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Old 08-11-2016, 04:36 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
Default Marvel: Klaw's Sonic Blaster (MISINTERPRETATION?)

So, those familiar with the Marvel edition of Munchkins, may have encountered the "Klaw's Sonic Blaster" card which reads "you may discard this for automatic escape from one monster for all players in combat" (it's a +2 item card).

As I was about to get to the winning level, my "FRIEND" decides to use this card on me. He "forced" me to escape a monster I was bound to defeat. Let me give you the details.

I had 35 combat points IN ADDITION to the card that doubles those points while battling a monster (the one I was battling was level 14ish)...I was winning by many points. They interpreted the card as meaning the person holding the card could force any player to run away, even if it wasn't their combat. Meanwhile I had the idea that the use of "all players in combat" was in reference to the cardholder's personal battle (and any one helping the person) to be able to run away if they couldn't defeat it. They interpreted the card as meaning any player at any time. Is this correct? CAN THE CARD BE USED THIS WAY. HELP. I thought the use of "all" v. "any" was very different (and alters meaning in the game). Was this used incorrectly or am I wrong?

Last edited by BSS13; 08-11-2016 at 04:48 AM.
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Old 08-11-2016, 09:41 AM   #2
Andrew Hackard
Munchkin Line Editor
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Default Re: Marvel: Klaw's Sonic Blaster (MISINTERPRETATION?)

You cannot use that card to force someone to Run Away. This ruling is consistent with similar cards all the way back to Instant Wall in the original Munchkin set.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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marvel, misinterpretation, munchkin

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