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Old 08-07-2008, 11:46 AM   #21
Pip Boy
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Default Re: Uq

Originally Posted by naloth
Arching Shot, Far Shot, Penetrating Strike, and Incendiary Weapon would work fine on thrown cards with an IA follow-up.

Conic Blast, Multi-Shot, Shattershot, and Shockwave should work on the card damage but I wouldn't turn an Innate Attack follow up on one card into multiple explosions because you did a Multi-Shot. Likewise the Shattershot and Shockwave damage should be based on the card attack, not the IA unless you bought Fragmentation or Explosion enhancements for the IA.
As Fragwulf said, I think this just express Gambit's powers a little better, even if he can't or won't Imbue his cards with all of his Imbuements. Shattershot and Shockwave are based on the card attack damage, sure, but then again he can use is IA Follow-up. And whay couldn't he do the same with Multi-Shot? If he's got a IA (Explosion) Follow-up, would be like throwing X "card granades".
Brazilian Vault Dweller, Wanderer and Chosen One. (Feel free to correct my english grammar!)
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Old 08-07-2008, 01:38 PM   #22
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Default Re: Uq

Originally Posted by vesper
So the secret to figting a imbueing supervillian is forcing him to use a bunch of gadgeteered nerf guns? : )

Well gadgeteering is generaly written to produce gear of higher TL's and not strictly gadgets.
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Old 08-07-2008, 02:35 PM   #23
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Doesn't seem like Follow Up works as you guys are thinking...

Your attacks effects are delivered
by a "carrier." Use this to represent
poison on a dart, an explosive in an
armor-piercing shell, etc. Pick a different
attack as the carrier. This can be
either body weaponry (e.g., Claws or
Teeth) or an Innate Attack (usually
one that does cutting, impaling, or
piercing damage).
Doesn't look like it works with 'Thrown X', only with physical attacks or IA's.. So I couldn't build an Explosive Crushing IA with Follow Up to successful Card Attack.

The only way this seems to work is if you take an IA for the cards, making the cards themselves just a special effect, and then have a follow up IA for the explosion.

Innate Attack (Thrown Cards) Damage 1 pt cr [2]
Innate Attack (Explosion) 5d Cr {Explosion +50%, Variable +5%, Follow-Up (If cards hit) +0%} [39]
Kevin's Outdoor, my online store.


Last edited by Dragyn; 08-07-2008 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 08-07-2008, 02:53 PM   #24
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Originally Posted by Fragwulf
Doesn't seem like Follow Up works as you guys are thinking...

[quote Basic Set]Your attacks effects are delivered
by a "carrier." Use this to represent
poison on a dart, an explosive in an
armor-piercing shell, etc. Pick a different
attack as the carrier. This can be
either body weaponry (e.g., Claws or
Teeth) or an Innate Attack (usually
one that does cutting, impaling, or
piercing damage).
Doesn't look like it works with 'Thrown X', only with physical attacks or IA's.. So I couldn't build an Explosive Crushing IA with Follow Up to successful Card Attack.

The only way this seems to work is if you take an IA for the cards, making the cards themselves just a special effect, and then have a follow up IA for the explosion.

Innate Attack (Thrown Cards) Damage 1 pt cr [2]
Innate Attack (Explosion) 5d Cr {Explosion +50%, Variable +5%, Follow-Up (If cards hit) +0%} [39][/QUOTE]

Power-Ups 1 states on p.17, under the Imbuement power description that Afflictions, Bindings and Innate Attacks are allowed as Follow-Up (Any Melee or Weapon Attack) with +50% modifier. The +50% is a Cosmic modifier allowing the regular rule with regard to Follow-Ups to be ignored; i.e. instead of being associated with a single carrier already defined as an attack advantage, instead the Follow-Up can be associated with any attack you could normally use an Imbue skill to empower (any bare-handed or weapon attack).

So, yes, this solution works fine as long as you apply the +50% enhancement to the Follow Up attack.
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Old 08-07-2008, 02:54 PM   #25
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Or would that simply be written:

Innate Attack (Thrown Cards) Damage 1 pt cr w/ 5d Cr {Explosion +50%, Variable +5%, Follow-Up (If cards hit) +0%} [41]
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Old 08-07-2008, 03:00 PM   #26
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Innate Attack (Kenetically Charged Items) 6d Cr {Explosion +50%, Variable +5%, Variable Delay (0-10 seconds) +10%, Accessability (requires item) -10%, Nuisance (damage depends on size of item) -5% [45]

That feels better to me.. then again, it's also more of a headache for the GM to determine the damage of any given charged item.
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Old 08-08-2008, 12:20 AM   #27
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Default Re: Uq

Originally Posted by Pip Boy
And whay couldn't he do the same with Multi-Shot? If he's got a IA (Explosion) Follow-up, would be like throwing X "card granades".
I suppose that's up to the GM.

Normally any RoF enhancement on the attack also increases the cost of the follow-up. As a follow-up that works with a variety of non-advantage weaponry, I wouldn't "gift" the RoF modifier from the weapon. The follow-up isn't paying for a higher RoF so it seems logical to only apply the follow-up to the first hit <or> prevent the follow-up from working with that attack at all.

It's too good of a deal to take "Cosmic: I can use my follow-up with any weapon +50%" to get a follow-up attack that works with any RoF when most RoF enhancements meet or exceed +50%.

without paying for it.
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Old 08-08-2008, 07:43 AM   #28
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

The more I look at it, the more I think that a pure IA is the better way to go, perhaps using Imbuement for reasons of accuracy and such. The sheer variability of Gambit's power is the reason, and with each item needing a different specialty of whatever Imbuement skill you use, it doesn't seem the best way to model a power that can turn any object into an explosive weapon.

If the power was more specific, as though only cards could be charged, then using Imbuement with a Follow-up IA would make more sense.
Kevin's Outdoor, my online store.

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Old 08-08-2008, 09:13 AM   #29
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Originally Posted by Fragwulf
...with each item needing a different specialty of whatever Imbuement skill you use...
I'm not objecting to your solution here, but just wanted to point out that you can buy Imbue skills as bang! skills (i.e Shockwave!, as a VH skill at three times the cost, so that it is allowed to be used with any melee or weapon attack), but it does look like Innate Attack is likely to be cheaper.
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Old 08-08-2008, 09:39 AM   #30
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Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich
...just wanted to point out that you can buy Imbue skills as bang! skills ...
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