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Old 09-29-2004, 12:44 PM   #11
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Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template

Originally Posted by stilleon
Enhanced Move 1 (costs 2 fatigue/minute, -10%) [9]
I think that the "pouncer" would only go in short bursts- and not have the stamina to be able to maintain a lengthy pursuit of their prey. So I am thinking this should be:

Enhanced Move 1 (costs 1 FP/second, -10%) [18]

BTW: The points in the quote was wrong.
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Old 10-01-2004, 02:11 PM   #12
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Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template- My final

Here are the tmplates I am going to use in my game. Thanks for the help. I got to do Vargrs next so i look forward to that again.

Aslan Template (Cultural): 7-point cost

ST +1 [10]

Acute Hearing +3 [6]
Acute Taste/Smell +3 [6]
Claws- Sharp [5]
Enhanced Move 1 (costs 1 FP/second, -10%) [18]
Extra Hit Points +1 [2]
Fur [1]
Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]
Night Vision 5 [5]
Sharp Teeth [1]

Aslan Lifespan [-4]
Code of Honor – The Fteir [-15]
Intolerance (non-aslan) [-10]
Obsession: Own Land (9)-15
Bad Grip 1, -30% applies to non-Aslan items only [-3]
Proud [-1]


Aslan Template (Non-Cultural, aka “Imperial Lackey”): 33-point cost

ST +1 [10]

Acute Hearing +3 [6]
Acute Taste/Smell +3 [6]
Claws- Sharp [5]
Enhanced Move 1 (costs 1 FP/second, -10%) [18]
Extra Hit Points +1 [2]
Fur [1]
Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]
Night Vision 5 [5]
Sharp Teeth [1]

Aslan Lifespan [-4]
Obsession: Own Land (9)-15
Bad Grip 1, -30% applies to non-Aslan items only [-3]

New Disadvantage:

Aslan Lifespan [-4]
The total lifespan of Aslan and Humans are similar in total average length, however Aslan take longer to feel the effects of aging and their decline in their elder years is much faster. Aslan begin making aging rolls at 70 once every 6 months. At 80 this increases to every 3 months and at 90 it increases to every 45 days.
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Old 10-01-2004, 06:46 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template- My final

Originally Posted by stilleon
Aslan Lifespan [-4]
The total lifespan of Aslan and Humans are similar in total average length, however Aslan take longer to feel the effects of aging and their decline in their elder years is much faster. Aslan begin making aging rolls at 70 once every 6 months. At 80 this increases to every 3 months and at 90 it increases to every 45 days.
If Humans and Aslan have the same life expectancy, but Humans start aging sooner, shouldn't this be an advantage?

To be honest, I have no idea when or how fast humans age in Traveller. I'd have to look that up. But either your description is wrong, or this is an advantage.

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Old 10-01-2004, 06:54 PM   #14
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Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template- My final

Originally Posted by mcv
If Humans and Aslan have the same life expectancy, but Humans start aging sooner, shouldn't this be an advantage?

To be honest, I have no idea when or how fast humans age in Traveller. I'd have to look that up. But either your description is wrong, or this is an advantage.

Did it by the numbers in the 4e Character's book. It is Short Lifespan 1 (-50%) plus Extended Lifespan 1 (-50%) added together into a composite disad.

Last edited by stilleon; 10-01-2004 at 06:56 PM.
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Old 10-01-2004, 09:36 PM   #15
Tom Schoene
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Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template- My final

Originally Posted by mcv
If Humans and Aslan have the same life expectancy, but Humans start aging sooner, shouldn't this be an advantage?

To be honest, I have no idea when or how fast humans age in Traveller. I'd have to look that up. But either your description is wrong, or this is an advantage.
They don't have the same life expectancy, exactly. This is trying to capture some weird physiology. Aslan mature roughly two years earlier than humans, and don't start suffering negative effects from aging until a few years later than humans. But when they do start aging, it's very fast compared to humans. A human can probably count on reaching 100 with Traveller tech, but an Aslan is unlikely to live past 70. IN GURPS terms, that rapid decline is a bigger disad than the extended useful lifespan is an advantage.

Personally, I don't really see any of this as having point costs, since PCs in my preferred games never really run into the aging rules (It's rare for a game I've payed in to have multiple years of internal time pass). But others may disagree or play different sorts of games.
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This post © 2004 by Thomas Schoene
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Old 10-01-2004, 10:46 PM   #16
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Default Re: Aslane- 4e Template- My final

Originally Posted by Tom Schoene
They don't have the same life expectancy, exactly. This is trying to capture some weird physiology....Personally, I don't really see any of this as having point costs, since PCs in my preferred games never really run into the aging rules (It's rare for a game I've payed in to have multiple years of internal time pass). But others may disagree or play different sorts of games.
It comes out close to the T20 aging categories, which are based on CT and MT sources. And agreed on the point thing. While I did add it to the template I might not allow the points because aging NEVER has had an impact on the game. The points are more for completeness and for my players to get a "feel" for the game world. That is the importance of a template... to help pass information on archetypical parts of a world background.
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