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Old 03-23-2020, 11:27 PM   #551
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
Officer Tom Hanson
Captain Jack Sparrow
Ichabod Crane
Edward Scissorhands
Donald J. Trump
John Dillinger
One of these is not like the others.
I was thinking Mad Hatter, myself.
Collaborative Settings:
Cyberpunk: Duopoly Nation
Space Opera: Behind the King's Eclipse
And heaps of forum collabs, 30+ and counting!
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Old 03-24-2020, 07:33 AM   #552
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Archosaur-4 is a series of O'Neil Cylinders* dedicated to replicating and researching Mesozoic ecologies. Its a big project, with researchers designing and printing new plants animals every day.

Unfortunately, someone is also using the printers to make custom bioroid slaves for sale to the depraved all over the system. The Player characters are in charge of hunting this operation down.


An eccentric Trillionaire (or tinpot dictator, take your pick) has set up a habitat full of the most exotic dinosaurs biotech can produce. He's also trapped a number of people in the habitat to try and survive with stone-age technology (all on camera for his benefit). His personal power and reach make freeing these victims via the law at best ponderous and slow. the PC's have been assigned to rescue the poor saps, before any more of them end up dead, and hopefully wreck the operation.
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Old 03-24-2020, 09:52 AM   #553
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Obvious adventure sequence:
The PCs get captured while pursuing Mission 1 and find themselves the prey in Mission 2.
Collaborative Settings:
Cyberpunk: Duopoly Nation
Space Opera: Behind the King's Eclipse
And heaps of forum collabs, 30+ and counting!
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Old 03-24-2020, 01:01 PM   #554
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Daigoro View Post
Obvious adventure sequence:
The PCs get captured while pursuing Mission 1 and find themselves the prey in Mission 2.
Be cautious with any adventure that depends on PCs not fighting to the death.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 03-31-2020, 09:34 AM   #555
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Terror attack simulator: You are people who were not deemed good fits for your country's army due to colorful personalities (75 points of mental disadvantages), but a general realized that the army had spent the last decades preparing from attacks by professionals: he thus hires you to highlight the vulnerability to the unpredictable dangerous amateurs Murphy's laws contrast to the predictable professionals, in a series of officially sanctioned training exercises involving simulated attacks on simulated targets, as your psych profiles deem you sane enough to understand the rules of a training exercise with simulation ammunition and avoid actual casualties, but crazy and undisciplined enough to try the type of unconventional, outside the box tactics an irregular, poorly equipped outfit of complete amateurs might try.

A mission starts with the general assigning you a simulated target, and you making an ultimatum on video, announcing your targets and making demands. The more you sell the idea you are a group of "dangerous amateurs", by going all ham and acting crazy, the more angles you can leverage in your op as the professionals underestimate you, or dismiss you as a "ploy to show how awesome their army is". Until the army announces their refusal to "meet your unreasonable demands", you cannot engage, but can otherwise prep your op. The op is a "success" if you can make a major impact on your simulated target (say, if your target is a simulated power plant, any damage that would cause a leak of radioactive material had the plant been real would be a success), and a failure if you are all "casualties" before you "succeed". Even if you end up "casualties" right after your actions ensure your "success", the exercise is called a "success" as your objective has been met. After all, most irregular group would consider such an attack a "success" if they lost a PC group-sized squad of expendable pawns to cause disproportionate damage to a major military power, and thus the general can push for a review of obsolete military training and/or protocols to strengthen your nation's defense.

It could be a "real world" campaign, a sci-fi campaign, a medieval fantasy campaign, point is, you must make your own army understand exactly how the "dangerous amateurs" Murphy mentioned think, so that they are better prepared for the dangers it will meet. No one will die for real as the results of your actions, but your successful "attacks" being used to teach soldiers to expect the unexpected during training might very well save lives down the road.
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Old 03-31-2020, 12:11 PM   #556
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by WaterAndWindSpirit View Post
Terror attack simulator: You are people who were not deemed good fits for your country's army due to colorful personalities (75 points of mental disadvantages), but a general realized that the army had spent the last decades preparing from attacks by professionals: he thus hires you to highlight the vulnerability to the unpredictable dangerous amateurs Murphy's laws contrast to the predictable professionals, in a series of officially sanctioned training exercises involving simulated attacks on simulated targets, as your psych profiles deem you sane enough to understand the rules of a training exercise with simulation ammunition and avoid actual casualties, but crazy and undisciplined enough to try the type of unconventional, outside the box tactics an irregular, poorly equipped outfit of complete amateurs might try.
So, Dick Marcinko and Red Cell?
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Old 03-31-2020, 06:04 PM   #557
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by WaterAndWindSpirit View Post
Terror attack simulator: You are people who were not deemed good fits for your country's army due to colorful personalities (75 points of mental disadvantages), but a general realized that the army had spent the last decades preparing from attacks by professionals: he thus hires you to highlight the vulnerability to the unpredictable dangerous amateurs Murphy's laws contrast to the predictable professionals, in a series of officially sanctioned training exercises involving simulated attacks on simulated targets, as your psych profiles deem you sane enough to understand the rules of a training exercise with simulation ammunition and avoid actual casualties, but crazy and undisciplined enough to try the type of unconventional, outside the box tactics an irregular, poorly equipped outfit of complete amateurs might try.
A thing that should happen at some point in such a campaign… "hold on a minute, I know they said this mission would be more realistic, but this really doesn't look like a simulation any more…"
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Old 04-03-2020, 10:15 AM   #558
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A powerful and life-long position is appointed by a different position. Examples include Elected Kings, Supreme court justices, and Popes.

Anyway, after a long and prolonged illness, a holder of a life long position has died. And just at the wrong time, at least from the point of view of their faction. If they could have held on a few more months, a few key cardinals or electors would also have passed away, or an election will take effect.

But the lingering nature of the illness gives hope. If they can conceal the death for just a few months, they can retain their power and position.

The PC's can be on either side of this scenario. They could be covering up the passing of the official, or they could be trying to expose the barely untimely death.
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Old 04-05-2020, 02:57 PM   #559
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
A powerful and life-long position is appointed by a different position. Examples include Elected Kings, Supreme court justices, and Popes.

Anyway, after a long and prolonged illness, a holder of a life long position has died. And just at the wrong time, at least from the point of view of their faction. If they could have held on a few more months, a few key cardinals or electors would also have passed away, or an election will take effect.
Alternately, there could be an effort to postpone the transfer of power until the preferred heir is eligible, or the preferred regent is appointed.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 04-11-2020, 05:21 PM   #560
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by RyanW View Post
Alternately, there could be an effort to postpone the transfer of power until the preferred heir is eligible, or the preferred regent is appointed.
Well, yes, that its the sane and boring thing to do... I have much better idea of how to turn outright hiding the event into an adventure. Such an action is probably the result of desperation, suggesting that the normal course of action is unlikely to succeed.

************************************************** *****
The seven nations are separated by deserts, seas, mountains, and barbarians, but they are connected by their seven sky-lords. The skylords command the heavens, ensuring regular rain, bountiful harvests, and temperate weather. Though separated by great distances and barriers, they have a system between them, a complex series of rules to ensure that the actions of one skylord don't bring drought or disaster upon the citizens of a different nation's skylord. They even have a communication method using wind patterns over places they care little about.

At least they did. One of the sky-lords disappeared in a recent civil war, and his replacement has only just started working the weather again. This new sky lord has either lost the delicate protocols that bind the sky-lords, or he is intentionally ignoring them. Either way, if he must be taught to protocols and convinced to use them. The PC's are the messengers sent to do this. They must journey to a foreign land recently torn by war, establish they truly represent the other six sky-lords, and convince one of the top leaders of a ruthless faction to obey by the old laws of his predecessor.

If they fail, the result will be drought, famine, and war.
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