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Old 12-03-2012, 09:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Neverland
Default Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Hi, guys, it is me again.
I was "playing" with the rules, trying to make an effective martial artist for a cinematic game, and it seems that Innate Attack is way to go if you want to be cost-effective, right?

But what skill is used? Can I use it with karate and claim its bonus? (+1 per dice to damage, +2 to parry?) Can I call it Innate Attack: Unnarmed Attack and use it to represent either punches, kicks and headbutts or must I buy one of them at full cost and the others as alternate attacks?
How to make a melee Innate Attack less accurate, as with Striker (I think that the limitation is called Clumsy in Striker)? What is the value of a limitation in an attack: Must follow a successful feint, or Must be used as an all-out attack?

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Old 12-03-2012, 09:25 PM   #2
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Which skill used to attack with is largely a matter of flavor. If an IA is defined as an unarmed attack, it can be delivered with any unarmed striking skill. However, this will not give the damage bonus for that skill unless the attack has the ST-Based modifier, and even then the damage bonus only applies to the damage provided by ST. (And I'm not entirely certain on that. You might only get the damage bonus if it's a Follow-Up Attack.)

To your last questions, there's the All-Out limitation in Powers (pg 110). Following a successful Feint would be an Accessibility; I'd peg it at -10%. Inaccurate (B112) normally reduces the Acc bonus of a ranged attack, but for a melee attack I would extend it to give a penalty (-1 to-hit per -5%).

Last edited by vierasmarius; 12-03-2012 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 12-04-2012, 04:31 AM   #3
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Thanks, Vierasmarius, and what about the alternate attacks representing things like kicks, headbuts and the such, are they necessary? Can I use the bonus to parry from karate?
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Old 12-04-2012, 06:35 AM   #4
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Originally Posted by Juca View Post
Thanks, Vierasmarius, and what about the alternate attacks representing things like kicks, headbuts and the such, are they necessary? Can I use the bonus to parry from karate?
You could build Alternate Attacks to represent strikes with different body parts, giving a damage bonus and attack penalty for instance. However, a simpler way may be to build the attack as a Follow-Up to all of your unarmed strikes. You could even go for Follow-Up (Universal, +50%) to let your Innate Attack be delivered by any armed or unarmed attack you make, including non-muscle-powered ranged weapons. The difference with a Follow-Up attack is that the underlying damage would remain unchanged; if it fails to penetrate the target's armor, the IA will also face full DR. Follow-Up is appropriate if you sheath your limbs in flame, but not if you transform your limbs into flame, or strike with a blade of pure flame.

Whichever way you build the attack, you can use your Karate (or any other unarmed combat) skill to Parry with it. Because a Melee Innate Attack is treated as a built-in weapon, you don't need to worry about being injured when parrying an enemy's weapon, or if parried by one. If you feel the limb should still be vulnerable (for instance, if sheathed with an aura of non-protective flame) you should take the Cannot Parry limitation on it, and maybe a -5% Nuisance Effect: Unarmed Attack (making the attack vulnerable to weapon parries.)

Last edited by vierasmarius; 12-04-2012 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:41 PM   #5
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

Semi-related question: can someone have the Weapon Master advantage for unnarmed combat? What is the cost? The damage bonus stacks with the bonus from knowing boxing/karate?
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:05 PM   #6
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Default Re: Innate Attack and its interactions with other rules

What your looking for is Trained by a Master.
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innate attack, limitations, martial arts, melee

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