit Empathy (Astral Projection, -10%) [9]
Very Fit [15]
Voice [10]


Near-Death Projection. [1]
Projection Clock. [1]
Skill Adaptation: Astral Travel based on DX. [1]
Style Familiarity (Pankration). [1]
Sure-Footed (Slippery). [1]

Subtotal: 165


Chummy [-5]
Code of Honor (Heroic) [-10]
Overconfidence (12) [-5]
Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]
Selfless (12) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Friends) [-5]
Wealth (Struggling) [-10]


Cheerful. [-1]
Kind to animals and children. [-1]
Likes posing for pictures. [-1]
Loves excercising. [-1]
Snaps his fingers when he gets an idea. [1]

Subtotal: -55



Area Knowledge (Local beaches) [IQ/E] [2] 10
Astral Travel [DX/H] [4] 13*
Body Language [Per/A] [2] 12
Carousing [HT/E] [2] 13
Damage Control [HT/H] [4] 12
Detect Lies [Per/H] [4] 12
Expert Skill (Muscle Mystery) [ST/H] [4] 17*
Fishing [Per/H] [1] 12
First Aid/TL8 [4] 11
Games (Pankration) [IQ/E] [1] 9
Hobby Skill (Body Building) [ST/E] [1] 15
Hobby Skill (Feats of Strength) [ST/E] [1] 15
Housekeeping [IQ/E] [1] 9
Judo [DX/H] [8] 12
Karate [DX/H] [4] 11
Lifting [HT/A] [4] 13
Mental Strength [Will/E] [2] 12
Spirit Lore [IQ/A] [1] 8
Survival (Island/Beach) [Per/A] [2] 12
Swimming [HT/E] [1] 12
Wrestling [DX/A] [4] 12


Arm Lock (A) Judo [2] 14
Elbow Strike (A) Karate-2 [2] 11
Exotic Hand Strike (A) Karate-1 [1] 11
Ground Fighting (Wrestling) (H) Wrestling-4 [2] 9
Hammer Fist (A) Karate-1 [1] 11
Kicking (H) Karate-2 [3] 11
Knee Strike (A) Karate-1 [1] 11
Leg Grapple (H) Wrestling [4] 16
Low Fighting (Wrestling) (H) Wreatling-2 [3] 12
Stamp Kick (H) Karate-3 [0] 8
Wrench (Limb) (H) ST-4 [0] 11

Harden Bone (H) Damage Control-4 [2] 9
Piggyback (H) Astral Travel-5 [3] 10

Subtotal: 81

Total: 285



*Includes +2 from Astral Projection Talent.

Joey is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier (and in fact, would not be able to spell 'chandelier,' though he'd probably be able to puzzle it out if he saw it written), and knows it, but he's a nice guy. So nice, in fact, that a thoughtform who claimed to be an aspect of the Greek Titan Atlas (at first mistaken by Joey for the ghost of Charles Atlas) took pity on the at-the-time skinny sixteen-year-old, and taught him the power of Muscle Mystery (as well as mundane body-building, and Pankration); this is the skill of flexing your muscles in such a way that spirits are drawn to you and will do things to help you. Directly inspired by Flex Mentallo, Hero of the Beach, a Doom Patrol character who could alter reality by flexing his muscles, and was seemingly born directly from a 'Charles Atlas' ad in a comic book. Yes, really - Doom Patrol had a lot of very bizarre, sometimes silly characters and storylines, but could treat those same characters quite seriously, as well. Joey is not otherwise based on Flex (who I think is probably brighter than Joey), though there may be similarities that I haven't noticed.

Joey's perceptiveness and strength of will are often a surprise to anyone who doesn't look past the surface impression of a dim-witted, friendly musclehead. He is bright enough (or at least experienced enough) to realize that you don't necessarily want to call out a liar immediately, though, preferring to check with friends that he knows are smarter than him first, if possible.

I keep thinking I should add something to these notes, but I'm drawing a blank on what.

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 04-02-2018 at 05:57 PM.
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Old 03-29-2018, 11:55 AM   #9
Night Watchman
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Location: Cambridge, UK
Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Given his Patron, I'd be tempted to look at changing some of his psi skills to being based on DX or HT.
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Old 04-01-2018, 05:31 PM   #10
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Given his Patron, I'd be tempted to look at changing some of his psi skills to being based on DX or HT.
Astral Travel based on DX, then? I could see that. Wouldn't even need to change the number of points spent, as Damage Control is normally based on HT.
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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