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Old 07-11-2023, 09:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default V&V Conversions

I've been writing up some old V&V characters in GURPS for personal amusement & relaxation. Since there's been some recent discussion of GURPS Supers, I thought I might list some members of the Crushers from the original V&V adventure. I figured they might be useful if someone wanted low powered super opposition. First up FIST:

Frank Streeter, veteran & inventor, created the Flying Infantry Shock Trooper armor only to have his design stolen by the company Newtronics. He stole back his armor, trashed the lab and since has been on a crusade against the government, Newtronics and any other he sees as hostile. He's a bit paranoid and willing to act against the establishment as he sees it.

I decided to write up the armor as a character/Ally rather than a gadget. Disadvantages reflect that it is a machine. The armor requires monthly resupply of fissionable materials to keep it working. The laser & electrolaser operate off of disposable rapid discharge batteries - the armor typically stores 30 or them. Weapon & combat skills for Streeter represent him out of armor.

FIST (Flying Infantry Shock Trooper)
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 200

Attributes [-75]
ST 35 [100] (Includes: +15 from 'Extra ST 15 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Superscience, -10%)')
DX 10
IQ 0 [-200]
HT 11 [10]

Hit Points 35
Will 0
Perception 0
Fatigue Points 11

Basic Lift 245
Damage 4d-1/6d+1

Basic Speed 5.25
Basic Move 8 [15]

Ground Move 8
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [595]
Armor (Bullet Proofing): Damage Resistance 10 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Hardened, +1, +20%; Limited (Piercing), -40%) [20]
Armor: Damage Resistance 30 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [90]
Compartmentalized Mind 1 (Controls, *1/2) [25]
Damage Resistance 1 [5]
Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Storage, x300, -10%) [18]
Electrolaser: Innate Attack 5 (Burning; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Armor Divisor, 2, +50%; No Wounding, -50%; Elemental: Electricity, -10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Limited Use, 10/day, -10%; Nuisance Effect: 1/10 of damage (rounded down) is real, -5%; Rapid Fire, +3, +50%; Side Effect, +41, +90%; Superscience, -10%) [11]
Extra ST 15 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Superscience, -10%) [135]
Filter Lungs [5]
Gatling Laser: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +3, +15%; Armor Divisor, 2, +50%; Elemental: Light, -10%; Increased Range, x10, +30%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Limited Use, 10/day, -10%; Rapid Fire, +3, +50%; Superscience, -10%) [79]
Injury Tolerance (No Blood, +5) [5]
Injury Tolerance (No Brain, +5) [5]
Jetboots 2: Enhanced Move (1.5; Air; Superscience, -10%) [27]
Jetboots: Flight (Superscience, -10%) [36]
Night Vision 9 [9]
Parachute: Flight (Gliding, -50%; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Reflexive, +40%; Slow, Basic Speed, -25%; Winged, -25%) [8]
Payload 9 (Max: 220.5 lbs) [9]
Protected Hearing [5]
Protected Vision [5]
Reduced Consumption 4 [8]
Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; Immunity, *1) [30]
Sealed [15]
Telecommunication (Radio) [10]
Telescopic Vision 5 [25]
Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]

Disadvantages [-70]
Restricted Diet (Radioactives) (Occasional) [-30]
Social Stigma (Subjugated) [-20]
Unhealing (Partial) [-20]

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [-75]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [595]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-70]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [0]
= Total [450]

Melee Attacks

Kick; Dam:4d-1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:8; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.

Punch; Dam:4d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:10; Parry:8; LC:
Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.

Ranged Attacks
Electrolaser: Innate Attack 5 (Burning; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Armor Divisor, 2, +50%; No Wounding, -50%; Elemental: Electricity, -10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Limited Use, 10/day, -10%; Nuisance Effect: 1/10 of damage (rounded down) is real, -5%; Rapid Fire, +3, +50%; Side Effect, +41, +90%; Superscience, -10%); Dam:5d (2) burn nw; Acc:3; Range:50 / 100; RoF:3; Shots:30; Level:6; Rcl:1; LC:
Gatling Laser: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +3, +15%; Armor Divisor, 2, +50%; Elemental: Light, -10%; Increased Range, x10, +30%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Limited Use, 10/day, -10%; Rapid Fire, +3, +50%; Superscience, -10%); Dam:7d (2) burn; Acc:6; Range:500 / 1000; RoF:3; Shots:30; Level:6; Rcl:1; LC:

Name: FIST (Frank Streeter)
Race: Human
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 190
Age: 42

Attributes [145]
ST 13 [30]
DX 12 [40]
IQ 13 [60]
HT 11 [10]

Hit Points 13
Will 13
Perception 13
Fatigue Points 11

Basic Lift 34
Damage 1d/2d-1

Basic Speed 6 [5]
Basic Move 6

Ground Move 6
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [100]
Ally (150% of starting points; FIST Armor; Constantly, *4) [40]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Gadgeteer [25]
Wealth (Wealthy) [20]

Perks [1]
Forgettable Face [1]

Disadvantages [-55]
Code of Honor (Pirate's) [-5]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; CHESS; 9 or less, *1) [-30]
Obsession (Long-Term Goal; Bring down the American establishment; 12 or less, *1) [-10]
Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
Status 0 [-5]
Includes: -1 from 'Wealth (Wealthy)'

Quirks [-3]
Dislikes rival conspiracy theories [-1]
Mild Paranoia [-1]
Protective of his suit [-1]

Skills [112]
Acting (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Battlesuit/TL8 (A) DX+2 [8]-14
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-14
Disguise/TL8 (Human) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Fast-Draw (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [1]-13
Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Flight (A) HT+1 [4]-12
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+2 [4]-14
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+1 [1]-13
Hidden Lore (Conspiracies) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+2 [4]-14
Intimidation (A) Will [2]-13
Inventor! (WC) IQ+3 [60]-16
Judo (H) DX [4]-12
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-13
Shadowing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-13
Ten-Hut! (WC) IQ-1 [12]-12

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [145]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [101]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-58]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [112]
= Total [300]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:1d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:14; Parry:11; LC:
Bite; Dam:1d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:14; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:12; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.

Ranged Attacks
Auto Pistol, .40; Dam:2d+2 pi+; Acc:2; Range:160 / 1800; RoF:3; Shots:13+1(3); Level:14; ST:9; Bulk:-2; Rcl:2; LC:

Equipment [¤770.00]
Auto Pistol, .40; Qty:1; Wgt:2.3; ¤770.00

Last edited by Infornific; 07-11-2023 at 09:59 PM. Reason: Clarity
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Old 07-11-2023, 09:58 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Mercury Mercenary

An elite soldier of unknown background who supposedly acquired his powers when struck by lightning during a battle. He claims to neither know nor care about his past. He has grown rich hiring out his special skills.

Note that while his native cultural familiarity & language are Anglosphere & English, that should not be treated as proof he's American, Canadian, etc. Based on languages and cultural familiarities, he could be French, German, somewhere in Latin America, etc.

I don't think there's an official list of cultural familiarities - I based mine loosely on the Inglehart-Welzel cultural map of the world.

Name: Mercury Mercenary (Unknown)
Race: Human
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190

Attributes [185]
ST 20 [40] (Includes: +6 from 'Extra ST 6 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%)')
DX 17 [60] (Includes: +4 from 'Extra DX 4 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%)')
IQ 13 [60]
HT 12 [20]

Hit Points 25 (Includes: +5 from 'Extra Hit Points 5 (Affects HP, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%)')
Will 13
Perception 14 [5]
Fatigue Points 12

Basic Lift 80
Damage 2d-1/3d+2

Basic Speed 9.25 (Includes: +2 from 'Extra Basic Speed (+2; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%)')
Basic Move 11 (Includes: +2 from 'Extra Basic Move 2 (Affects Move, +0%; Super, -10%)')

Ground Move 11/132 (Includes: +121 from 'Enhanced Ground Move')
Water Move 2

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Anglosphere (Native) [0]; Catholic Europe [1]; East Asian [1]; Latin America [1]; Protestant Europe [1]; Slavic [1].
Languages: Arabic (Accented) [2]; English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0]; French (Native) [4]; German (Native) [4]; Mandarin (Accented) [2]; Portuguese (Accented) [2]; Russian (Accented) [2]; Spanish (Native) [4].

Advantages [577]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Charisma 1 [5]
Costume: Damage Resistance 12 (Flexible, -20%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 6-15, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%) [21]
Enhanced Move (3.5; Ground; Cosmic: Second-Nature, +150%; Super, -10%) [168]
Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%) [41]
Extra Attack 1 (Multi-Strike, +20%; Super, -10%) [28]
Extra Basic Move 2 (Affects Move, +0%; Super, -10%) [9]
Extra Basic Speed (+2; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%) [36]
Extra DX 4 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%) [72]
Extra Hit Points 5 (Affects HP, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%) [9]
Extra ST 6 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%) [54]
Fit [5]
Gunslinger (Super, -10%) [23]
Independent Income 10 [10]
Language Talent [10]
Night Vision 5 [5]
Reputation 2 (Combat Prowess; All the time, *1; Large class, *1/2) [5]
Social Regard 1 (Feared) [5]
Tough Skin 4 (Super, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [10]
Trained By A Master (Super, -10%) [27]
Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30]

Perks [7]
Deadly Pose [1]
Dirty Fighting (+3 to pre-combat feint or attack) [3]
Robust Hearing 1 [1]
Robust Vision 1 [1]
Skill Adaptation (Exotic Hand Streike defaults to Brawling) [1]

Disadvantages [-75]
Amnesia (Total) [-25]
Callous [-5]
Code of Honor (Pirate's) [-5]
Code of Honor (Stays bought) [-5]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; CHESS; 9 or less, *1) [-30]
Status 0 [-5]
Includes: -1 from 'Wealth (Very Wealthy)'

Quirks [-1]
Distaste for ultratech gadgets [-1]

Skills [132]
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-19
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Exotic Hand Strike (Brawling) (Tech/A) Brawling+1 [1]-19
Fast-Draw/TL8 (Ammo) (E) DX+1 [1]-18
Includes: +1 from 'Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%)'
Fast-Draw (Knife) (E) DX+1 [1]-18
Includes: +1 from 'Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%)'
Fast-Draw (Long Arm) (E) DX+1 [1]-18
Includes: +1 from 'Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%)'
Fast-Draw (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [1]-18
Includes: +1 from 'Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%)'
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+2 [2]-19
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+3 [8]-20
Guns/TL8 (Submachine Gun) (E) DX+2 [2]-19
Judo (H) DX+1 [8]-18
Knife (E) DX+2 [4]-19
Spear (A) DX [2]-17
Stealth (A) DX [2]-17
Talker! (WC) IQ+1 [36]-14
Targeted Attack (Knife Swing/Neck) (Tech/H) Knife+3 [4]-17
Ten-Hut! (WC) IQ+2 [48]-15
Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-18
Thrown Weapon (Knife) (E) DX [1]-17

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [185]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [584]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-76]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [132]
= Total [850]

Melee Attacks
Bowie Knife (Large)
Knife swing; Dam:2d-1 cut; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Knife"; Level:19; Parry:13; ST:7; LC:4
Knife thrust; Dam:1d imp; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Knife"; Level:19; Parry:13; ST:7; LC:4
Shortsword swing; Dam:2d-1 cut; Reach:1; Skill:"SK:Knife"-4; Level:15; Parry:11; ST:7; LC:4
Shortsword thrust; Dam:1d imp; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Knife"-4; Level:15; Parry:11; ST:7; LC:4
Punch; Dam:2d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:19; Parry:13; LC:
Bite; Dam:2d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:19; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:2d+1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:17; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Exotic Hand Strike (Brawling); Dam:2d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Exotic Hand Strike (Brawling)"; Level:19; Parry:No; LC:

Ranged Attacks
Chemical Grenade; Dam:spcl. (2yd.); Acc:0; Range:73; RoF:1; Shots:T(1); Level:18; ST:5; Bulk:-2; Rcl:0; LC:3; Notes:[2,4]
Notes: Takes one Ready maneuver to draw the grenade and a second Ready maneuver to pull the pin. Detonates 2-4 seconds later, depending on grenade type. • Fills a 2-yard radius with smoke, teargas, etc.; see Poison Eamples (p. B439). The cloud lasts about 80 seconds under normal conditions. Eotic chemicals may cost more or have a lower LC.
Concussion Grenade (TL 7); Dam:5dx2 cr ex; Acc:0; Range:73; RoF:1; Shots:T(1); Level:18; ST:5; Bulk:-2; Rcl:0; LC:2; Notes:[2]
Notes: Takes one Ready maneuver to draw the grenade and a second Ready maneuver to pull the pin. Detonates 2-4 seconds later, depending on grenade type.
IMI Desert Eagle, .50 AE; Dam:4d pi+; Acc:2; Range:220 / 2500; RoF:3; Shots:7+1(3); Level:19; ST:12; Bulk:-4; Rcl:4; LC:3; Notes:[1]
Notes: No lanyard ring (p. B289 and High-Tech, p. 154).
Izhmash AK-47, 7.62x39mm; Dam:5d+1 pi; Acc:4; Range:500 / 3100; RoF:10; Shots:30(3); Level:20; ST:9†; Bulk:-5; Rcl:2; LC:2
Stun Grenade; Dam:HT-5 aff (10 yd.); Acc:0; Range:73; RoF:1; Shots:T(1); Level:18; ST:5; Bulk:-2; Rcl:0; LC:2; Notes:[2,5]
Notes: Takes one Ready maneuver to draw the grenade and a second Ready maneuver to pull the pin. Detonates 2-4 seconds later, depending on grenade type. • A Vision- and Hearing-Based affliction that affects a 10-yard radius. The Protected Hearing and Protected Vision advantages (or equivalent; e.g., hearing protection and dark goggles) each give +5 to the HT roll. Failure to resist means you're stunned; roll against HT-5 to recover each turn. Also creates smoke in the area of effect.

Equipment [¤3,872.00]
Assault Vest; Qty:1; Wgt:8; ¤900.00
Ballistic Helmet; Qty:1; Wgt:3; ¤250.00
Ballistic Helmet Visor; Qty:1; Wgt:1.4; ¤200.00
Ballistic Leggings; Qty:1; Wgt:8; ¤400.00
Bowie Knife (Large); Qty:1; Wgt:1.5; ¤120.00
Chemical Grenade; Qty:3; Wgt:3; ¤30.00
Concussion Grenade (TL 7); Qty:3; Wgt:3; ¤120.00
ICW, 25mm Grenade (Ammunition); Qty:1; Wgt:1.6; ¤32.00
IMI Desert Eagle, .50 AE; Qty:1; Wgt:4.6; ¤1,250.00
Izhmash AK-47, 7.62x39mm; Qty:1; Wgt:11.3; ¤450.00
Stun Grenade; Qty:3; Wgt:3; ¤120.00
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Old 07-12-2023, 10:45 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Thomas Perry acquired his powers from an experimental drug that both mitigated his metal illness and gave him power to enrage individuals near him and then drain their energy. He needs daily does of medication to maintain his powers.

Not really happy with this build - generating anger was easy enough but I'm not sure the fatigue drain works as intended. Also not quite sure how to express his mental illness in GURPS terms. The armored costume is meant to compensate for his lack of mundane defenses.

Name: Riot (Thomas Perry) (name is Temper in the module)
Race: Human
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 170
Age: 19

Attributes [130]
ST 15 [50]
DX 11 [20]
IQ 12 [40]
HT 11 [10]

Hit Points 15
Will 12
Perception 12
Fatigue Points 11

Basic Lift 45
Damage 1d+1/2d+1

Basic Speed 6 [10]
Basic Move 6

Ground Move 6
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [226]
Costume: Damage Resistance 12 (Flexible, -20%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 6-15, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%) [21]
Drain Fatigue: Leech (1HP/sec; Area Effect, 16 yd, +200%; Emanation, -20%; Link, Powers must be used together, +10%; Malediction, Receives -1/yd range, +100%; Ranged, +40%; Reliable, +3, +15%; Steal FP, only drains FP, -25%) [105]
Emotional Control (Anger): Mind Control (Area Effect, 16 yd, +200%; Costs FP, +2, -10%; Emanation, -20%; Link, Powers must be used together, +10%; One Emotion Only, -80%; Reliable, +3, +15%; Requires daily dose of special chemical gas, -5%; Super, -10%) [100]

Disadvantages [-2]
Sense of Duty (Individual; The Mocker) [-2]

Skills [16]
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-13
Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2]-12
Psychology (H) IQ-2 [1]-10
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-12
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-12
Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-12
Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-12

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [130]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [226]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-2]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [16]
= Total [370]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:13; Parry:9; LC:
Bite; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:13; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d+2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:11; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Drain Fatigue: Leech (1HP/sec; Area Effect, 16 yd, +200%; Emanation, -20%; Link, Powers must be used together, +10%; Malediction, Receives -1/yd range, +100%; Ranged, +40%; Reliable, +3, +15%; Steal FP, only drains FP, -25%)
; Dam:1 mal FP; Reach:0 yd; Skill:; Level:3; Parry:No; LC:
Primary; Dam:0d mal FP; Reach:0 yd; Skill:; Level:3; Parry:No; LC:
Emotional Control (Anger): Mind Control (Area Effect, 16 yd, +200%; Costs FP, +2, -10%; Emanation, -20%; Link, Powers must be used together, +10%; One Emotion Only, -80%; Reliable, +3, +15%; Requires daily dose of special chemical gas, -5%; Super, -10%); Dam: ; Reach:0 yd; Skill:"ST:IQ"; Level:15; LC:

Ranged Attacks
Drain Fatigue: Leech (1HP/sec; Area Effect, 16 yd, +200%; Emanation, -20%; Link, Powers must be used together, +10%; Malediction, Receives -1/yd range, +100%; Ranged, +40%; Reliable, +3, +15%; Steal FP, only drains FP, -25%)
; Dam:1 mal FP; Acc:; Range:-1/yd; RoF:; Shots:; Level:3; LC:
Primary; Dam:0d mal FP; Acc:; Range:-1/yd; RoF:; Shots:; Level:3; LC:

Last edited by Infornific; 07-19-2023 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Name changed in response to a suggestion.
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Old 07-12-2023, 10:50 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

A rather sad case - a lab technician conned into volunteering for a scientific experiment that gave him working wings and talons but also caused significant brain damage. He's not really sure who he is and can lose focus but is useful with careful assistance. He's angry at the last superhero who brought him in, possibly as the hero in question showed little concern for how Vulture came to be a supervillain.

Name: Vulture (Victor Truttle)
Player: Race: Human
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140
Age: 39

Attributes [90]
ST 10
DX 16 [40] (Includes: +4 from 'Extra DX 4 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%)')
IQ 12 [40]
HT 11 [10]

Hit Points 10
Will 12
Perception 12
Fatigue Points 11

Basic Lift 20
Damage 1d+1/2d+2

Basic Speed 8.25 (Includes: +1.5 from 'Extra Basic Speed (+1.5; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%)')
Basic Move 8

Air Move 18/72 (Includes: +54 from 'Enhanced Air Move')
Ground Move 8
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [282]
3D Spatial Sense (Super, -10%) [9]
Circuit Sense 2 [10]
Claws (Talons) [8]
Contact Group (Effective Skill 12; Criminal; 9 or less, *1; Somewhat Reliable, *1) [5]
Eagle Eye: Telescopic Vision 4 (Super, -10%) [18]
Enhanced Dodge 2 (Super, -10%) [27]
Enhanced Dodge 1 (Flying Only, -30%; Super, -10%) [9]
Enhanced Move (2; Air; Super, -10%) [36]
Extra Air Move 2 (Affects Air Move, +0%; Super, -10%) [4]
Extra Basic Speed (+1.5; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%) [27]
Extra DX 4 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%) [72]
Flexibility [5]
Flight (Cannot Hover, -15%; Super, -10%; Winged, -25%) [20]
Striking ST 6 (Size, +0%; Super, -10%) [27]
Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 2 (Super, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [5]

Perks [1]
Cheaper Gear (any) [1]

Disadvantages [-75]
Absent-Mindedness [-15]
Amnesia (Partial) [-10]
Code of Honor (Pirate's) [-5]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; CHESS; 6 or less, *1/2) [-15]
Enemy (More powerful than the PC; Manta Man; 6 or less, *1/2) [-10]
Short Attention Span (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
Unnatural Feature 5 (Wings,& talons) [-5]

Quirks [-3]
Forgetful [-1]
Glimpses of Clarity [-1]
Obsession (Revenge on Manta Man) [-1]

Skills [75]
Aerobatics (H) DX [1]-16
Includes: +2 from '3D Spatial Sense (Super, -10%)'
Body Sense (H) DX+1 [1]-17
Includes: +3 from '3D Spatial Sense (Super, -10%)'
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-18
Electrician/TL8 (A) IQ+2 [2]-14
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Surveillance) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Communications) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Media) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) (A) IQ+2 [2]-14
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Sensors) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Surveillance) (A) IQ+3 [4]-15
Includes: +2 from 'Circuit Sense 2'
Eye-Rake (Brawling) (Tech/H) Brawling+2 [3]-15
Flight (A) HT+2 [8]-13
Navigation/TL8 (Air) (A) IQ+2 [1]-14
Includes: +3 from '3D Spatial Sense (Super, -10%)'
Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-11
Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-13
Talker! (WC) IQ-1 [12]-11
Thief! (WC) DX [24]-16
Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-17

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [90]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [283]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-78]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [75]
= Total [370]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:1d+1 cut/imp; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:18; Parry:12; LC:
Bite; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:18; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d+2 cut/imp; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:16; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Eye-Rake (Brawling); Dam:1d cut/imp; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Eye-Rake (Brawling)"; Level:15; Parry:No; LC:
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Old 07-12-2023, 10:55 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Bull (Bill Buckford) - A pretty basic low powered brick. He is dim witted and unsubtle in methods. Frequently defeated because he overrates his own durability. In combat he typically just wades in throwing Telegraphic punches.

Race: Human
Height: 7'6"
Weight: 500 lbs
Age: 29

Attributes [60]
ST 30 [90] (Includes: +10 from 'Extra ST 10 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, -10%; Super, -10%)')
DX 8 [-40]
IQ 8 [-40]
HT 12 [20]

Hit Points 30
Will 11 [15]
Perception 8
Fatigue Points 17 [15]

Basic Lift 304
Damage 9d/11d

Basic Speed 5
Basic Move 10 (Includes: +4 from 'Extra Basic Move 4 (Affects Move, +0%; Super, -10%)', +1 from 'Gigantism')

Ground Move 10
Water Move 2

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [613]
Damage Resistance 12 (Flexible, -20%; Super, -10%) [42]
Extra Basic Move 4 (Affects Move, +0%; Super, -10%) [18]
Extra ST 10 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, -10%; Super, -10%) [80]
Fearlessness 1 [2]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction, /4, +100; Super, -10%) [90]
Lifting ST 9 (Size, -10%; Super, -10%; Super-Effort, +400%) [130]
Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/Hr; Super, -10%) [23]
Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; +3, *1/3; Immunity, *1; Super, -10%) [9]
Striking ST 50 (Size, -10%; Super, -10%) [200]
Super Jump 1 (Super, -10%) [9]

Perks [2]
Focused Fury [1]
Penetrating Voice [1]

Disadvantages [-55]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; CHESS; 9 or less, *1) [-30]
Gigantism [0]
Impulsiveness (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]

Skills [30]
Brawling (E) DX+3 [8]-11
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-13
Intimidation (A) Will+2 [8]-13
Jumping (E) DX+2 [4]-10
Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4]-9
Urban Survival (A) Per+1 [4]-9

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [60]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [615]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [30]
= Total [650]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:9d+8 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:11; Parry:8; LC:
Bite; Dam:9d+8 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:11; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:9d+9 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:9; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
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Old 07-12-2023, 11:03 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

The Shrew (Sheila Brewster)

A small but tough and foul tempered adversary. A former professional boxer whose career ended when she was caught fixing fights. She compensated by getting "enhancements" which also led to a bit of an addiction to amphetamines. She then got work as an enforcer for hire. In fights she will tend to focus on one opponent at close range.

Her skills reflect training as a boxer with a street fighting lens. Her "Combat Luck" and injury tolerance represent a cinematic talent for avoiding damage.

Race: Human
Height: 5'4'
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: 21

Attributes [135]
ST 18 [10] (Includes: +7 from 'Extra ST 7 (Affects ST, +0%; PM, -10%)')
DX 15 [60] (Includes: +2 from 'Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; PM, -10%)')
IQ 12 [40]
HT 14 [20] (Includes: +2 from 'Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; PM, -10%)')

Hit Points 18
Will 13 [5]
Perception 12
Fatigue Points 14

Basic Lift 65
Damage 2d-1/3d+2

Basic Speed 8 (Includes: +0.75 from 'Extra Basic Speed (#buildlist(list(#list(LevelName Step 0.25)), template(+%listitem%))+2; Affects Speed, +0%; PM, -10%)')
Basic Move 12 (Includes: +4 from 'Extra Basic Move 4 (Affects Move, +0%; PM, -10%)')

Ground Move 12/18 (Includes: +6 from 'Enhanced Ground Move')
Water Move 2

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [260]
Combat Luck: Damage Resistance 5 (Accessibility, Only when aware of attack, +2, -20%) [20]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Enhanced Move (#list(LevelName Step 0.5); Ground; PM, -10%) [9]
Extra Attack 1 (PM, -10%) [23]
Extra Basic Move 4 (Affects Move, +0%; PM, -10%) [18]
Extra Basic Speed (#buildlist(list(#list(LevelName Step 0.25)), template(+%listitem%))+2; Affects Speed, +0%; PM, -10%) [14]
Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; PM, -10%) [36]
Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; PM, -10%) [18]
Extra ST 7 (Affects ST, +0%; PM, -10%) [63]
Fearlessness 1 [2]
Fit [5]
Injury Tolerance (Accessibility, Only when aware of attack, +2, -20%; Crushing damage only, -40%; Damage Reduction, /2, +50) [20]
Reputation 1 (Criminal World; All the time, *1; Large class, *1/2) [2]
Striking ST 2 [10]
Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 2 (PM, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [5]

Perks [1]
Style Familiarity (Boxing) [1]

Disadvantages [-45]
Addiction (Cheap; Amphetamines; Highly addictive, -5; Stimulating, +0; Illegal, +0) [-10]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Code of Honor (Pirate's) [-5]
Phobia (Illusions; 12 or less, *1) [-10]
Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
Unusual Biochemistry [-5]

Skills [49]
Axe/Mace (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Boxing (A) DX+3 [12]-18
Boxing Sport (A) DX [1]-15
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-17
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-15
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 [1]-11
Feint (Boxing) (Tech/H) ?+? [5]-4
Games (Boxing) (E) IQ [1]-12
Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-11
Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]-14
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-13
Savoir-Faire (Mafia) (E) IQ [1]-12
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT-1 [1]-13
Shortsword (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4]-13
Swimming (E) HT [1]-14
Uppercut (Boxing) (Tech/A) Boxing+1 [1]-18
Urban Survival (A) Per-1 [1]-11
Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-16

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [135]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [261]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-45]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [49]
= Total [400]

Melee Attacks
Boxing; Dam:2d+2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Boxing"; Level:18; Parry:13; LC:
Punch; Dam:2d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:17; Parry:12; LC:
Bite; Dam:2d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:17; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:2d+1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:15; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Uppercut (Boxing); Dam:2d+3 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Uppercut (Boxing)"; Level:18; Parry:No; LC:
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Old 07-14-2023, 10:58 AM   #7
Purple Snit
Join Date: Jan 2011
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Hey, "Crisis at Crusader Citadel"! I actually had a lot of fun with V&V "in the day". Good job with these - I'm looking forward to more writeups.
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Old 07-14-2023, 11:47 PM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Originally Posted by Purple Snit View Post
Hey, "Crisis at Crusader Citadel"! I actually had a lot of fun with V&V "in the day". Good job with these - I'm looking forward to more writeups.
Thanks. I'll try to post the rest over the weekend. On review, the Crushers are a little sad - most of them seem to be losers who stumbled into a life of crime. They're supposed to be a low level, beginner's challenge so it makes sense they're not very well organized.
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Old 07-15-2023, 09:13 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

Starting the second half of the Crushers...

An android who understandably objected to being dismantled by his makers and consequently killed them. Since then he's been raiding factories and warehouses to acquire materials to keep himself up and running. He's allied with Frank Streeter (FIST) as Streeter has the skills to keep him working.

The Mark R (self styled Mocker) was built and programmed to have various sonic abilities (including super ventriloquism) as well as a cruel and callous sense of humor. His "stunning shout" has a side effect of stunning, but if the roll to resist is missed by 5 or more, unconsciousness results. Use ventriloquism in place of Illusion Art for his Illusion power.

Side effect for his Shattering Shout is shattering - the target is broken and effectively destroyed. However, only complex devices and objects the GM deems could be shattered (glass, ice, brick, etc but not people) are affected. In addition, the effect is resisted at +5. Destruction is normally a +300% side effect. Value dropped to +250% because it's limited to nonliving objects that could shatter and then divided by 5 as it is a secondary effect.

Name: Mocker (Android Mark R)
Race: Robot
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 190
Age: 6

Attributes [273]
ST 18 [80]
DX 13 [60]
IQ 14 [80]
HT 15 [50]

Hit Points 27 [18]
Will 14
Perception 14
Fatigue Points 0 [-45]

Basic Lift 65
Damage 1d+2/3d

Basic Speed 8.5 [30]
Basic Move 8

Ground Move 8
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [269]
Absolute Timing [2]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Damage Resistance 8 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [24]
Digital Mind [5]
Doesn't Breathe [20]
Doesn't Eat or Drink [10]
Doesn't Sleep [20]
Injury Tolerance (No Blood, +5; Unliving, +20) [25]
Intuitive Mathematician [5]
Photographic Memory [10]
Rapier Wit (Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Superscience, -10%) [4]
Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; Immunity, *1) [30]
Shattering Shout: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +1, +5%; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Missing Damage Effect, +1, -10%; Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Increased Range, x2, +10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +1, +50%; Superscience, -10%; Underwater, +20%) [12]
Stunning Shout: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +1, +5%; No Wounding, -50%; Increased Range, x2, +10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +41, +90%; Superscience, -10%; Underwater, +20%) [62]
Super Ventriloquism: Illusion (Auditory Only, -70%; Based On Ventriloquism, Own Roll, +0%; Ranged, +40%; Superscience, -10%) [15]
Voice [10]

Perks [3]
Accessory (Loudspeaker) [1]
Penetrating Voice [1]
Striking Surface [1]

Disadvantages [-29]

Callous [-5]
Unhealing (Partial) [-20]
Unnatural Feature 4 (Robotic) [-4]

Features [0]
Not subject to aging [0]
Not subject to Fatigue [0]
Sterile [0]

Skills [59]
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-15
Fast-Talk (A) IQ+2 [2]-16
Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Innate Attack (Breath) (E) DX+2 [4]-15
Intimidation (A) Will [2]-14
Inventor! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-12
Leadership (A) IQ-1 [1]-13
Scholar! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-12
Science! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-12
Singing (E) HT+3 [2]-18
Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-13
Thief! (WC) DX-1 [12]-12
Ventriloquism (H) IQ+1 [8]-15
Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-14

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [273]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [272]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-249]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [59]
= Total [575]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:1d+2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:15; Parry:11; LC:
Bite; Dam:1d+2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:15; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d+3 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:13; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.

Ranged Attacks
Shattering Shout: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +1, +5%; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Missing Damage Effect, +1, -10%; Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Increased Range, x2, +10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +1, +50%; Superscience, -10%; Underwater, +20%); Dam:7d burn; Acc:4; Range:100 / 200; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:15; Rcl:1; LC:
Stunning Shout: Innate Attack 7 (Burning; Accurate, +1, +5%; No Wounding, -50%; Increased Range, x2, +10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +41, +90%; Superscience, -10%; Underwater, +20%); Dam:7d burn nw; Acc:4; Range:100 / 200; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:15; Rcl:1; LC:
Super Ventriloquism: Illusion (Auditory Only, -70%; Based On Ventriloquism, Own Roll, +0%; Ranged, +40%; Superscience, -10%); Dam:0d spcl.; Acc:3; Range:10 / 100; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:15; Rcl:1; LC:

Last edited by Infornific; 07-15-2023 at 09:28 PM. Reason: Added detail
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Old 07-15-2023, 09:25 PM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: V&V Conversions

A petty criminal who blinded himself in an ill advised attempt to blast open a safe. Mysterious "benefactors" enhanced his strength and gave him cybernetic eyes and various gadgets enabling him to become the supervillain Hornet. The price was that he would perform occasional tasks for them and absolutely obey any orders. Failure to do so includes among other consequences having his cybernetic eyes turned off. The "benefactors" are unspecified - any high tech oriented evil organization would work.

Side effect for his Vibro Blast is shattering - the target is broken and effectively destroyed. However, only complex devices and objects the GM deems could be shattered (glass, ice, brick, etc but not people) are affected. In addition, the effect is resisted at +5. Destruction is normally a +300% side effect. Value dropped to +250% because it's limited to nonliving objects that could shatter and then divided by 5 as it is a secondary effect.

Name: Hornet (Henry Barnet)
Race: Human
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160
Age: 30

Attributes [120]
ST 17 [20] (Includes: +5 from 'Extra ST 5 (Affects ST, +0%; PM, -10%; Size, +0%)')
DX 13 [60]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 12 [20]

Hit Points 17
Will 12 [5]
Perception 11
Fatigue Points 12

Basic Lift 58
Damage 1d+2/3d-1

Basic Speed 7 [-5] (Includes: +1 from 'Extra Basic Speed (+1; Affects Speed, +0%; PM, -10%)')
Basic Move 8 (Includes: +1 from 'Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; PM, -10%)')

Air Move 14/42 (Includes: +28 from 'Enhanced Air Move')
Ground Move 8
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8

Advantages [302]
Battery: Energy Reserve 32 (Superscience; Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -5 or -6, -10%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Must be plugged into an electrical source to recharge, -20%; Superscience, -10%) [39]
Contact Group (Effective Skill 12; Assorted petty criminals; 9 or less, *1; Somewhat Reliable, *1) [5]
Costume: Damage Resistance 12 (Flexible, -20%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 6-15, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%) [21]
Enhanced Move (1.5; Air; Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -1 or -2, -20%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Superscience, -10%) [15]
Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; PM, -10%) [5]
Extra Basic Speed (+1; Affects Speed, +0%; PM, -10%) [18]
Extra ST 5 (Affects ST, +0%; PM, -10%; Size, +0%) [45]
Flight (Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -1 or -2, -20%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Small Wings, -10%; Superscience, -10%) [16]
Night Vision 9 (Superscience, -10%) [9]
Peripheral Vision (Superscience, -10%) [14]
Protected Vision (Superscience, -10%) [5]
Telescopic Vision 4 (Superscience, -10%) [18]
Vibro-Blast: Innate Attack 9 (Burning; Accurate, +3, +15%; Can only draw Fatigue from battery, -5%; Costs FP, +2, -10%; Missing Damage Effect, +1, -10%; Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -5 or -6, -10%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Increased Range, x5, +20%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +1, +50%; Underwater, +20%) [68]
Vibro-Defense: Enhanced Dodge 4 (Can only draw Fatigue from battery, -5%; Costs FP, +1, -5%; Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -5 or -6, -10%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Superscience, -10%) [24]

Disadvantages [-85]
Blindness if cybernetic eyes disabled [-10]
Code of Honor (Pirate's) [-5]
Duty (9 or less (fairly often); Unknown malevolent benefactors; Extremely Hazardous, -5; Involuntary, -5) [-15]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; Benefactors; 12 or less, *2; Watcher, *1/4) [-15]
Enemy (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human; CHESS; 9 or less, *1) [-30]
Unluckiness [-10]

Skills [46]
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-14
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-13
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX [2]-13
Flight (A) HT+1 [4]-13
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-14
Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+1 [2]-14
Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]-13
Savoir-Faire (Mafia) (E) IQ [1]-11
Thief! (WC) DX [24]-13
Urban Survival (A) Per-1 [1]-10
Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [120]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [302]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-85]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [46]
= Total [383]

Melee Attacks
Punch; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:14; Parry:10; LC:
Bite; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:14; Parry:No; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d+2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:12; Parry:No; LC:
Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.

Ranged Attacks
Vibro-Blast: Innate Attack 9 (Burning; Accurate, +3, +15%; Can only draw Fatigue from battery, -5%; Costs FP, +2, -10%; Missing Damage Effect, +1, -10%; Elemental: Sound/Vibration, -10%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 16-25, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -5 or -6, -10%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Increased Range, x5, +20%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x5, +10%; Side Effect, +1, +50%; Underwater, +20%); Dam:9d burn; Acc:6; Range:250 / 500; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:14; Rcl:1; LC:
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