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Old 02-26-2010, 08:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Default Questions from GURPS Supers

I am reading GURPS Supers and I had a few questions

1. The 'Phasing' power (p50) of the phantom Template has a power dodge This power can't power dodge without adding the reflexive enhancement right?

2. The Man of Steel (p44) Ability has a limitation on its advantages of -10% Only in Metallic form. I thought the correct way to stat this would have been to been to actually stat out the 'racial' template of the metallic form given that alternate form isn't like phasing or switchable difuse.

3. The Dreadnought (p45) template's abilitity 'Armored Shell' has a gadget limitation of Breakable, DR 25.... Given that the armour is DR 60 why is the limitation for DR25. Does that mean that the armour can be attacked easier than the wearer or something similar?

Thanks in advance for clarifying these for me
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Old 02-26-2010, 08:48 AM   #2
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Default Re: Questions from GURPS Supers

Originally Posted by lachimba View Post
3. The Dreadnought (p45) template's abilitity 'Armored Shell' has a gadget limitation of Breakable, DR 25.... Given that the armour is DR 60 why is the limitation for DR25. Does that mean that the armour can be attacked easier than the wearer or something similar?
Any DR value greater than 24 gives the same -0% gadget limitation.

Bill Stoddard
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Old 02-26-2010, 10:38 AM   #3
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Default Re: Questions from GURPS Supers

1. I think you're right (Reflexive or Reduced Time). Only abilities which can be activated instantaneously can use a power dodge (p. P167). Unmodified Insubstantiality requires a Ready maneuver to switch (p. P154).

2. You could do it that way, but this is legal too (see p. P115 for a short discussion on the subject). This method is useful for separating the form from the abilities (which might change over time). The -10% Accessibility is comparable to Alternate Form's 90% point pool multiplier (though it's possible to munchkin the difference).

3. I think you're right. It's 26 or higher that gives -0% and SM 0 isn't enough to account for the total -30%. Maybe this should be Breakable, DR 26+, Can Break Down, SM 0, -30%. EDIT: Except that the other Armor abilities have Complex Mechanism (which I assume is another term for Can Break Down) and all incorporate -5% for DR 25 if you do the math.

Also, many of the Dreadnought's Armor abilities have Required Disadvantage: Maintenance as opposed to Temporary Disadvantage: Maintenance. I would interpret Required Disadvantage as meaning the character has to have the Maintenance disadvantage (and all the abilities suffer if the disadvantage isn't dealt with), while Temporary Disadvantage means only the abilities need to be maintained (and an individual ability might break down if not maintained). Here's a post by Kromm on the subject.

Last edited by munin; 02-26-2010 at 11:21 AM.
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Old 02-26-2010, 10:43 AM   #4
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Default Re: Questions from GURPS Supers

Originally Posted by lachimba View Post
2. The Man of Steel (p44) Ability has a limitation on its advantages of -10% Only in Metallic form. I thought the correct way to stat this would have been to been to actually stat out the 'racial' template of the metallic form given that alternate form isn't like phasing or switchable difuse.
The effect is essentially the same, and the way it is written up eliminates the need to spend space detailing a modified Body of Metal meta-trait.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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breakable, required disadvantage

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