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Old 06-06-2021, 08:57 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Rain in the real world and GURPS MAGIC

Hello Folks,
I thought I'd mention this just in case anyone wants to do the math or what have you...

"Rainfall rate is generally described as light, moderate or heavy. Light rainfall is considered less than 0.10 inches of rain per hour. Moderate rainfall measures 0.10 to 0.30 inches of rain per hour. Heavy rainfall is more than 0.30 inches of rain per hour. Rainfall amount is described as the depth of water reaching the ground, typically in inches or millimeters (25 mm equals one inch). An inch of rain is exactly that, water that is one inch deep. One inch of rainfall equals 4.7 gallons of water per square yard or 22,650 gallons of water per acre!"

Just thought someone would find it useful for their game worlds when they try and use the Rain spell and figure out just how much water they're producing with the spell itself.

For instance, a 3 hex radius spell is really 2.5 yards in radius (measuring from the center of a hex as 1 hex radius, etc). Area is equal to Pi *r^2 or 19.6 square yards. This works out to 92.2842841992 gallons of water for a mere 1 fatigue (remember, base cost is 1/10 per hex radius, minimum of 1. You could go to a 10 hex radius for 1 energy and produce 1332.5851 gallons.

Compare/contrast this with Create Water at 2 energy per gallon created.

Now put this into motion with a magic circle of mages who start the spell up with 3 people. Each person then has to reinforce the spell every hour on the hour. That produces roughly 32,000 gallons of water per day - swapping out 1 mage every 8 hours just to keep the circle going.

Now place that constant rainfall over a pan that collects water and sends it to an overshot mill wheel. That is a fair amount of water that can be created from just 1 fatigue over a period of time.
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create water, gurps magic, rain

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